ITT: We Determine the Best Pop Album Ever

I’ll start with a classic pick

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Other urls found in this thread:

Pet Sounds by the Based Boys


overrated garbage

Why do you support pedophilia?

um no

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you can't /thread yourself, idiot
even if i like your pick

Does this counts?

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The Fame

The white album

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>thinking its anything but pic related

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nothing beats thriller when it comes to pop..

this desu

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The Jepsen meme has to stop, her music is so mediocre

Yes, yes...well done, user, well done...HOWEVER

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so contrarian. Here's your (you)

fantastic choice, frend
bretty gud
its ok
lmao “pop” music
k grandpa
ew pedo

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Can someone seriously explain to me how Merriweather Post Pavilion is a pop album anyway whatsoever?

>noise pop

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Post proof, user. I’ll wait.

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Have you seen Leaving Neverland?

Its not really even close

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not even the best album by a jackson family member

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thats not pop


Sgt. Pepper is more like "Pop experimentalism". It's an amazing album and arguably one of the best of all time, but IMO shouldn't really qualify for the best Pop album specifically since it is more interested in pushing boundaries and trying different styles. Songs like Within You, Without You and A Day in the Life are more interested in pushing (what were at the time) boundaries and surprising their audience than they were at being great catchy Pop tunes. Arguably something like Rubber Soul or Help! would better qualify.

Hounds of Fucking Love. The only pop album that matters lmao

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only if this does

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>posts the most obvious common sense choice first

what a dumb fucking thread

>4 hours of anecdotes is proof
People like you shouldn't be allowed to have opinions. It ruins the value of discourse when people missing a chromosome can give their two cents in hordes on a public forum

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*blocks ur path*
>hipster faggots just ripping off the beach boys
>better than the beach boys

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Come on people

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you posted it

Bad Album

Excellent album, impeccably produced
Excellent album, though SMiLE improved upon it in several respects
Solid album, but Abbey Road is the superior pop album
Very good album, but not even the best pop album of the 80s
An inferior copy of Pet Sounds and Skylarking
Overrated. Revolver, Abbey Road, The White Album and the Magical Mystery Tour singles are far superior.
Decent album, but Songs from the Big Chair is the true candidate for greatest pop album
One of the best synthpop albums, but I don't think it begins to compare to its competition
Excellent choice user

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based af

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Jesus get a load of this guy.
>Magical Mystery tour singles are superior
It’s almost as if OP said what album is the best not which singles. White album is not better than peppers. Only abbey road can really challenge it, but even then song for song Sgt peppers beats it out, not to mention it was the perfect album at the perfect time and is more influential than any other album.


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>It’s almost as if OP said what album is the best not which singles
Then Magical Mystery Tour is superior to Sgt. Peppers
>White album is not better than peppers
Was more innovative, and by and large, had superior songwriting
>Only abbey road can really challenge it, but even then song for song Sgt peppers beats it out
Sgt. Pepper is 60% filler, Abbey Road has no filler. Abbey Road perfected the studio as instrument approach of Sgt. Pepper - an innovation which is falsely attributed to Sgt. Pepper when Phil Spector and The Beach Boys had beaten them to it.
>more influential than any other album

The only arguable filler on peppers is When Is 64. Abbey road has Because and Polythene Ham which are clear filler. I’d rather listen to when I’m 64 than a of songs off Abbey Road. It’s a bit dry at parts while peppers is pretty interesting throughout

>The only arguable filler on peppers is When Is 64
One of my favourites on the album ironically enough
>Abbey road has Because and Polythene Ham which are clear filler
Disagree. Because has excellent and interesting harmonies, and whilst Polythene Pam by itself isn't great, it's integral as part of the Abbey Road Medley.
>It’s a bit dry at parts while peppers is pretty interesting throughout
We'll just have to agree to disagree, aside from a select few songs, most of the musical ideas on Sgt. Peppers were improved upon in subsequent releases imo.

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acceptable answers

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I was gonna post this but wasn't sure if it qualifies as a pop album. Sure it has Sledgehammer/Big Time/In Your Eyes, but Mercy Street and This is the Picture (Excellent Birds) are as far removed from pop as you could get in such a mainstream album


lol. Bad was better than Thriller.

But, Psychocandy is hipster faggots ripping off the Beach Boys. And, it's incredible.

Definitely the greatest modern pop record. Pushed the boundaries of the genre to its absolute limit.

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Only answer

>rehashes shit from the 80s
Lol no

The west lost the pop war

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Bad is superior.

Good answer. Definitely one of the GOAT 70's pop records.

Off the Wall is better desu

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INXS - Kick


I was scrolling through my albums seeing this thread and considered posting this

Pop peaked with this.

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Ariel is that you?

As much as I love ariel this pushed no boundaries.

There's a few cheesy ballads towards the end that drag it down, but I still think this is the best produced pop album ever.

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A worse the golden experience.

Not even the 5th best ABBA album.
>witnessed Jacko fondling little boys
>noticed high amounts of vaseline all over Neverland
>saw little boys' underwear in the swimming pools
>said underwear frequently had "yellow crunchies"


the only viable choice


>not citing Maxwell’s Silver Hammer as filler

try harder

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This. The album to end all disco

Abbey Road


Runners up

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