Are you morons?

What is the point of this asshole? Literally anybody can do what he does. If you listen to a piece of music and like/hate it, then you are a critic. You have done his job for him. You have made him redundant. Why does his opinion matter? Are you retarded? Can you not formulate your own opinion?

Attached: Worthless.jpg (189x266, 9K)

>Literally anybody can do what he does
Then go ahead and do it.

Most critics merely serve for shit post fuel for the fire. I do occasional look up some critics I trust for new music recommendations---still end up disliking or feeling "meh" about a majority of releases.

I only watch for count cheska desu

>What is the point of this thread, asshole?

Who are you quoting asscrack

obviously that faggot OP, why? can you not follow along? goddamn thread was only 5 posts you should have been able to follow it

Hey Anybody Candoitanon here! 4chans busiest shitposter!

I do it every single time I listen to something, you dumb fuck.

Plus he listens to trash.

Music critics are a joke. He reminds me of a wine taster

Are you a spastic? Not capable of individual thought, robot? What do you think the point of the thread is, window licker? So fucking STUPID.

>. If you listen to a piece of music and like/hate it, then you are a critic.
Wrong. You actually need to know something to be a critic, such as a strong notion of music history and the importance of things in their time, etc. What Fantano does is not criticism, he writes reviews where he describes a record. It's basically an Amazon review for an album. That's it. True critics are absolutely valuable to music now more than ever given the democratization of opinion and the erasure of time via the internet.

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Of the few I recognize here most are just expressing their opinion or trying to be entertaining in a video and then putting it up online

OP creates yet another shitpost to complain and whine about some faggot
and Im the spastic?
good going kid

he has, like, a camera in his room bro.

You don't. You're not doing the same thing as Fantano you asspained moron.
From what I've seen he has thorough knowledge on the artists he reviews. Their discography and history. This is not what you're capable of doing. You just listen to some shit and """review""" it i.e "lmao this is shite, lmao dis good". Nobody is interested in what you have to say about it.

>Im the spastic?

Need I say more?

Fuck off back to work Tony

1.) He actually does have a tendency to point out some astute observations that a lot of people wouldn't notice, and this can be influential to how the music is digested by listeners. Not that he's completely telling people what to think, but tiny details are brought into focus that otherwise would've remained neglected. And these details can add up to drastically change your opinion of a work.
That's what most good critics do, anyway.
2.) Critics serve the purpose of helping you discover new music regardless of whether or not it's good. It's just another way to find new stuff you haven't yet heard. He goes through a huge range of music worth mentioning or checking out and most people give those records a chance even if he doesn't reward the album a particularly favorable review.
3.) You need to chill the fuck out.

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>so what do you think about this book?
>uhh yeah it's good haha

nope. you have said enough
opinion discarded

Also, is right. His videos are also a great source of knowledge on any given artist. He's great at creating an easily digestible rundown of an artists discography that makes it easier to start listening with that artist's history in mind, which in turn makes getting into their catalog a lot easier. This applies to most sources of music criticism, i.e. Pitchfork.

>focus on lowest common denominator
>act like a jackass
>beg for subs and likes

You use fantano - who listens to most of the music that comes out - so that you dont have to waste your time listening to shite muzak, that is, if your tastes align
You can ofc listen to an album think this is shit and move on, or you can check fantano - he says its shit and you skip the process of listening to a shit album.

>fantano is good at reading wikipedia pages to me
tnd lovers confirmed smoove brained

Most content creators ask for subs and likes, moron.

I don't know. I understand video essays, but his videos are just massproduced. He uses the same couple of buzzwords in every one and gives an arbitrary score. Every video is essentially the same and I usually don't even remember what he said about the album

What is the point of this asshole? Literally anybody can do what he does. If you listen to a piece of music and like/hate it, then you are a critic. You have done his job for him. You have made him redundant. Why does his opinion matter? Are you retarded? Can you not formulate your own opinion?

