Devin townsend drops his new horrible autism music

Is there anything we can do to stop artists from wasting their talent on bad music that they think is good for them that sounds objectively terrible and barely qualifies as music because there are so many samples going on it sounds like static?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Devin is fucking amazing.
Maybe you should consider KMSing you're selve.

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>steven wilson

three walking memes

Devin makes power metal ballads now?

>devin is amazing

I actually agree he is one of the most talented male vocalists on the planet

>devin now is amazing

Based on the songs released this will be his worst most musically directionless album he has ever released. Its just noise and choir music.

How do you go from this

to this

Everything he made after quitting drugs sucks.

Remember when Devin made great music?

>tfw he will never write a chorus that god-tier again

This is an original kidz bop song

wtf take this shit back

This song is the equivalent of an uncool-but-constantly-trying-to-be-cool dad

his son has autism and every single music video he has released since his birth is based on this fact.

>there are people who actually listen to his shit from any time period
Are metalheads seriously this virginal? Prog-metal must be the single most autistic genre of music there is. How the fuck can anyone unironically listen to this? Even a 12 year old boy would know this is cheesy, embarrassing garbage. Might as well listen to fucking Yu Gi Oh music. I cannot even begin to imagine what a Devin Townsend concert looks (and smells) like. And these are the same people who LARP as badasses and think their music scares people. I hope one day every one of you grows out of this and spends every waking moment of your life trying to cleanse your mind of the memories of your metal phase.

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This sounds like Andrew Wk's new album

Spirits collide is probably the least interesting song on the album.

I guess he wants yo try to appeal to more with it?

I dunno. King and some of the B sides are amazing

Except Andrew WK's album was fueled by genuine righteous chad energy. Not some old nerd desperately trying to appear 'epic'.

If you dont know how to embrace a little cheese, then how can you say you like any music

I guess you wouldn't like Zappa either.

Evermore seems like a very Zappa-ish song.

What's up with the one guy who really hates Devin Townsend but keeps making threads about him?
I don't get it.

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this post is more autistic than any prog metal fan I've ever met

First off what the fuck does this even mean? All music is cheesy? No, you metal loving moron, just because all the music you listen to is cheesy does not mean that applies to all other music. And I don't think I should have used the word cheesy, because there is such a thing as good cheesy. This music is fucking corny.
And, again, there's a difference between good cheesy and this. See Andrew WK's music is cheesy as fuck but there's no pretension to it. It's genuine, straight from a pizza and party-loving heart. Devin's music is overly-complex wankery combined with a complete lack or artistry. It's the definition of try hard but it's aim is horrendous. Combined with the music videos which scream "I'm so wacky and freaking epic" it just reaches levels of horrendous that shouldn't be possible. But somehow there's threads about this dude and his music multiple times a week? I don't understand it, it makes my ears bleed listening to it.

That's some heavy projection right there.

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>a Devin Townsend fan calls somebody else autistic
>then accuses them of projection
the irony is too rich

I bet ur some sorta faggit who unironically like that neutral milk hotel that Yea Forums peddles

>genuine righteous chad energy
Not really it was just 70 minutes of YOU SHOULD PROBABLY NOT KILL YOURSELF BRO ANXIETY IS BAD which is exactly like this song.

>everyone who likes what I don't like is autistic
Literally proving my point.

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Good strawman but no, don't like that album but it's leagues better than this trash regardless.
You're missing the point. Andrew's music is genuine, regardless of wether or not you like it, which automatically makes it better than this. His latest album was just straightforward arena rock anthems with a positive, if shallow, message. Townsend is contrived wanky autistic music that would be too horrendous even for an anime opening.
Good job being obtuse, retard. Not everyone who likes Radiohead is autistic. Not everyone who enjoys Mumford and Songs is autistic. I'm referring specifically to Devin Townsend and prog-metal. This is a criticism of his music, not all music that I don't like.

Never heard a single prog metal song before, just listened to this guy's "good" songs posted in this thread and they're straight up trash. Is all prog-metal that bad? The concept sounded great in theory


Why is Townsend not genuine? That's just how he expresses himself musically.

Interesting, but have you tried listening to the music?

>This is a criticism of his music, not all music that I don't like.
>he somehow thinks that makes it better
>he thinks "you're autistic if you like this" is legitimate criticism

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congrats on being more autistic than any of the people you talk shit about
and for the record, i think the music in OP is terrible

lol how can he not have anything else to talk about. typical "talented" guitarist, theyre empty.

>music video

Wtf is this shit, holy cringe

Agreed 100%

My mind is utterly blown that there are pół in this thread that defend this shitfest

>ummm yikes, metal is so lame, how could anyone like it?

whoever dislikes devin's music should express what they don't like about it clearly so it can be more easily debunked

I have never listened to his music just because he's so fucking ugly god damn

this sounds like actual buttrock, what year is it


I bet you listen to Chvrches because of Lauren Mayberry, faggot.

