Clairo worship thread

Worship the hottest and most talented female musician of this decade.

What are your favorite songs from her?

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blessed thread!
diary 002 when bros??

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She should go for "cutest" but I guess she wants to be like the big girls with her titslips and oops oh wow took a bikini selfie again how did that happennnnn whoopsies

Line up the i-word replies

chloe is prettier

Post titslips or bikini photos please

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leave this thread now or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

Top 3 Clairo songs:

Hey cmon guys don't be weird! Clairo isn't for objectifying she's for listening to! I hope she's having a good day.

bing bong

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ya we stan a bop queen

>Worship the hottest female
AGAIN? Are you fucking kidding me, stop embarrassing yourself, goddammit, and this people believe in male supremacy

Some things just aren't that simple, lads.

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queen! come to brazil!!

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Wow, an industry plant that doesn’t actually make her own music. Good job falling for a retarded marketing scheme. Unless this IS one of her marketers, in that case, good job on fooling the retards, I guess.

imagine if clairo went full bimbo mode with fake tits, butt injections and a horrific, monstrous face full of all the possible plastic surgery products

i know this is going to sound ironic but that would be the biggest tragedy in the history of female looks haha

>tfw she is in my country right now :(


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>tfw tucker is a nazi and n the kitchen again

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Im sexually attracted to this girl