Her's killed in car crash

what the FUCK, I loved these guys, they had such a bright future.

fucking unreal. I don't know how to deal with this.

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Haven't heard of them til today. Are they worth listening to?

I really love What Once Was. very sad

will they get a sticky

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Not really. Mostly generic Demarco core ala Cosmo Pyke and those lollipop guys

did they drop any good loot

Too bad it wasn't HIM instead



More like hearse lmao

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Sticky at least


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That's what happens when you use Reddit.
Be careful user. This was life's warning shot. :(

Talking serious, pretty sad. The song linked by was pretty fine. The happy melody is good for autumn afternoons.

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Pretty funny but it was their manager driving, not them

Who also couldn't really drive


Not a big loss for music

I always felt the Smiths/80s jangle pop influence was more prominent in their music. Yes, I know that's largely what shapes the demarco core sound but it feels a bit more direct with Her's


;_____; I'm in tears right now


they were hit by a dude going the wrong way down the road, it wasn't any off the occupants' fault

pretty spooky that you can do literally nothing wrong and just be wiped from the earth in the blink of an eye

driverless cars can't come soon enough

A drunk mexican rammed into them while they were in route to California. Its pretty sad, these guys had a lot of potential.

>drunk mexican
provide proofs, I'm sad right now and I want to be outraged instead

They were the ones going the wrong way you idiot. They got confused coming from Britain and didn't realize it

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What are you telling me you wouldn't be enraged if it was a drunk white guy?

Post source please. The one I saw (from BBC I think) was that the other driver was the one going the wrong way

>Hear about this
>oh fuck
>listen to them more
>get nervous
>check to make sure Fazerdaze hasn't died too
>She hasn't posted anything on anything (Twitter, insta, etc.) since last May

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fucking Arizona drivers dude, I live in Phoenix for a year and literally everyone drove like a retard, multiple fatal accidents on the news every day.

life aint shit but a fat vagina

There’s no way they were that stupid

name one (1) good song from them

Harvey and Cool With You are bops


>demarco clones

that a yikes from me dudes

who gives a shit about white cis males dying in one off incidents?

how about systemic problems like capitalism, the hoarding of wealth, white supremecy, racist and religious violence, white supremecy, access to violence, drug epicdemics, disease, and war?

why care about some shitty white dudes in a shit band and not deaths when they pertain to real systemic issues?

because non whites aren't human and their lives are less valuable


This is the reason I unironically prefer to take the bus

Her's... more like hearse (it's the car they put you in after you're dead)

unironically kill yourself. this is a board for music and only music, not for you to shill and complain about your political views. people come to this thread to mourn the death of two great men whos' music have touched thousands of people, and all you can do is sit in your sad little corner of your sad little reality posting hateful rhetoric.

Have some human decency and let these people mourn in peace. Leave this board.


its fine to mourn if they mattered to you. but im saying there are far more important deaths that pertain to systemic issues rather than one off incidents involving cis white men.

Damn Song's of Her's was pretty good.

>cis white men
so on the nose you may as well use /s, but some niggers still bite

I'm currently listening to their first album right now.

They're decent, I wish they lived to improve their craft.


RIP, sticky

cute troll

it's a joke buddy

Haven't had time to read through the thread (even weekends are busy once you have little ones), but I think the world is better off with two less white males, and they should change their name to Hearse.

liter-ally whom

Apparently Finn Wolfhard was a fan of theirs

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Not really.

I wonder if they had any unreleased material. I was really looking forward to their next album

>drunk drivers
hes entirely speculating. it was most likely their own fault for being idiotic brits unaware how to drive in the us. and there is evidence suggesting they never learned to drive from their own mouths

>Falling for a very obvious baitpost

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they weren't the ones driving, their (american) tour manager was.

damn....dem niggas got FUCKED UP

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Where they wearing their seatbelts?

Is this real?

Jesus fuck, they're bodies look burnt to a crisp.

how does this happen? cars dont explode and turn to a crisp when they get in crashes or shot or whatever. that only happens in movies. they can get smushed and crunched and impacted sure. but looking like they exploded? what?

Shit, my sides. Still, though, RIP.

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literally can't see any bodies.. dont think i wanna see bodies right now anyway

rip tho, dunno who they are or what their music sound like but death sucks either way

If the impact is large enough then yes cars can ignite their gasoline. They don't quite explode like the movies but they get torched

judging by their band name they were a bunch of cucks so good riddance

appropriating and stealing terms from a gender who is already exploited from enough by men by men is for cucks?

God, so you could be driving a car in one minute and then have your body explode in another minute. That sounds scary.

I'm so grateful I take the train and bus.

holy shit reading that abomination of a sentence was painful

it should be "by men, by men"

Who cares what that kike thinks?

A truck driving on the wrong side of the road crashed into them an exploded
T’was the muslims


The truck driver was the one driving on the wrong side of the road


He died too

Murdered. Its the season of sacrifice. Starts march 22 and goes into May 1st.

Some news article said it was a mexican who did it. They mentioned finding alcohol containers on scene. Either way two guys who made good music are dead and it fucking sucks.

8th times the charm

there have been police reports retard. they died Wednesday. you are the one "speculating" and are too dim to see it

at least the other driver died. most of the time the fucking moron is the only survivor

they didnt make good music... nothing of value was lost

Hearse is more like it

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Youre very gay

This is clearly bait

>guy decides to take his life so he crashed into a car killing four people who didn't want to die

can't get anymore scummier than that

Obviously. Probably a /pol/ poster who thinks the world is out to get them

No, not really

based and redpilled


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I have no opinion on them, but the fact that they were killed by some prick wrong-way driver angers me.

Even Scott Walker didn’t get a sticky. Mods are shitcunts

>falling for such obvious bait
/pol/tards really are low IQ

the good ol western philosophy of "if retards fuck it up, nobody can have it, because we can't discriminate against retards. that would be controversial, and more importantly, expensive.".

oh come on now you're suppose to be sorry

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