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Oh, this has a nice D'Angelo vibe on that! At least "Black Messiah" one, but much more electric which is always cute. Would love to hear a bigger version of that though I think would had to be at least somehow more "instrumentalized", if that's even a word. But it's quite nice honestly, keep it up!
This is really cool but I can't get to it for a few personal reasons. It feels that the amount of it being so noisy doesn't contribute to the overall atmosphere of the tracks. It makes them a bit distracting for me, out of focus, constantly shifting and that makes them hard to be recognizable, at least for me. I can see (hear?) the elements of the concept you are talking about so you've done a good job in showing me it without over-explaining it. I just wish this was much more healthier for my ears, that's all :) But I hope that the dark times are gone and you are ready to make some new, great music soon!
Thank you for the well thought out feedback. I appreciate it! I definitely understand that the noisy aspects aren’t for everyone. I’d like to keep the core elements the same while changing up the overall atmosphere or mood in my future productions
Ay, a fellow Poland user! Glad you've enjoyed your time with my music, highly appreciate it :) Although I'm not too keen on noise and such (which somehow spoke to me but not so much as previously) I can only say much about it without being just ignorant. But anyhow. Love the art style - suits this release well. Also, the names - glad you propagate Polish words! As of the rest - I feel you wanted to do something intense and strong. To me the first track was wasted by this high pitched noise through out the release. In my view power electronics or noise is most effective when the volume becomes the composing feature. If you center yourself too much on being noisy, without any particular impact or polarity with the less noisy or quiet parts, you, in my case, won't succeed in making something tense, frighting, whatever. But, again, I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to that kind of music or it's stylistic. As far as I can see there can be something in here that might blossom one day and shook me to it's core. Again, Prurient made a slew of bad to terrible releases and later made a few nice gems. I think you should look for your own personal sound and try to mine a good gem out of it. As of now - I wish you good luck on this rocky, hardcore noise road. Hoping to hear more from you soon!
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>alternative, post-hardcore, noise rock really abrasive, suits the image very well recc loved it Really liked west, specially after minute 7. Liked the vocal delivery and generally am a sucker for syncopation. I like the beat and the overall feel to it, i think the vocal delivery needs more contrast.
Sorta new to these threads but i wanted to get some feedback
This one by far makes me feel like it's a theme of a black and white alleway and give an implication of crimenal activity, it fits well id say!
Nolan Wood
i like it but my one suggestion would be to cut back on the drums that go 'ta-ta-ta-ta' really fast, like keep them but not every time the drum loop plays if that makes sense recc really great piano sounds and amazing atmosphere, reminds me of Debussy a bit recc'd in last topic and recc'ing again. Love this. I like the warbly sounding xylophone a lot, what kind of vst is it?? recc. what kinda sampler are you using?? love the tones on this, sounds like it's coming from some old radio but still really cool sounding
Can someone give me their opinion on the arrangement/song writing for this? I know it's a bit on the longer side.. I probably won't post much in these topics for a while until the EP is fully done, but this is my basic 'rough draft' for it..
just did a one-take cover of The Antler's "Two", quality is shit because of vocaroo but I'm going to try and have a better take on the soundcloud sometime soon
This is my first experience recording music and coming up with riffs and stuff like that. I was over finding other musicians to jam with and people flaking so I decided to do it mysef for a little bit.
Interested to hear your thoughts on the quality of the recordings and how I could improve with that and tone of the instruments and stuff...thanks