Which Rivers are you Yea Forums?

Which Rivers are you Yea Forums?

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2. For better or for worse

Probably 3-4

King of Rock rivers

2 here we go


6 every day. The sheriff Cuomo every day of the week

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Are these even the same people

> 1 Blue album
i'm old enough to post here but i'm not full blown pinkerton yet lmao

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5 ngl.


1, but aiming for that 2 baby

maladroit caveman rivers forever

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Yee haw

2. shooting for 6.

based and redpilled


Philip Rivers

rolling to seeeee hopefully the king of rock

This one.

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Unironically six

Whoa, I didn't know he was cool looking during the Pinkerton era.

Damn it, why couldn't they have just stuck with the Pinkerton style?

the virgin one