Attached: D2US5LYVYAEiwOm.jpg_orig.jpg (2130x1944, 563K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: twicetums.jpg (1226x653, 78K)

Attached: 1548514102573.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

imagine how stinky those socks must be

Attached: D21gAlSU0AIlcgc.jpg (739x615, 47K)

how does it feel that your fav gg will never do a dome tour?

Attached: 47z31tjca0p21.jpg (2048x1366, 253K)

Yeah. It kinda came out of nowhere. She was done by Lionheart iirc.

Attached: kayoung.webm (540x960, 2.93M)

my fav gg doesnt even exist anymore

Attached: 03.19194913.1.jpg (630x945, 146K)

post jeongyeon's feet

turn this gay man straight. post the hottest kpop idol webm you own

but my fave gg is twice


Attached: yujin tap that ass.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

bouncy thighs

Attached: 15531985602712.webm (540x1080, 745K)

want to disappear

Attached: c8ihKiJ.jpg (1000x1414, 455K)

Attached: DDGINYiV0AASTna.jpg (2000x3000, 1.36M)

pos her ass

any kpop girls with tanned wrinkly feet?

Attached: solji (3).jpg (480x640, 43K)

Attached: 1549935384572.jpg (2550x3509, 2.9M)

this one knows

Attached: 1531646306688.jpg (1500x1001, 410K)

not completely out of nowhere. I remember people pointing out little things that were unfortunately easily dismissed like little grimaces of pain, performing in sneakers instead of heels, etc

she doesnt have much of one

Attached: aishass.webm (354x880, 2.58M)

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Attached: 1532169741364.jpg (2550x3509, 2.43M)

Attached: dubuwideaf.webm (502x584, 1.87M)


how much would she ask for a raspberry

See saw>one and only btw

I need help, Mina or Dahyun?

Attached: 1541033912355.jpg (2550x3509, 3.15M)

i would eat her pussy exactly like her pussy eats her underwear

Attached: tight 8.webm (890x1454, 2.86M)

imagine being a pedophile with both an asian fetish AND a foot fetish! yikes

Attached: DSC_7463.jpg (1143x1600, 1.21M)

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Attached: solji (13).jpg (800x1200, 169K)


Attached: D2e3_5dVAAA3PuM.jpg:orig.jpg (1419x2048, 481K)

Attached: proto-choa.webm (490x360, 363K)

Attached: 1552529295986.jpg (2550x3509, 1.32M)

all kpops should be mandatorily compelled to wear those

nobody's falling for that

Attached: D2goUE_UYAE8JVb.jpg (4000x2670, 1.94M)

so, how is mina gonna survive this april's comeback?

Attached: 1553639137119.jpg (2648x2368, 1.25M)

Maybe I should've bought this after all

Attached: 1524477581544.jpg (2550x3509, 2.71M)

love her

Attached: D0TwnS6XgAISUKs.jpg (472x586, 46K)

Attached: 1531879867197.webm (1920x1080, 1.9M)


Attached: 1549591402980.png (717x781, 745K)

She won't. Her funeral will be in May

Attached: 1542576824601.jpg (2550x3509, 2.4M)

Attached: this one.webm (540x960, 2.94M)

it's a blue board after all


she won't. there no space in kpop for 2 fatfaces

Attached: rubber.jpg (465x465, 27K)

I'm really sick of photographers pushing this foot fetish shit. It's so obvious it's devolving into purposeful exploitation.

there were a lot of socks

Attached: D1Ma3cQU0AEG0vv.jpg (2505x1845, 1.26M)

don't false alarm about our mina!

Attached: 1540469189401.jpg (2550x3509, 601K)

blonde cub> thotcub> rest

she loves talking to white men so much

Attached: when you see a white guy 8.webm (1440x1080, 2.1M)

Attached: 1536596806124.jpg (2550x3509, 746K)

produce is never gonna top that

Absolutely unlikely.

