Fashwave General

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=3irU8EqRQIo

Attached: fashWave2.jpg (299x168, 17K)

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Italian fash welcome.
Spain not welcome.


America is already fascist- just being practiced degeneratively.

>wonders if Commie music exists
>remembers folk music exists

Fashwave is White collar
Country is Blue collar
Folk is bums on the street


Fuck the kikes queers spics towelheads niggers trannies and communists

Cringy as fuck

Attached: fagwave4.jpg (1200x1195, 878K)

You don't understand memes- memes are not for use as in pic.

Right wingers demonstrating once again that they can't make art and have no creativity.

B-b-but my holocaust teacher- err, I mean History teacher, say that Hitler was bad.

>right-wingers no creativity
Funny, given that right-wing ideology is the reason commies (of all degrees) exist.


This guy is a communist.

And holy fuck, the left can't meme.

Pic related is Italian leftists wanting to mock Trump.

Attached: warHammerTrump.jpg (310x162, 14K)

leftists: Fascism bad!
also leftists: support government funding of private healthcare practitioners

>Holocaust class
This isn't a thing, is it? Germany?

>This isn't a thing, is it? Germany?
It is in America. Probably Germany as well.

you’re confusing liberalism for leftism, please don’t do that.

Attached: fagwave6.jpg (793x860, 534K)

This thread needs maor AWWWWOOOO

Attached: awoo3.jpg (195x195, 9K)

>you're confusing liberalism for leftism
Apologies, would be just as bad if you had relegated right-wing Fascism to the past.

God Emperor Trump in warhammer gear, dancing to Fash....this is the future we deserve.