No I don't
Devin is by far the ugliest person in rock music, I can't look at him without cringing or wanting to punch him

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Just listen to it, watch the videos, look at his album covers. It's all a very clear attempt at manufacturing a specific image. There's honestly nothing wrong with that either, Tom Waits has a completely manufactured image and worked very hard on cultivating it. But what makes it so terrible is that the image he tries so hard to create is cringe, and the music is somehow even worse. I'll take Andrew WK's cheesy, ridiculous, but genuine and heartfelt anthems over Townsend's corny, overly-complex contrived songs any day.

I'm gonna be honest, I thought you were talking about Andrew W.K. at first.
>just look at it it's obvious dude lol

Why the fuck do you keep on bringing up AWK? Its not even relevant to this discussion.

Devin Townsend is number 5 on the top 10 biggest talentless hacks of all time, sandwiched in between David Tibet and Frank Zappa.

Good job choosing to ignore everything after the first sentence.
Because somebody else brought him up and it's a pretty obvious comparison, stylistically the songs in the OP and WK's latest album have a lot of similarities, but the differences are crucial, if too subtle for Townsend fans. It makes it clear that it's not goofy, over the top, anthemic music that I take issue with, it is specifically Devin Townsend's music that I don't like, and demonstrates exactly why. Do you not understand the point of comparing and contrasting?

>Good job choosing to ignore everything after the first sentence.
I didn't. You provided an example and said he was cringe and his music sucked. There's nothing of substance in your post.

Let me know when he releases Casualties of Cool 2

its literally one guy

>this is bad
the absolute state of anti-devtards
thats the point retard

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I really wanted to like this album, man, but it just doesn't click with me. Mad respect for Devin as an artist, but this whole over-the-top cleanly produced rock opera thing he's doing just isn't something I want to listen to.
Coming from someone who loves Addicted, Terra, Ocean Machine and even Epicloud when it came out.
Maybe I just have to accept that my musical preference has shifted over the years or something

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Wheres Devin


Quick question OP: what’s your favorite band?

>elephants hitting drums
>screen shakes like its the most powerful sound in the world
>shitty flat drum sound with no force

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All the other kids
With the

who is this strapping young lad?

Stick around to Car Seat Headrest, Have a Nice Life or any rap album, you söygargling faggot.

This guy is the spork meme personified

This that annoys me about this guy is he's found "his sound" and refuses to stray from it. Like, Ghost and Ki were decent because they weren't just le overblown le epic le prog anthem. He's talented, but all his songs sound exactly the same.

yup, never listen to Yea Forums, it's just filled with zoomers trying too hard to fit in with their meme raps. Devin might have some cheesy lyrics, but who the fuck cares about his lyrics, his instrumentals have always been top tier.

You take that back mr. Anonymous, he is my very beautiful sensitive boy.

Ocean Machine was his only good album and he hasn't released anything worthwhile since. literally prove me wrong fags

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Its fucking awful.

>cleanse your mind of the memories of your metal phase.

Dont sully metal with this nerd prog rock shit. People that like this are typically pretentious, stuffy, passive aggressive little faggots.

incredibly ironic post

Terria / Ki has some good stuff on it (and probably some other I missed). I honestly enjoy most of his stuff whenever he doesn't go full "epic" / random orchestra stuff (must admit, Ziltoid is a guilty pleasure of mine). Though I agree, Ocean Machine as whole is probably his best work

Terria, Ki, Accelerated Evolution, Addicted, Ghost, CoC all have worthwhile stuff

Why can't hipster soiboys into maximalism?

I'm very picky with prog metal, but I love my boy Devin. He's not a pretentious progger that will overcomplicate his music because his fans demand to be intellectually jerked off, he's just a dude that loves music and expresses his feelings and tries to tells a story with it. I connect with his music on a spiritual level, not on an intellectual level, like his hyper agressive and super serious shit he's written has all helped me get through some tough shit in my life. And while albums like Ziltoid or Deconstruction might be a bit random, they're fun to listen to and have some nice bangers that could be listened to standalone as well. His new album might not be an Ocean Machine or an Addicted, but I'm liking it so far. Figures Yea Forums wouldn't like something that isn't some soundcloud mumble rap

He looks like the zombie from I Am Legend

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you're saying this even though there's a huge following for metal here and that this recent wave of anti-Townscend threads are being spammed by one vindictive autist.

Shit like this actually makes him looks like he thinks hes some sort of saviour. Like theres millions of people that are listening to this and going " wow I love my fellow neighbor we're together man like WOAH"

I don't hate this, but listening makes me miss Strapping Young Lad.
Especially pic related

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But why? I understand not liking his lolsorandom albums, and his personality is indeed a bit quirky, but you can't really deny the man has talent and his albums have ALWAYS had something good to offer. Is it just because this lone autist thinks it's cool to hate any artist that's a bit eccentric?

