ITT: Albums that peaked with the opening track

ITT: Albums that peaked with the opening track

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>posts an album where the last track is the best


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Planet Telex is easily the best track

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My Iron Lung is the best one on The Bends.

Trips really do speak truth

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Alright is.

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Fake Plastic Trees exists but alright

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This but there are so many other incredible songs

21st century schizoid man is a banger rest is fairly meh other then moonchild

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>Not court of the crimson king.

Okay dud

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Nah, that'd be Street Spirit. Planet Telex is a respectably close second though, so to that end it peaks on the bookending tracks.

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That gay 8 minute ambient shit? Try again

Well, at least you aren't one of those people who like everything but Moonchild


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best take on radiohead ive seen in a while
the bends is knda shit but planet telex is one of their best songs

He didn't say peaked on the 4th track though user

All wrong

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>album peaked with a David Bowie rip-off.

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the hard truth

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If it was made this century.

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location is easily the best carti song

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Me Loco Latin My Location

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Actually, Mary of Silence is my song of choice.

very far off

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happy bivouac is great, but there's also crazy sunshine, kim deal, and funny bunny.
living field is their underrated best album

yeah, I agree with this one. I didn't really enjoy the album overall, but Spotify seems to think I love it

Surprised nobody posted yet

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Maybe this is cheating but I don't care

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Just pretend Behind the Lines, Duchess and Guide Vocal are one track, they flow seamlessly into each other anyway.

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You're not cheating, you're just wrong.

Fuck that album is good

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i would hurt a fly is the peak, lad.

Wrong Radiohead album, OP.

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But user the first song isn't I want to be Cold.....

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When You Sleep isn’t first though

Good opinions

No love for Duke's Travels?


See also: Thick As a Brick

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My opinion has fluctuated so much on which one's best that I just don't care at this point.


You might have a case for Bound 2 though

Was pretty disappointed by the rest of the album

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I have a hard time disagreeing since every track on it is great.

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I always preferred Desolation Row

ha! wow, nice "meme" ya got there, friend!

even You Are Invited?

No Fake Plastic Tress is

nah Radiohead are so corny, Fake Plastic trees is their best track and they’re a crappy version of U2

But U is the peak you silly

thats a weird way of spelling literally any other track

There's so many good songs deeper into the album, this is completely wrong, as good as Only Shallow is.

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>The City exists

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Good Morning is amazing but the rest of the album never reaches that level. Still an OK listen though.

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My nigga. Living Field, Please Mr. Lostman and Little Busters are my favorite albums from them

Into Dust, Blue Light, title track, and Unreflected are all better songs
second worst song on the album

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Entire album is perfect, but I love Five Years so much

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the city > life of possiblities

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thats not the album that opens with location


The albums good but The Knock is a banger

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We were all just waiting for you to let it happen.

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OP didn't say closing track man.

The only not perfect song on that album is You Are Invited and the sentiment is so sweet that whatever it can stay

>Not thinking Electric Feel or The Handshake is the best song off Oracular
I don't even like tpab and you're wrong. King Kunta by far.
Yes, but the whole albums is still good.
The exact polar opposite of what OP said.
Yes, unfortunately. Still a great album.
You are factually incorrect. Your opinion is wrong. Fuck you and die.
Strawberry Jam fucking sucks
What the actual fuck is wrong with you. Raid is miles above everything else on that album.
Daily Routine. Come on. You sound like me when I had only listened to it twice.

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>You are factually incorrect. Your opinion is wrong. Fuck you and die.
Settle down, ok.

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perfect choice

planet talex is one of the best

The Numbers isn’t first track.

Right. Burn the Witch is, the best song by Radiohead this decade.

Bluish is the first track!?

In terms of pop music yes, time to Pretend is a masterpiece of the century. Other than that Of Moons Birds and Monsters is best song

Not The Bends that's for sure

Not fair this album is kino

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Dukes Travels is the best

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Surprised these two haven't been posted

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This is total bs.
The spark that bled, what is the light, spiderbite song, waiting for superman, slow motion and the gash are all better than race for the price.

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these have a point
what is wrong with you

absolutely not



It's all good but the first song is a timeless classic

fade out isnt as good as it used to be also pablo honey is a 7 minimum

you all are so wrong

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White Cross
And You and I
Kicked It in the Sun
Ful Stop
The Great Below
Anything from Optimistic to Motion Picture Soundtrack
Brother Sport
Invalid Litter Dept by a mile
She Bangs the Drums
Based and redpilled
Based and redpilled except for The Gash

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but vapour trails tho

This is one of the worst cases of it

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Dreams Burn Down tho

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literally the peak of their career is never meant lol

The Ultracheese is way better

So wrong.

Definitely yes
Don't technically agree, but first song is still among the best on the album
lol, no

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this one

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wheres the music

absolute fucking hypocritical retard, this album is pet sounds but good and every song is a masterpiece but you defend MPP. amateur

does anyone speak his language?


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not aqualung
wind up is easily the best song on the album, and probably tull's finest
as for my opinion of an album, I'd say cross
or donuts lol


100%, so fucking good


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OBJECTIVELY the best track

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correct despite what fags will say

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Honestly I can't pick a favorite everything is perfect