What's the best kind of extreme metal?

What's the best kind of extreme metal?

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Other urls found in this thread:

metal-archives.com/search?searchString=Blackened Goregrind&type=band_genre

black metal, but all of those genres are great.





Sludge is obviously the loser here.

death and black but they're all great

I really like Iron Maiden desu

maybe true, but I love Eyehategod



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I listen to all of em but death metal is probably the weakest link here imo

I enjoy houdini, without having listened to the other albums pictured I can say it's probably the most boring album posted here

It's the complete opposite actually


>iron maiden
>not extreme
Have you listened to the words? They make songs about killing guys on the battlefield and getting hanged and stuff. It's fucking sick.

i appreciate the classics like Left Hand Path and Pierced From Within but i really can't listen to a whole death metal album, they all start to sound samey to me after like 6 songs in

if it's not black thrash or motorhead worship, FUCK OFF

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Death metal. It is what happens to heavy metal when taken to its logical extremes.

>listens to metal for one day

9/10 metal bands are just kewl guitar riffs with incoherent screeching for vocals...

that's a really good formula tbqh

maybe if you like tinnitus zing

>9/10 metal bands are just kewl guitar riffs with incoherent screeching for vocals...

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>Stating facts makes me a numale
Maybe headbanging to nonsense is enough for you user but some of us enjoy music that tells a tale or has a moral

All of these albums and their genres are great

>he listens to extreme metal for the lyrics

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back to /r/metal, tourist

DSBM, doom, and sludge are the only extreme metal genres I can tolerate, save for the occasional death metal album.

>He listens to extreme metal
Oh no no no

everything except grindcore sucks

how much primitive can you get?

Why are you on this thread then? Go back to your containment thread you kpop cuck

are you lost, boomer?

Yikes. I'll stick to my classical compositions.


Grindcore and whatever Today Is The Day is

>classical compositions

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>Stale numale memes
Oh no no no
I have not nor have I ever drank Onions

t. numale

A mix grind, black and death metal known as Anaal Nathrakh

[chipmunk laughter intensifies]


*blocks your path*

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>A mix grind, black and death metal
that's exactly what War Metal is. You should look into War Metal.

Power Metal
>but thats not extreme
Fuck you

I really like the punky side of grindcore (Rotten Sound, Napalm Death) and blackened death metal (Behemoth, more underground bands like Archgoat). I also really like neocrust bands like His Hero is Gone and Fall of Efrafa, which is worth mentioning because it honestly has as much to do with sludge metal as it does with crust punk.

Death metal > black metal >>>>> grind >>>>>> sludge

Fucking awful

Sludge, doom, the rest suck

Based titd poster

I bet you smell bad.

I just took a shower while listening to Plantasia and I smell like mint right now. What do you smell like?

Honestly, probably coffee and sweat. Well played, sir.

sounds comfy

Idk, but De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is definitely the best album on that chart.

Nope, Altars of Madness is but De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is still amazing

1. Death/Black (depends on what you're looking for)
2. Sludge

1248912481294. Grindshit

war, goregrind or slam

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This is the most based album of all time

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Depressive black metal because it is the most e x t r e m e


Slamming brutal death metal youtube.com/watch?v=2XTI3hIGCTk

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The best kind is the early extreme black, thrash and death metal. It was at it's best when all of the genres sounded similar, they all had the same energy and outlook, but with subtle differences. As the genres progressed and developed apart from each other they all went downhill. Black metal became too atmospheric, or too raw, death metal became too technical, or too whatever the fuck slam is, and trash became too overproduced and repetitive. While they developed into their own sound they also all lost the original spirit of the music, and replaced that spirit with dumb gimmicks.
All that being said, I do like some of the developments that happened in the genres.

And fuck Sludge.


This. I would also say avant-garde metal, but that isn't a real genre.


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>And fuck Sludge.
Even this?: youtube.com/watch?v=2UW_3Ed6BZk

goregrind and black metal will always reign supreme

has there ever been blackened goregrind?

metal-archives.com/search?searchString=Blackened Goregrind&type=band_genre

theres no staple sound that everyone agrees on but theres probably been a few who call themselves that.

Probably first wave black metal but death metal is great too.
Also fuck Norway and Varg they ruined the second wave

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Pure beans

blackened gore thrash grind


im partial to sludge and death