Yea Forums always had some distaste towards prog metal in general. Combine that with the fact that some of Devin's music could fall into "sporkcore" and it's no surprise some people in Yea Forums would hate him.

supergroup when?

That's the weakest SYL album though

>Yea Forums always had some distaste towards prog metal in general
to be fair, the genre often gets associated with the typical fedora atheist with a superiority complex (my music is so intricate and deep), so if you're not really into the genre, you associated it with those people and assume all who listen to it are like that.
That said, prog definitely is not for everyone

song and video are absolute cringe

Spirits Will Collide is genuinely cheesier than all the fucking songs on Epicloud combined. I don't know how he managed it.

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Devin's a genius, autistic or not.

If Chris Chan was a classically trained creative genius with an incredible work ethic, I'd pay attention to him, too.

This guy gets it

hey, don't lump us metal fans into this shit, we don't want it

Didn't know Devin this polarizing
Guess it's a love or hate think

the fucking gorilla playing guitar got me. holy shit

Why is one of the greatest songs ever made.

It's an ok song but nothing more for me

>God Tier
>Great tier
Accelerated Evolution
>Good tier
Physicist (his most underrated)
Casualties of Cool
The New Black
>OK tier
Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing
Sky Blue
>Meh tier
Cooked on Phonics
>shit tier
The Hummer
Dark Matters


Shut up your whore mouth
Devin has embraced the memes and now has become one of them.

Reminder that he has made this
And this

Is that the guy who shoved a telephone up his ass?

>overly complex wankery
confirmed doesn't listen to devin townsend

huh I dig his badger cover


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There's like an entire force of people hating this guy on here. Every thread of Devin Townsend has some guy saying he's ugly, how much he sucks, psychoanalyzing him etc etc. I understand the dogpile in context of our current "cringe" culture where doing anything sincerely is cringe. What a lot of people seem to miss is Devin is doing this intentionally. That's why he has his fanbase. Because he just acts like a corny goofball and doesn't really give a fuck. Maybe that's contrived but to me it's so corny it's hard for me to picture someone acting like this unless they were just fully embodying themselves. I think the hatred for Townsend is just hipster trust fund kids who dress like it's the 90s and people of "taste" who like bland shit like the Strokes and whatever the Yea Forumscore charts tell you to like. Devin is like the complete anthithesis of a hipster and I think that (I'll briefly psychoanalyze them) that scares them. When your identity is built around DUDE IRONY LMAO and you can only listen to dude remember the 70s and 80s lmao bands like Tame Impala who no testosterone whatsoever, this guy screaming and writing heavy music and being corny and fun genuinely confounds them and they don't know how to react besides pure malice. Metal has had a history of theatrics and corny and for some reason Devin's brand is bad. The song wasn't good but he's clearly just having fun with this shit. The fact that that one user was citing AWK, a hipster approved artist, as a viable alternative just proves what I'm trying to say. This is made even funnier by the fact that AWK is a persona and totally contrived.

Eh, ain't gonna lie; My daughter and I have been jamming on Ziltoid 1 & 2 for the past month or so and this new album seems like a hodge podge of those and new stuff; we're digging it. Couldn't be happier.

How is this any less cheesy than the average power metal album?

what a madlad

Based and devypilled

>white people

>Canadian people

I dont fucking understand why So many people doesn't think ots Total shit. Help me

devin townsend finally answering the question is it possible for music to be both underproduced and overproduced simultaneously. the results are a song so bad it physically hurts to listen to. I honestly don't know he does it. I'm not even mad, its sorta impressive in its own way.

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He just keeps making the same songs over and over. Ocean Machine and Infinity were great as was SYL but I feel like everything from 2000 onward has just been a re-hash.

He's definitely been stuck in a similar sound since Epicloud but I wouldn't say everything has been a rehash, pic related

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Dev releases an album and mu throws a temper tantrum. again. take care of yourselves little dudes and we'll hear from you when the next one drops.

album is a real beaut btw

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the based Scottish countryside prowler has spoken

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>Devin Townsend

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Moshi moshi Townsend desu

lol stop listening to music I don't like NOW

basically spot on, I'd put Infinity higher tho

Heard Empath. It's pretty good guys

nailed it

Take the Devypill. Be a cornball and dont give a fuck

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i have no idea who this is or why i should care. i even googled and the most i got was he tried to steal a band member from Metallica.

