What do doomer females listen to?
Doomer Women
tim heidecker - i am a cuck
you bet your ass it`s feedbacker these days
women can't be doomers
My ex listened to Nickelback and Taylor Swift, so there's that.
The deftones
I'm from Berlin and you talk shit.
Hideous women can
Hot Action Cop
Yes we can.
woman literally cannot be depressed at all unless they are hideously ugly that even makeup can't fix
>train tickets on the wall
she should be gang raped for that alone
Women don't use Yea Forums either
Wow, what a dumb fucking post
Well, I think that we can agree that you haven't refute that posters statement.
>yes we can
What statement? Women can literally fuck whoever they want
What does being from Berlin have to do with anything?
We get it. You’re ugly and sad because other people aren’t ugly and are happy. We get it dude, just stop
idk, you tell me
El artic monkis :vvvvv
I'm not ugly I have above average looks but of course girls don't give a shit about me because they are all whores that need to be brutally raped
t. Ugly
I'll post my face and prove it nigger
Oh, my bad. We get it. You’re autistic and sad because other people aren’t autistic and are happy. We get it dude, just stop
Side note I’m also autistic about women, but I refrain from bitching about them because I know I’m just salty I can’t join the club. Join me in this revelation and achieve enlightenment
All time top :^)
Do it fag, maybe your ugly mug being made fun of will straighten you up.
Women can be clinically depressed but women being "lonely" or anxious is just them being sad they can't raise their status by dating a hot guy.
Jesus fuck
>onions glasses
>shirt wrinkles
>neck fat
There are reasons why women wont date you. Instead of being bitter maybe try improving yourself. Your face is average but there is much more you could do to make yourself attractive.
wow. so this is what Yea Forums browsers look like when they tell me they’re “average”. you’re weird looking, assuming this is even you
the virgin self loathing white knight
the chad woman disrespector
I mean... I'd date him if he wasn't a fucking incel. I have a pretty shitty face (and body) myself but I doubt that I'd be any more focused on my partner's looks if I was prettier.
Just take it synonymous for a big city with a diverse underground music scene.
Theres more to romance then just looks and having a shitty personality is one major turnoff.
Does anybody itt actually know what a 'bait' is?
Its what is used to real in fish.
If that’s dateable then I’m a fucking Greek statue
Poor (you)
but even then they could still find a life partner
a lot of men are destined to walk the earth alone
women are not deep enough thinkers and agreeable to be utterly hopeless doomers
i had an ex that was exclusively into coco rosie, xiu xiu, and bon iver (this was in like 2010 or something idk). fucking annoying bitch made skinny love "our song". disgusting.
Women should be gassed
Lol nu male faggot kys
Speaking from real life experience: pink floyd
Top 40 bullshit like every other woman
>if men will fuck you then you can't be depressed
maybe you're just a fag user
t. tranny
Strong words coming from a nigger
Everything they do is a fashion statement
It's obvious why all of you complaining in this thread are alone
t. roastie
I don't know.
Hope you get raped.
>very specific angle
guarantee she has a fat ugly head
Cringe and reddit
Emilie Autumn, the Birthday Massacre, Scarling.
yeah, you keep telling yourself that
someone would still fuck that!?
>based and redpilled
thank you user
I would say that I would hope you'll be lonely and miserable but that's already guaranteed.
Rape train is coming
based user
I hope you get your face carved in by a serial killer you fucking tranny kike
Still more human contact than what you will ever receive.
A girl? On my 4chins?
I genuinely love you and care about you and I just want to watch you sleep and shower with you but nothing sexual because I love you like a sister and I could give you massages before bed and be your pillow and then we could watch movies together and cook in the kitchen together and hide bodies together then after that if we go to jail we can go there together and prank call people or just synchronize jokes on guards and probably get time added to our sentences but if one of us gets out before the other we could break the other out and then continue to play hide and seek with the police and mabe leave clues like bodies but then after we escape the country we can settle down and start relaxing again and having fun and if we stop in siberia I'll knit you a fine sweater and jumper and windbreaker and pants and joggers and then we can run around and sweat together and then we could maybe play games like tag and then see who can beat the most people without getting caught or maybe just play pokemon go together and if you want we can start a business together making chainmail or something or if you just want to learn something knew we can go to tibet and practice being monks like good friends do and then we can go to africa and wrestle lions and then we almost get caught by the police because we almost forgot that we were wanted criminals
How does it feel that men are andhave always been superior to you?
cucked whiteknight
Based and bluepilled
If you lost weight and had your hair you could be a chad. You have masculine facial features. Work out and maybe you could look like this
I just look at the male suicide statistic and feel better.