Attached: 15201540965891.jpg (1080x1350, 346K)

are pitbros and footbros on good terms these days?

Attached: 1548224259172.png (1058x541, 638K)

shame those dance sluts always have busted faces

Attached: IMG_5850.jpg (1400x875, 1.21M)

one less mouth to feed

Attached: -1.webm (1080x606, 1.91M)

>not liking feet
Why are you even here?

Attached: 1531853712977.jpg (2550x3509, 799K)

leave my arab yujinpedo friend alone

Attached: minor fracture detected.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Attached: 1553101674150.jpg (1080x1080, 97K)

why is there yellow stains on her soles?

in other words
>we really wanted to make itzy our global ambassador but they arent famous enough so we will dress blacpink as itzy and call them our global ambassadors

she's very popular among kpg so whats the point

Attached: 1553720783969.jpg (2550x3509, 1013K)

that sucks

knocked herself the fuck out

Attached: major fracture detected.webm (750x600, 1.95M)

She smokes.

axillae are pure, we have nothing to do with those degenerates

i bet jihyo has tanned wrinkly feet. smelly too after they're aching from dance practice

Attached: 1534805920365.jpg (2550x3509, 728K)

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Attached: blacknote down.webm (1024x576, 2.93M)

where are these pics from

why does honda hitomi from izone have a prophylactic rubber in her mouth in every picture?

Would the union pay for that?

Attached: clumsy.webm (1284x720, 2.96M)

Twice is too good

maybe it's her hips and pelvis that's the problem

oh boy magazine
cub solo shoott

Attached: 1539114119114.jpg (2550x3509, 874K)

lmao i was the guy you thought was arab yujinpedo and now you're telling me to leave myself alone

Attached: 54277513_834084220270273_6638303504732909177_n.jpg (1080x1080, 50K)

because you're trying to create a meme

Attached: scared eunha.webm (1090x1918, 2.5M)

Attached: darkelfhighelfwoodelfscoutingparty.jpg (1024x768, 108K)

Keep your chin up.

Attached: 1524993014685.jpg (629x787, 87K)

did she hit herself in the eye lmao she's so fucking stupid

What was the thought process in choosing these props?
Also where are all these pictures from anyway?

Perfect Kia ambassadors. They're cheap and can fit five.

Attached: 1525067016951.jpg (647x810, 89K)

Attached: ouch.webm (404x502, 217K)

cub has swag

jennie will find her white provider one day


Attached: D2a5zVSVYAEuwDO.jpg (961x961, 147K)

Attached: 190322 에버글로우 EVERGLOW 데뷔 첫 뮤직뱅크 출근길 4K 직캠 (이유 시현 미.webm (326x546, 2.94M)


Attached: 1545550806956.jpg (720x900, 109K)

how does dahyun get mogged SO HARD in EVERY SINGLE PICTURE that she's in

Attached: D1GzfB1U8AEL3nK.jpg (1242x1232, 263K)

>cheap car being promoted by cheap whores

thank god it wasnt itzy

Attached: 1553557609232.jpg (1024x1821, 437K)

Attached: tumblr_o8cqyl2yYH1qk12q0o1_1280.jpg (1000x1500, 1.22M)

mina > sana > miya > nako > hitomi > momo > sakura > kokoro

picking yujin's toe jam out of my teeth

Attached: 1532721665095.jpg (1080x1351, 84K)

where is her earl

Attached: omma.jpg (680x1023, 265K)

sinb thicc

Attached: 190321 GFRIEND(여자친구) SPRING TOUR 2019 BLOOM in Tokyo (Day2) - FLOWER - 소원 직캠-D5S5d0F (1920x1080, 2.78M)

what if there's more than one

great set dbh


Attached: 1533980508859.jpg (1080x1350, 116K)