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hey! dark matters is better than that


he was better when he wasn't sober

i don't like his new stuff but strapping young lad isn't complex or wankery at all

I liked the album, fuck you

I bet it was Kirk the fucking flip faggot

Don't be mean to Devin.
That said, he actually is wasting his talent doing this, so there's that.

how so?

anyone who needs that cinematography,sucks in writing good music

He complemented the band nickelback


That's how it goes for most musicians

just finished the album. It was a journey I can say that much.

welcome back from Singularity. I hope you enjoyed your visit as much as I did

So? He said he made Addicted because he was so impressed with the production of Dark Horse

>thinks Andrew WK is good

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I saw things that no mortal can unsee

Can't eat the cheeseburger guys I'm a vegematarian


you did NOT just insult my husbando

Holy shit that's corny. He was a fun opener back in 2011 but damn...

I'm sorry but Funeral shits all over his new stuff

Yikes. Cringe core.
He'd be so much better if he dropped the cheeseball aura and did harsh vox

yo listen man i post like once every few years but this post killed me. ty friend.

this is amazing, can't wait for the new album

Unless you're shitposting, it's out now

nothing wrong about prog metal when it's genuinely brutal as well as actually proggy, that said devin townsend might be the worst poopular musician alive


those elephants tho

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It's not prog metal and it has little to do with it.

how do you go from this -
to this ?

what? I don't understand, you sound just like another 1000 posters here

haha jk, townsend is shit, trust me. close your computer an think about what you're doing in your life listening to his garbage

There's a signing session today at a local record store and I feel like going there and buying some old album for him to sign instead of the new one. I wonder how rude that would be.

His Casualties of Cool project's self titled debut is far and away my AOTD. It's country for people who don't like country.

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good stuff user. agree


Fucking saved

>a corny goofball
not with his voice, which is one of the best voices in rock, perhaps ever

Doesn't sound rude to me senpai

I honestly enjoyed the demo tracks more

What I don't get is he clearly writes and records a shit ton of material and is perfectly capable of trying different styles like on Casualties, yet Empath ends up largely being the same epic choral stuff he's been doing for years despite his intentions of it being some big statement to distance himself from DTP.

One of the weaker songs on the album, but as a whole it's much better than all his recent material.

Why? is easily one of the best song's he's done in a very long time. Album is worth it just for that one song.

I wouldn't exactly call it lazy, but he's been using the same presets to plug and record his "main music" since Epicloud.
I think albums should have their own identity. Maybe not mixed from the ground up, but definitely different. He did it fine with the first 4 DTP albums, but now his process is streamlined and I think it's hurting the music. My biggest issue is the guitar tone (and him treating it like a background instrument). It's too soft and the riffs (the few he still writes) don't land. If you're gonna write 240bpm blast beat sections you need some grit in the guitar. Also chill out with the choirs.

Deathray and Ziltoid Goes Home are alright but the rest sound like leftover DTP material. Z1 actually had character.

I thought you were disagreeing with me until I remembered it was the name of a song.
I agree, it's my favorite so far. I think I heard he wants to make more stuff like that and put the song there as a "warning".

He probably wouldn't care since he still plays his old material regularly.

Somebody tell Bowsette to please shut the fuck up about this album.

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literally who

an autistic tranny

Not rude at all, unless you say "hey Empath sucked and I only like your old stuff".

Somebody please tell Bowsette to shut the fuyck up about this album

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>who is this person
>I'm an intellegint person who thinks for himself
>I will now go and find out who this person is and decide for myself whther her opinions are valid
>maybe I will become a fan and start virally marketing her on Yea Forums so she becomes popular!


Is this supposed to be an insult? You're Not Alone was the album of the decade.

Why is there a furry deviantart OC is the video for Evermore?

I just can't bare the cringe all by myself

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everything about this is fucking cringe

no u


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this is hilarious. i can't imagine getting mad about dumb music like this unless you're some kind of insecure teenager whose ~CULTUVATED MUSIC TASTE~ is really just some wounded ego thing


that board don't even exist

second, ban this /pol/ fag

It's a generic cat cartoon design

Heterochromia begs to differ
Also, checked

N stands for 'Nice Girl' you dumbass

mfw i'll never be a minor internet celebrity just by writing some weird stuff on rym and liking a shitty prog metal band

that title reminds me of that spongebob episode

imagine getting enraged over a single letter

Hes a creatively bankrupt nigger whos only good work was syl and ziltoid.

Ki, Ghost, Accelerated Evolution all have many good tracks.

ocean machine is 10/10

Releasing this garbage the day after Rammstein released Deutschland is fucking embarrassing.

>imagine being enraged over a single letter
We all know what you mean by that letter you mongoloid. Stop playing dumb, retard.

This is the single greatest song by Devin

your brain jumped to that word, not mine



I've noticed he looks like jason williamson of sleaford mods

when did he quit drugs?

akerfeldt never made spork-tier tracks though.

actually pretty cringe

when his son was born, around 2007

Like 10 years ago, after Ziltoid. Ki is the beginning of this post-drug music.

Weird, Ki is the best DTP album.