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it's the opposite tho
numales love digital music

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this is really based i love you op

söyboys love old rock shit


I've been listening to Visionist and can't believe how boring and unimagintive it can be

>muh diversity

can u elaborate on that source for this photo?

literally LMAOng @ ur life if you still fall for the analog meme

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I think you misunderstand the meme

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ahahaha this is hoseshit

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oh no, God forbid people use computers instead of like how reel muzik is made with geetars

>Among others, the dataset includes the year annotations and audio descriptions of 464,411 distinct music recordings (from 1955 to 2010), which roughly corresponds to more than 1,200 days of continuous listening. Such recordings span a variety of popular genres, including rock, pop, hip hop, metal, or electronic.

>source: my anal cavity

Nope, they love hip hop

I thought with synthetic sound and manipulating recordings you could actually create whatever sounds you want and timbral diversity would increase

God forbid people don't make irritating digital shit that all sounds like garbage

the guy who drew those seemed really desperate to inject life into this stale, almost 2-year-old meme. I'm glad to see he put his energy into doing that instead of making fresh OC. We can't have anything new, it's got to be the same tired old memes and Wojak derivatives that dipshits on Reddit and Facebook have been using and abusing for a while now.

>Contemporary Western Popular Music
ah ok I get it now

Did you forget to take your Lipitor today or something, granddad? Your blood pressure must be off kilter because you're acting like a faggot


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>I'm a musician
>>ohh, do you sing?
>>what instruments do you play?

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one step at a time, dude bro
you have no clue what soiboys are and it's very embarrassing

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What happened in 1981?

Too bad people are all using the same library of sounds

Reminder that electronic music can be harder than the hardest metal track

even better than classical music

and funkier than actual funk

>computer isnt an instrument

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have you ever listened to other electronic music than Skrillex and Avicii? pathetic

streaming music on spotify confirmed to make you a musician

>I'm a musician
>oh do you create anything
>no but look at me copying this killer led zeppelin song
>this post

>playing a guitar requires more talent than creating a sound out of literally nothing

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I hope this is bait. I even agree with what you’re saying to a certain degree but not with those examples you’ve given.

my god youre such a retard. whats the difference of someone pulling a string on a guitar or pressing a key on a keyboard and drawing a melody with the mouse in a DAW?

Please return to r/Yea Forums or whatever teenager meme Facebook group you crawled out of, your content is lame, trite, and low-quality. You obviously came over to Yea Forums last year after seeing an ebin screencap on Reddit and you have nothing of value to contribute in terms of discussion or OC.

stop arguing, the cat is trying to chill you fucks

lets see how quick you can remake this in ableton/whatever if its so ez

>hating noisia, koan sound & daft punk

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Well it seems that this chart is measuring the amount of timbral diversity in individual songs. So what this chart is really saying is that songs being released today are more homogeneous individually, but not that music of the past has more timbral variety than music of today

and who even knows how they measure timbre or what their samples are (how could they possibly represent all music being released at those times)?-- its not something like amplitude, frequency, wavelength, etc which can be analyzed and compared easily

dude all your man is doing is setting up shit in a MIDI roll, I would get 'sound out of literally nothing' had your man programmed the VSTs himself but that's not how these things work.

just because you're too dumb to make your own sounds and use presets doesn't mean everyone is doing it, especially not Noisia

I never said use presets bud, I said program the VST from scratch. Homeboy didn't whip out Notepad++ and program the motherfucker. That would be making something from nothing, effectively. This is literally dilettante music and there's a love of it because it requires no skill and speaks to the spirit of NEETs and teenagers because, 'woah, I can get famous and do absolutely no work practically.'

Great bait, 7/10, I responded and I'm typing this post now too.

Yeah and you start with a literal peeping sound, and you can turn it into some piano shit, some grimy bass, a sub bass or literally whatever the fuck you want to.

Your argument can be used against instruments as well. No guitarists are building their own guitars and everyone can play a guitar just like how everyone can make electronic music. The difference is that most people are shit at it.

If you'd sit infront of a PC, opened up FL studio or whatever you wouldn't know what the fuck to do and it'd probably sound like dying cats.

onions genres
>classic rock/prog/jazz/etc only boomers should listen to these
>all types of beep boop
>folk punk/antifolk
>crust punk
>punk in general
>all forms of nigger music
chad genres:
>pop punk
>all metalcore thats not converge

>pop punk

Right but the problem with synths is that every possibility is before you-- there is no true unknown. I can attenuate the knobs to anything I want but there is a finite selection I can make based on the parameters given.

However, when I have someone walk in with a guitar, there is a level of human that I cannot predict. I don't see all the parameters. That's real art. The rest is just a practice in fucking aesthetics and demonstration of one's mastery of a workflow and tool set. Which is kind of gay and very autistic when I really give it thought.

>"real" punk
>Swastikas and Klan-robes. Sexist, racist, homophobes. Aryan-Nations and Hammerskins: you can wear my nuts on your nazi chins! God, I love a man in uniform! (But, uh, before we get too intimate here, big fella): what exactly are the great historical accomplishments of “your” race that make you proud to be white? Capitalism? Slavery? Genocide? Sitcoms? Guns? War? Pollution? Addiction? NAFTA? Thigh-Master? This is your fucking white-history, my “friend”. So why don’t we start making a history worth being proud of and stat fighting the real fucking enemy: the white male capitalist supemacist. Swastikas and Klan-robes. Sexist, racist, homophobes. This one’s for the “Master Race”: my brown-power ass in your white-power face! Kill them all and let a Norse God sort ’em out!
>true punk (pop punk)
>You have giant boobs and I doubt your eighteen

absolute cringe

Metalcore is truly the chaddest of the chad


music =/= sound

the only chad genre is reggaeton

wojak and pepe memes are cringe

This is misleading because the 60s had all the innovations that made it possible so once you did something every song in the future is less likely to be more unique. Doesn't say anything about the quality of the music.