BTS Funkos arrived to most people who preordered

Attached: IMG_20190329_183209.png (680x332, 414K)

i want to make bacon a mother

Attached: D21mvWbWsAIfNoh.jpg (628x1000, 80K)

my cub folder is getting better now thanks

Doesn’t explain Woody from Toy Story

kokoro > mina > nako > remi > sana > momo > hitomi > miya


Attached: Anonymeal.png (1217x1474, 2.83M)

dont look

Attached: 1541918384951.webm (743x1001, 1.56M)

Attached: 1544196342855.jpg (1280x1920, 649K)

Clearly kpg doesn't care about purity if mina is one of the most popular girls here

fuck do i know man

Attached: 1525031318101.jpg (1080x1080, 67K)


Attached: yaaaass_slaaaay.webm (400x578, 2.94M)

Attached: 1553433213033.jpg (1080x1080, 105K)

more than one me? i'm not arab yujinpedo you just thought i was

Attached: 54463733_2046683015445646_4564908428385933443_n.jpg (1080x1080, 51K)

Attached: 1532486981866.jpg (1080x1080, 83K)

v doesn't have the split hair reeeee

Attached: 1548204874161.jpg (1080x1350, 99K)

HANTEO: Daily chart (190329)

#GIDLE - I Made: 242 copies (26,771 total)
#Dreamnote - Dream:US: 142 copies (1,397 total)
#Mamamoo - White Wind: 92 copies (41,070 total)
#GWSN - Park in the Night Pt. 2: 76 copies (5,559 total)
#IZONE - COLOR*IZ: 37 copies (151,136 total)

Attached: D03KDoZU4AAVySO.jpg (640x999, 90K)

Attached: hyelin (100).jpg (736x1104, 90K)

we like her knitting skills

Attached: yefag.png (800x800, 130K)

Attached: 1553004981215.jpg (1082x1440, 256K)

Dreamnote fighting

Is it cultural appreciation?

Attached: IMG_20190329_184613.jpg (710x1225, 131K)

can idols still be visuals if they look ugly on the inside

twiceboy is beautiful

Attached: 1534073302039.jpg (1365x2048, 431K)

so hot

Jeongyeon is so damn pretty now

it's twicelady now

Yes, if they keep a positive public image, basically smiling.

i couldnt finish this
jennie is still hot af and the protagonist of kpop tho

Attached: tumblr_o0veo3Jjkh1qg5nyao4_r1_400.gif (268x200, 1.93M)

kang seulgi

Attached: DHZaWynVwAAsu51.jpg (2620x1951, 1.91M)

Attached: Hana10.jpg (1280x1920, 1.14M)

good song

Attached: 1540515035803.jpg (1365x2048, 383K)

wait is this real?


Yoongi pointed Raps God as his favorite karaoke song...

Attached: IMG_20190329_185218.jpg (2048x946, 176K)

Attached: 1552656417565.jpg (1200x1800, 203K)

stop laughing hoe

>protagonist of kpop
that's someone from Twice, jennie is clearly the main villain

>all those please delete replies


Attached: 1552901323215.jpg (1142x1142, 248K)

twice members are the comic relief and fan service aka fapbait

Attached: CKMYn8nUYAAcLUR.jpg (1106x960, 57K)

hey bros

Attached: 1553396145557.jpg (1800x2700, 1.01M)

you know what i'm after
now where are they

Attached: 1535475855999.webm (562x1000, 2.95M)

The protanogist of KPOP is Bunny

Attached: bunny.png (750x563, 386K)

There she is

Attached: 190324 에버글로우(Everglow) '아샤(AISHA)' '봉봉쇼콜라(Bon Bon 4.webm (570x1080, 2.92M)


I'm fine with this

eternally waiting

Attached: 1545944865063.jpg (818x1024, 103K)

ennik douma

Attached: 1549637622611.webm (406x720, 1.9M)

i should have known

Attached: Seulgi686.jpg (1334x2000, 272K)

Attached: hani (3).jpg (1000x1502, 191K)

based tony my man

Attached: OMG_0249.jpg (1250x2000, 1.14M)

Attached: 158689767.jpg (2804x2138, 1.42M)


He acts like such a tryhard retard sometimes

can you POSSIBLY satisfy our woogie?

