why is this on that endurance chart? it's not that bad, sounds like miles davis' take on industrial music
Why is this on that endurance chart? it's not that bad, sounds like miles davis' take on industrial music
post the endurance chart
here you have user
why is pig destroyer bad
I'm assuming they're talking about abrasive/taxing music. Though a lot of these choices are pretty weak sauce if that's the case.
The chart has some weird choices on it, I don't know what Faust vs Dalek is doing there either. Both good albums mind you.
because half of that chart is either literal meme garbage or mallcore that is like so weird!! that it's ideal to listen to for kids when they get suspended from like call of duty matchmaking like the album that you posted
it's the definition of false grind
hey you got something really nice. I never finished that, good luck
thanks man, rolling
Where is trout mask replica?
I can't fucking stand Whitehouse
rerolling, already heard The Body
another one
>Agregore by Black Hand Path
>Doll Doll Doll by Venetian Snares (not even Making Orange Things)
Fucking pussies
>has shoko asahara because cult music
>no manson
roll nigger
but not really
there's some good albums on there
jesus fucking christ, 50 hours of fucking merzbow? reroll.
eyy, dubs, whole row of music, yikes
Finished Run Wild Young Beauty as I already had it saved the last time I saw this chart, bretty good emotional spokenword but don't really get why it is on here, rolling
G.R. was pretty cool, really felt like it was written by the killer. Also listened to blind date which is fucking lame. The story is fucked up it is some wacky performance art guy that fucks a corpse in Mexico and gets a vasectomy. It is basically two cardboard tubes being rubbed against eachother near a mic while some guy moans 12 miles away after 10 mins, not scary or hard to endure at all. Glad he got a vasectomy cause god knows how retarded his children would be
6toadliqor good
critical roll
uh oh you got dubs
In what sense is Brainbombs endurance core? It's just fuzzed-out garage rock with ridiculous, mondo-violent lyrics. Whoever made this chart is a casual. That Gero album is also pretty brief, and it's not even especially daunting noisecore by the standards of the genre.
I love most of these lol
what ones?
t.person with lots of musical endurace
Reminder that charts are for newfags
Rolling Stones
seeking numbers
If you're not a plebian wojakposter, you can get through that easy.
FUCK. I've been trying to find this album for two fucking years.
Thanks dude
enjoy it :)
ok, what the fuck? I've just checked it out on slsk and it is actually pretty average in lenght. what's the big deal?
Why is Pelt there? It makes no fucking sense