Poison the Well


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Terrible. Modest Mouse is my fav band but this Fallout Boy-esque shit is absolutely horrendous


Me too man. I even thought their last album was okay and had a few nice tracks but this is just fucking awful. Isaac Brock should start doing heroin again or at least have a few drinks.

it's alright. i don't expect them to put out anything mindblowing at this point so my expectations are pretty low for them.

I don’t think Modest Mouse have really made anything great to begin with. They’ve made good songs sure but as a whole they were always somewhere above average for me. I think Poison the Well is par for the course, just above average.

better than Strangers To Ourselves but that's not saying much

boring. Got a nice little catchy, dancy jig going, but that's about it. Lyrics are boring. Kind of reminds me of recent Beck and QOTSA singles in that aspect where it goes for more dancy, catchy stuff and leaves other substance out. Shame because all 3 MM, QOTSA, and Beck are some of my favorite acts and they all have been meh recently.

they literally made two of the greatest indie rock albums of all time you fucking pleb


Um, P4 only gave Long Drive like a 6 when it first came out, so it don't count sorry.

Dope instrumentation

So is this just a standalone single, or do they have a new album on the horizon? I know Brock said he has plans for releasing another album shortly after Strangers came out, but it's been over 4 years.

Yeah the guitar parts in this song are actually good but they get super drowned out

Strangers to Ourselves Part 2

Who even plays in Modest Mouse these days? I feel like its time to call it quits no?

eh, it's ok. sounds like strangers which is to be expected.

I'll stick with their 90s stuff (+m&a, bnoos, etc) their last three studio recs are meh although we were dead is ok

You know you love me

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Not sure why people hate their new sound, like this & STO. If MM kept releasing LCW for 20 years straight, they'd be boring as fuck. I think the new sounds they put out with each album is super exciting & their experimentation has been pretty great.
As for the new single, I think the beginning slowed down jam is kinda lame, but when it picks up, my attention is grabbed & I'm immersed. If the song just started with the guitar part that comes after the electronic kit, it'd be a bit better. Feels like they were just trying to extend the song time. lyrics aren't fantastic, but he makes good points. I enjoyed the song overall & I'm not sure what the problem is that everyone's having other than MUH LONG DRIVE & LCW

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I've been a fan of most of their work up until now, including Good News, We Were Dead, and Strangers and this song was just boring.

Underrated. It's a great indie pop album. Good Times is amazing

one of their worst lmao

Blame it on the Tetons is god tier modest mouse

not even close

It has a few low points, but the high points are g8 m8. Float On, The View, Ocean Breathes Salty, and Good Times are all great, and that is also not to mention other good songs like World at Large, Tetons, and Bukowski. Some other good songs there too.