Neofolk general

Let's talk about some neofolk

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best DI6 album is Brown Book desu

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I've listened to a lot of Death in June (Symbols, Guilty Have No Pride, Burial) and a little of Sol Invictus (In the Rain), where should I go from here?

Why do people relate the genre with nazism?

Death In June's use of it's symbolism

Listened to Rome the other day, specifically Flowers From Exile. Not sure if I was just in a good mood or it was legitimately good. It seemed very beautiful and lyrically upbeat for neofolk. Is this normal for the genre?

pagan lyrics

We have a pretty neat current 93 discord up if anyone is interested. It has a catposting general >:^)


it's Rome's only great album

The rest of the discography

Anybody got a neofolk chart?

Death and June love using nazi imagery.

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Does this count as Neofolk?
When I saw them live I thought they were Nazis.

why do people relate to folk music?

Var is specifically not neofolk, more coldwave than anything else.

Hey, neo-nazi:) whatcha up to you wild men?

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How do I find neofolk friends to start a band and rent a dirty apartment with where we only use candles?

Death in June is one of the most outward Nazi in there. Other prominent musicians in the genre Rose McDowell etc have worn Nazi uniforms in photographs. David Tibet of Current 93, probably the most popular neo-folk artist, have been critical of Naziism but also has used language and racism and imagery of Nazi germany and other white supremecist groups.

I personally listen to Current 93 and some things like Nature and Organisation and even some Douglas P. but anything that is overtly racist and white supremecist or fascist is hard to sit through. I am happy to hear about pagan, earthy, and ritualistic shit tho.

building a blanket fort and larping as an italian soldier while listening to this

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France's Aion (AIΩN) presents a phenomenal fusion of Industrial Rock and Neofolk with some undercurrents of Coldwave and gothy Post-Punk that become much more prominent towards the B-Side.

Aion was a project of Laurent "Bart" Steiner and Stéphane Vadviz. Laurent was connected to Front National de la Jeunesse (FNJ), who helped organize concerts for Rock Identitaire. Aion played one show of note with Vae Victis and In Memoriam.

Perhaps most intriguing is this album's multilingual affair. Apart from their native tongue, two songs are in English along with one in Italian and another in Latin. Per the conventions of the genre, lyrics cover Paganism and Fascist Futurism.

Highlights: "Sous l'orage", "Devotio", "Au milieu des ruines", "Ceux qui vont venir" and "L'ascète et le guerrier - Version 99"

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I used to be into the fascist aesthetic but it loses its charm when you realize most white supremacists are low IQ inbreds and not actually Aryan warriors.
True Aryans tend to be more liberal in modern times as they've realized the same thing. Race can't redeem you from your own character. It's more important to be pure of heart and spirit than to be born white. A white trash redneck does not have a higher value than a regular brown person, and I don't want to belong to a society that thinks that.
Also it's ironic that so many white supremacists support Trump who is the #1 biggest Zionist pro-Israel anti-White president of all time.

I don't know much about the scene but are they genuine proponents of Nazi ideology and white supremacy? I always thought C93 and Death in June used the swastika in its older incarnations as well as stuff like the sun cross and that the nazi stuff was anti-authoritarian reappropriation. Am I wrong?

what wrong with like pre western modern culture and disliking modern also hip hop culture

>I used to be into the fascist aesthetic but it loses its charm when you realize most white supremacists are low IQ inbreds and not actually Aryan warriors.

what does appreciating the aesthetic have to do with modern day larpers

Aion's music wasn't exclusively political, but politics influenced a good share of their lyrics. They're far from your average Crust Punk or RAC band, and the lyrics are much more philosophical than they are platforms for issues. Lots of Industrial music had political/social issues addressed in their albums.

For what it's worth, here's a link to their lyrics:

Translated from French ("Sous l'orage")
>Under the storm and the rain, in the wind, the tide
>Sleeping men, wild ocean
>The gods' anger at their apathy
>Blackening the heavens
>Where is their will, there is their freedom
>In the wind, the tide, men overfed
>Remake their past and their buried dreams
>Aging slowly, their hair whitened,
>Without thinking for a moment
>Where their will is, there is their freedom
>In a world too big, unconscious men
>Deliver their lands without testament to the powerful new
>And without shedding blood sacrifice their children
>Forgetting simply
>Where their will is, there is their freedom

I dont know-- there is always a countrer argument but I think the obfuscation and lack of transparency about their true beliefs shows something. People who know them perosnally have said they are Nazis.

I have difficulty listening to something like "Swastikas for Noddy" and not believing the racism is sincere even if it is dramaticized. Most of the other work it is easy to believe is just an aesthetic or reappropriation or shock factor but at the end of the day if they are trying to comment on reappropriate I'm not sure what they are saying. At the very least its woah look Nazis and fascism are aesthetic and cool and at worst its Naziism is good and right and shoudl stand for those same things.

Well shit, thanks for the rundown, that's disappointing though. Like finding out pretty much everyone in the OG industrial scene were essentially sexual predators

there is a regular Neo-Folk thread on effay
and its full of teenage larpers
they have a Neo-folk discord too

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>Implying it matters what an artist's political beliefs are
I've listened to people who are Nazis, Black Nationalists, White Nationalists, Liberals, Conservatives, Communists, SJWs, and everything in between.
None of it has impacted my enjoyment of given artist's music. In fact, entertaining the artist's political beliefs for the length of the album gives it more impact.

You're forgetting that Boyd Rice, one of the early makers of neofolk with DI6 and others, is heavily into Nazism. Not to mention that Tony Wakeford, Sol Invictus's creator, was a member of the British National Front (an openly neo-Nazi organization).

Then you have openly Nazistic groups like Von Thronstahl who dedicate albums to Cornelieu Zelea Codreanu and Leni Reifenstahl...