You know wearing women's clothes doesn't make you female?
Now look at the income
Is that a trap
All "femanons" in this thread, shut the fuck up men are talking, also make me a sandwich you useless whores
I'll just marry a rich guy. Males always flaunt their money any chance they get so its easy pickings. Also helps when all you do is offer to pay for every date. Free meals anywhere I want.
You are not a woman
You cope with not being able to get rid of your tiny penis
Trannies aren't women, man
I don't care what your kike psychiatrist says
what the hell happened to Yea Forums?
what happened to "tits or gtfo"?
Males can't accept that women are into their "imageboard culture" too.
t. tranny
Again, trannies aren't women.
No, I sure can. All I need's a pic of your tits with a timestamp just to be sure you're one.
Not really just stating facts
How are you coping with the gender dysphoria?
Sorry! I don't want to get banned!
Why do women have to infiltrate every male dominated culture instead of creating their own?
Tumblr exist yet men keep invading it.
anything that a doomer does
how about dick or gtfo? How are we supposed to know the person posting that isn't some lesbo? Dickpic rn or your opinion doesn't matter
I would assume doom metal
had a guy ask me once to describe what it'd be like for me to eat him whole over kik. Almost wanted to feel offended (barely overweight) but then realized it's just the vore fetish or whatever
>anonymous website
>muh MALES
you know
>female "humor"
you fags aren't even posting music. disappointing
user is gender neutral
anyone who announces themselves fem/male they are a faggot
yes I watch Amy Schumer
You can tell a woman poster because they'll get offended over dumb shit, attention whore, or post reddit tier memes.
youuu small man
lol a woman can have sex magically makes all angst or hopelessness disappear, except that doesn't even make sense because most sex for women SUCKS and objectively is terrible to see barely not virgins trying to bang away at their stupid little vagina that can't cum regularly so they just get spooged on and have to take all the responsibilty for cleaning the spooge off her breasts or swallowing some gross spooge and mostly it was somewhat unsatisfying all around.
Incels think sex is this magical thing when its really overrated as pleasure you can feel, its limited to the ability of your partner even if I do the best I can to myself its going to be boring sex.
>reeee whores sluts whores kys get raped
>women cant do anything musical reee
>women get offended over dumb shit
Jesus Christ, get off of here and fuck some dude you stupid whore
Bald and beard and buff doesn't look bad
Not men's thought that you are the inferior sex
You're beautiful and I'm insane
We're American made
make me
besides sex is overrated imo. Solo is the way
The replies to this post prove the point lol
Incel here, I don’t want the pleasure, I want the validation. I want to know that I was able to have sex with a girl, that a girl wants me or even respects me enough to let me have sex with her. Pretty selfish and power hungry, but that’s the way I feel
Good post
>implying doomer women look like this
Would a female doomer even mother putting on makeup?
The question is would you validate that girl?
This ugly cunt is dike btw
haven't worn makeup since middle school
As in would I make her feel as if she accomplished something by successfully having sex with me? I’d love to, but surely that depends on the woman and if she even wants that type of validation. Unless you mean something else?
Id on't understand this whole "women want big dick" mentality, lesbians get off just fine.
A white woman fucks black dudes just to look like she's doing the world a favor or to "piss" white people off.