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>content creators
>jackass who browses anonymous images boards for "content"
pick one

Yes? "critics" are worthless failures


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>E celebs good

>not basing your opinion off multiple sources and accepting there are wide discrepancies in the music community.

nice bait

>absolute faggot who WATCHES 15 minute reviews instead of reading about the artist while already listening
color me surprised

>listening to music while doing other things simultaneously instead of giving the music your full, undivided attention
opinion immediately discarded

Not the guy you're responding to but my full attention is like 6 of yours buddy

the great thing about the internet is that if you don't like something, you are by no means obligated to look at it. that's optional.
crying about the fact that people enjoy things you don't also enjoy like a faggoty little snowflake is also optional.

>complaining about people who complain about things they don't like rather than ignore them
wew lad



Attached: letting the b8s go by.jpg (500x500, 116K)

Most of the time he's reviews moronic

>>complaining about people who complain about people who complain about things they don't like rather than ignore them
wew lad

I didn't do that though you boobie

of course not

You don't get it, people literally listen to him for two (2) reasons:
1. They want to throw some trendy opinions somewhere later.
2. They just want some company in a form of a talking dude.

I just like hearing someone talk passionately about new music in video format. If you don’t like his reviews don’t watch them, simple as that user. Why complain? Critics will always exist.


The same could be said for any critic of any medium, people like to share and discuss opinions.


People don't have time to listen to every album by every artist out there. I'm the same, too lazy so I just defer the work to someone else. I coildnt care less if he doesn't listen to x super underground album that's good. All this guy does is listen to music and critique it, he's bound to be right about a lot of stuff after doing it for years.

>Literally anybody can do what he does
Not anyone can just talk and say what they mean to say, let alone in an engaging enough way for people to want to watch. It seems to happen that the people that are most able with this have the most typical things to say. Fantano is a blight on culture in regards to music, he enables pitchfork-thought and produces a false neutral for all the artists he he gives a platform to because of the mentality of “If it’s relelevant that must mean it’s worth making a review video over”, which translates to hot buttons like Arianna Grande being given a serious critical lens even though they totally don’t merit this. His tastes are very unchallenging, and not that far out deep shit needs to be the norm, but abstract ideas need to be able to be understood on a level deeper than just meme conventions of abstract ideas. All of this, not to mention he constantly feels the need to talk about his opinions on “topics” and “issues” because he thinks what he has to say is just that important to hear, and oblivious to how it does not suit his position as a music reviewer; he’s a music reviewer, nobody does or should care about what you think outside of that. Him choosing to present himself this way is terrible for his integrity as a voice of critical opinion as it inserts his persona and identity into the equation, when this should not even be a part of the picture.

He is the loudest voice though and nothing else, including mine, can hold a competent sentence let alone produce content.

how are Neely or ContraPoints pseuds when they both come from academia in their respective fields and intensely research all of their videos?

and how are RLM pseuds, the guys basically revel in being stupid and spent decades in B-movie film production before starting the channel so they know a thing or two

Your criticism is targeted at Fantano but everything you've said about him is applicable to any music critic. Your whole post is just one big scapegoat. Music criticism in GENERAL is worthless, but you're evidently so invested in retarded meme culture that he's clearly the only music critic you've actually heard of.

3. I don't have the time to sift through countless albums to find something enjoyable so I defer to someone with similar tastes to filter things out for me.

If anyone can do what he does why don't they? I watch his videos but I don't necessarily care about his opinions or ratings. I find it interesting to hear a different person's more detailed take on an album I've listened to. Who cares lol.


>I defer to someone with similar tastes
i feel sorry for you

Criticism is worthless

>no shapiro
ok, epic


i know what a stupid chart like 5 could be considered pseuds

his bladee review sucks ass

cuz his reviews are fun

>no PJW
okay well

Where is zero punctuation?

he’s entertaining and a way to find new music
are you a moron?

he is Yea Forums personified