Attached: oogie's ideal type.gif (500x199, 2.5M)

yes you should have

Attached: 1552599749603.webm (640x1136, 2.65M)

i wanna kiss kang seulgi :3

holy shit

protagonist of kpop mentioned

Attached: shark.jpg (1280x720, 137K)


Attached: D20vRmSWkAgV23f.jpg (495x789, 50K)

shes perfect


Attached: IMG_9001.jpg (1000x1500, 972K)

BTS muster information
They will finally perform Pluto live

Attached: IMG_20190329_184826.jpg (1365x2048, 477K)

Attached: 1513000257098.webm (1067x600, 1021K)

Attached: bucktooth uggo.jpg (387x294, 9K)

BASED slugchad saving the thread

Attached: 1553042091651.jpg (1199x1800, 309K)

cute but not kpop anymore


Attached: the_slug_of_my_life.jpg (1080x1349, 189K)


Attached: yeji_leak.png (473x399, 349K)

Attached: 1534421417751.jpg (1500x1112, 155K)

I think that he is able to pull it off

this picture made me throw up a bit
dahyun is a fucking butt-ugly ape

absolutely. im the white man of her dreams

Attached: D0UjQeXUwAYNlqz.jpg (638x1200, 105K)

elris comeback when?

Attached: 1499128510589.webm (636x800, 2.42M)


she seems very asian here. what era is this?

Shut the fuck up roastie

Attached: pornji.jpg (901x900, 42K)

kpop is actually an anime about a young Japanese girl who sails to Korea, inspired by SNSD to become the Idol King,
and her journey to collect a crew of friends for the adventure of monopolizing One Eunha.

Attached: RemoteRaggedAsianconstablebutterfly.webm (480x600, 377K)

Attached: Dw9Vj6PUwAIfSAA.jpg (900x1200, 209K)

dont laugh

Attached: DBuCAxZUQAAsNkc.jpg (1000x1500, 231K)

I can't even tell who is who


Ddu Ddu - BP and Bad Boy - RV are by far the most best songs of 2018, but which do you prefer?

Attached: 1547607942697.jpg (400x400, 24K)

shut up bahamas

cute gf's

Attached: 15167277744560.webm (720x720, 2.99M)

for me, it's WIL

Attached: 1553612962467.jpg (653x726, 84K)


based only knows 5 songs bro

Attached: 1553604453934.png (411x571, 311K)

Attached: 170604.03.jpg (2000x1333, 1.13M)

Attached: IMG_20190329_190534.jpg (1024x682, 96K)

such a punchable face

I can't even tell who is who

Attached: DuNEHvqV4AAExz4.jpg (1200x1200, 116K)



Persona is a BANGER

Attached: IMG_20190328_140134.jpg (1536x2048, 593K)

imagine being in the same room as this

Attached: 1542871697978.webm (900x1080, 1.16M)

Attached: 1.jpg (1264x843, 87K)

12 btw

cringe btw

Why did she do it bros

imagine Arin pulling off her knee high socks in class and joonking you off in a janitor's closet

candy in the first frame THO

>pulling off her knee high socks

Entertainment Weekly's spoiler on BTS new choreography

Attached: IMG_20190329_191104.jpg (1074x1255, 191K)

Attached: DnoGJXqU0AAlJQG2.jpg (272x152, 28K)

Attached: asian milk.webm (778x854, 2.33M)

do you think they'll ever do this again?