She's not fooling anyone.
i turned that bitch into a woman naaa saayyiinnn
> (OP) #
Morbid Angel
No you got it right. Theres still hope in you. You may have to start putting yourself out there if you want a relationship. Im not the best at giving advice so i wish you luck.
you know
doomer women exist but they dont tend to have the attitude men tend to have
first of all theres not as much pressure for women to be having sex to the shame from that isnt really there like that, and unsociable girls just get too deep into shit like tumblr roleplaying and fanfiction and shit like that
modern day cat lady
Thanks user
turns out mu is actually the only place i talk to women
how neat is that bros
>to be having sex to the shame from that isnt really there like that
>implying anyone was talking to you
Liz harris from grouper is the only authentic female doomer
I never understood the hatred towards femanons, if women are browsing with us here that must mean we have more in common than most posters would like to admit. And who cares, it’s all anonymous, I’ve probably reply to hundreds of women here without even knowing and it doesn’t make a difference. Good posts are good posts and stupid posts are stupid posts
This, but unironically
You may not like it, but he's right.
>tfw no mu gf
I wish. I know this is starting to go super off-topic but how cool is actually having a dick? Like, do you ever think about that? Also, do guys wish they could try what it's like to have a pussy?
normie dudes love the type of gamer girls that would go on here. they're cheap dates and easy lays because they're naive to attention from men. so fuck them bro forreal tits or gtfo
I hope you fucking die you fat whore
i guess id be interesting to know what having a pussy is like just to know what women feel
Its doesn't warrant attention unless were fucking. A negative is getting a boner in public. Balls also tend to be quite sensitive.
Straight man here, I often think about what it actually feels like to have a vagina. Like, the concept of feeling pleasure by shoving something inside me intrigues me, because the last thing I’d want to do is stick something up my ass, sounds extremely painful. That’s the only comparison I have to having a vagina, it sounds so weird. I wouldn’t mind being a girl for a day just to see what it was like
spic, leave
you better not be a fragrant vagrant
Chelsea Wolfe
you better not be one of those fragrant vagrant faggots
I'm a straight white male and don't find vaginas appealing at all
Good post
pick one
me 2 user. Especially at moments like this
ikr? Back when my cousin and I were preschoolers we talked about this once (not american btw) but I haven't talked to a single guy about it since. Guess it just feels like a very awkward subject to discuss irl.
>unless we're fucking (picrel)
I know, it's out of pure curiosity
can't imagine anyone who does, though some humans and even WOMEN do, apparently.
How was his pringles can, OP?
what i dont get is how a dick would feel different from anything dick shaped
enlighten me
Girls don't like dicks. They just put up with tthem because they're cheaper than a dildo. When was the last time a girl was happy to receive an unsolicited dick pic? No straight male wouldn't love an unsolicited pussy pic from a female friend.
youre retarded
is it ok to like arctec mankeys if you only REALLY like Whatever People Say I Am and Tranquility Base?
I mean if you're talking about all the phallic stuff I stick up there, the difference is that I can't know what it's like to stick my thing into something. I know some chicks have big clits but even then stimulating them most likely won't give you the same experience as fucking someone (unless we're like much more similar in that way than I think)
I mean dicks are ok. If a dick is aesthetically pleasing, then it might turn me on by itself though it kinda depends on the CIRCUMstances. Also while finding someone to fuck might seem like it's cheaper than getting a quality sex toy do you really think the "free-ness" of sex beats all the other garbage that you have to worry about that comes along with having intercourse? birth control etc. I'd much rather pay money for a good toy that'll never fail to please me and just use it whenever I feel the need. Sad and antisocial? Maybe.
aaand I just realized that I totally missed the point of your question. The difference isn't in what's going inside of you. The difference is in who you're doing with. When you're doing it alone it's usually just to release the pressure. When having sex with a guy, there's a ton more emotions and stuff involved. Of course if let's say the guy was just laying there like a log it wouldn't be that different from masturbation though real dicks (at least the ones I've seen) usually have skin and aren't all rubbery (sorry if that's not the case for some of you)
So are we going to talk music now?
What are you anons listening too?
alvvays :)
Anyways, probably gonna go to sleep rn as it's almost 2 am here. Good night all ye anons!
Some guy made a thread earlier today about a band called Brown Bird so I decided to dig into them real good. Almost finished with their discography. It's mostly just really calming folk music. After I'm done with them, gonna go back to listening to either Modest Mouse or Dinosaur Jr.
Third post best post.
Fool! You're gonna restart the cycle!
i am a bloom-doom hybrid (but not a woman)
People are people user.
I guess...
