She can actually sing

she can actually sing

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then why doesnt she?

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God, why are black people so damn ugly

can you imagine her servicing yaylah?

How can you be so wrong

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God, why are white people so damn ugly

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looks like downs

Did they?

Yeah and she rules live too

oh no, she's wearing a beanie and has gauge earings, oh the humanity

looks more like a toque

Ape woman and a human

what is she going to do when she hits the wall? she's built a career on looking/acting like 14

blonde hayley > red hayley

don't (You) me

i saw her boobs 10 years ago

god I hope so

Hayley is rich enough to buy monkeys as pets now?

For me its neon turquoise halyey

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Yeah didn’t she accidentally post her nudes on twitter a few years ago


Just search Haley Williams nudes