Attached: ooomo....jpg (650x408, 98K)

Attached: IMG_4258.jpg (2000x1333, 1.21M)


Is it some law that BG choreos have to have at least 33% cringe moves?

cutest teeth

>she's 14
is this supposed to be some sort of problem?

this kid has like 50 metal fillings in her teeth it's gross

Blood Sweat and Tears had similar moves and it was KINO


>when the only way you can fake a smile is by licking your teeth

leave my arab yujinpedo friend alone

Attached: 1530750357458.jpg (886x1204, 163K)

It was cringe

Attached: momos omos.webm (542x962, 1.83M)

Attached: 1501621168053.jpg (590x1048, 152K)

>mean while his waifu has a mouth full of glued on porcelain

i want this human uniqlo out of my sight

Attached: just arive.webm (1260x1190, 1.14M)

hnggg yooa

Attached: 151228 SAF 컬투쇼 공개방송 '클로서(CLOSER)' 오마이걸(OH MY GIRL) _ 아린(Ar (704x720, 2.93M)

i've seen people whose mouths are riddled with fillings
like how?
I drank a fucking ludicrous amount of soda as a child and ate a lot of junk until I was in high school and I've never had a cavity

Attached: D2bcQDyU0AAhoUo.jpg (2630x3940, 1.67M)

arin's teeth are as natty as they come asshole

no clue but i see a lot of idols with fillings

you just made that up

this general has fallen so low

mimi is freaking cute

i would kill for them to wear stocking and heels again

post waifu

Attached: Slug-asking-me-out.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

its genetics. you can brush and floss everyday and still get cavities. most people have decent teeth genetics with brushing everyday though, so it could still be them eating like shit or not brushing.

more please

People have different strength teeth, it's to do with genes. Personally never had a cavity but I take good care of my teeth

Attached: D2WukSJUwAAl4oJ.jpg (2406x3605, 1.17M)

i brush and floss everyday and never drink soda except for holidays and ive had a few cavities, my whole family get them easily
it sucks

BTS has been here since HYYH


Attached: DPNzoQbUQAMnP94_proc.jpg (1000x1334, 221K)

Attached: 1553456147559.webm (1280x720, 2.61M)

Attached: 190324 에버글로우(Everglow) '아샤(AISHA)' '봉봉쇼콜라(Bon Bon 3.webm (570x1080, 2.93M)

What does Bahamas have against Chinese people?

Attached: D2ARJtVVYAExALz.jpg (1920x1080, 185K)

nigs vs dogs

if your dental health is fucked, is it a good idea to just get a teeth cleaning, then whiten and then maintain from there?

It's practically impossible to actually whiten your teeth from just improving your oral hygiene isn't it?

don't open if you are faint of heart

Attached: MK4_5527.png (1200x1800, 3.14M)

he's obsessed

literally what

thats awful
why would they publish that

teeth whitening is bad for your teeth

i want to whiten my teeth but idk where to start
i guess quitting coffee should be step 1

You can use whitening toothpaste and whiten them a couple shades. But the effect is not drastic and it will go away if you don't brush twice a day every day or switch toothpaste

the chinese tourists won't fuck his ugly nigger arse

she's ok too i guess

teeth whitening is really bad for your teeth

One whitening?
I know multiple whitenings is bad because you're essentially just eroding your enamel until they're nothing left, but doing it once to hit the reset button can't be too detrimental can it?

How literally new are you?

the last time i tried to go to the dentist the stupid fucking cow wouldn't even book me an appointment
women are so fucking incompetent they can't even do their stupid fucking jobs that any fucking idiot and even a child or a computer could do

whatta man whatta man whatta man

there are perfectly good ceramics, dunno why they insist on keeping those.

I think doing it once is ok, but they can become more sensitive

my satisfaction is immeasurable and my day is saved


have you been into kpop since 2 days or what lol

They did it. They redeemed themselves from Alligator.

your saliva is supposed to fix it over time, yeah, so as long as it's not every year

I just forget that alligator exists and charge chad energy from listening to Shoot Out


i've been into kpop for 10 years and don't know what that means. different people pay attention to different things.

bts shitters really have their head up their ass
not him and I don't know what that means either, don't tell me though cause I don't give a fuck

only roasties care about bts