P.S. this thread is so dying in like an hour or so
>Also, do guys wish they could try what it's like to have a pussy?
Yes, but if I had a pussy I wouldn't feel like I was missing out. From what I've heard with women it's like a constant peak, whereas with guys it sort of takes off like a rocket.
>constant peak
I mean yea... you could put it like that
Okay, user.
why are you such a defensive prick.
after becoming a parent 4 weeks ago.. not much of anything until bed time because I can't concentrate on music.. kill me lol
>Implying the majority of tumblr isn't men too
Fucking yikes.
People hate femanons because they are just that ''femanons''. The females you've replied to without knowing aren't femanons because they aren't trying to get attention or (you's) by going UWU IM A GIRL XDXD
>Implying the majority of tumblr isn't women
>Implying this indonesian knitting forum isn't majority female.
Is MatPat’s wife Stephanie a doomer?
2nd best shitpost of the internet, so far
what does
You know reddit more than I do, Google+ fag.
>MatPat’s wife
She has to be if shes married to that autist.
MatPat and Steph are a really cute couple, user. Steph in particular is a sweetheart.
late 1940s rockabilly
Don't post pictures of me without permission, thanks.
tim heidecker - i am a cuck
Genocide women
She doesn't look good with makeup either
I would also count Tara Burke of Fursaxa as a legit female doomer.
user you can make them all go away right now if you just kill yourself
This revenge kino :
ITT: SEETHING incels. Jesus fucking christ go talk to a female and stop being so bitter, they're not that scary.
Legitamately thought that was modern bruce jenner at first
reminder that women literally CAN'T even fathom being alone for longer than a few hours, not receiving a text for days, not getting any attention whatsoever from the opposite sex.
Even the so-called "femcels" always have at least a decently sized circle of friends, most of the time there's even a male among these friends who would date them but they're not Chad and therefore out of the question.
i'm friends with women
they agree that men have it 10 times worse
>woman self-labels as doomer
Hey Aaron good to see you
doomed and black pilled
Why don't doomers cheer up?
good copypasta
I mean. Nice triple goose eggs and all but what can I say other than “Oh sheesh y’all, ‘twas a meme!”. I’m not that heavily invested in all the -mer crap so the only reason I take part in these threads is to talk to people.
Have you not heard of Ann Sterzinger?
Friendly reminder that doomers are Beat (beautific) and they listen to what they want, they're cheap and on the run and they don't or at least shouldn't give a FUCK about modern middle class society.
>thinking it's just about sex
lol women always get treated better and supported more in every area imaginable
Pretty accurate
doomers != incels that drink
What do her teeth look like?
This thread makes me wanna go hurt some whores bros
Yea Forums in 2019: you literally can not talk about girl doomers or girl anything because it's infested with asshurt incels.
No one knows, shes never smiled
Tut mir echt leid junge
>I have above average looks
Sup Roger, what kind of music you listen to?
male or female you all doomers are bunch of pathetic asexual faggots
you all are still young and you already lost your youth hahahaha
getting fucked up in your rooms and imagining about the pathetic bullshite that you fags have made up for yourselves doesn't help at all.
you failedfags remind me of a 7/10 femcel in my uni. she only wear black clothing, dark black eye makeup, smoke cigarettes in weird corners, never saw her with anyone, always carry a camera, heard that she is an opiate user, lives in a shitty depressing brutalist building, photography major(not going anywhere in her life).
whenever i see her sitting alone smoking cigarettes i start laughing so damn hard because she remind of doomer faggots like you. she is a living meme lmao.
Grow up losers.
There's nothing he can do about being bald though. Nonetheless, this is the point: as a man you have to do all sorts of shit to be deemed worthy of women. Work out, wear good clothes, make lots of money, be funny or whatever, etc. Women don't have to do anything other than not be fat. What's the equivalent of being bald for a woman? Small tits or something? Women are so lucky that there are plenty of men out there with a fetish for anything and will find them attractive even if they're fat or have small tits or anything. Being a woman is easy mode, deal with it.
I am admittedly a seething incel. What of it? Speaking to women only confirms the issue.
have sex
have sex
No! Tf user? What if he gets kids?
xes evah
have sex