Imagine hating rap. Get out of the computer fucking grandpas

Imagine hating rap. Get out of the computer fucking grandpas.

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They don't actually hate rap. They dismiss it because black people make it. That's why you get shit like "I-IT'S NOT REAL MUSIC".

not a boomer. in fact i hate Led Zeppelin and other "Classic Rock" bands. not only classics. i fucking hate Radiohead and those cheesy post rock bands
But that doesn't change the fact that most rap i've heard is shit.

The brainlet's excuse, gentlemen

Is there anything you do like user?

Brainlet's denial, gentlemen.

That would imply they like white rappers because of their complexion which isn't the case either.

They mostly don't because it's a "black genre" to them and white rappers are "cucks" or something.

I just don't like niggermusic

How do you get into a computer in the first place?

Most boomers I know like Eminem but hate rap

rap is a dogshit genre wherein the best of its songs are predicated on the production/influence of other people and other songs

Classical music and electronic mostly
but it's not about genre. I tried so hard to like albums that are considered as "Classics" but i ended up hating most of them
One explanation is the fact that most of the classic albums are considered classic only because of their impacts on their fans and not because of their musical values or aesthetic merits (in any aspect)
Led Zeppelin IV is a great album for edgy boomer dad rock but in fact is boring and un-creative mainstream hard rock
Radiohead is great for "2deep4u" normies while it's literally the rick and morty of music
Same goes for most rap albums

fucking brainlets always referring to race in a rap argument. how about it just being a shitty genre. blacks arent exempt from creating bad shit.

motown had an era of chart domination and they produced a lot of really great shit. great melodies and beats. those days are gone. just like the rest of pop in the internet age, rap is lazy, extremely derivative horseshit which serves as a cultural trend rather than a musical one.

Walk it like I talk it (walk it)
Walk it like I talk it
Walk it, walk it like I talk it (woo)
Walk it like I talk it (yeah)
Walk it like I talk it (walk it)
Walk it like I talk it
Walk it, walk it like I talk it (woo)
Walk it like I talk it (hey)
Walk it like I talk it (walk it)
Walk it like I talk it (walk it)
Walk it like I talk it
Walk it, walk it like I talk it (woo)
Walk it like I talk it (talk it)
Walk it like I talk it (ayy)
Walk it like I talk it (woo)
Walk it, walk it like I talk it (yeah)

I like hip hop, I just don't like it when there's someone talking over it

oh so you just like lo fi beats for study(TM)

thats garbage shit too, listen to real music, pal.

Black people also made jazz, and yet I like it

Does MatPat’s wife Stephanie like rap?

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based boomer fuck [c]rap ""music""

You know where to go


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It was fine to like rap in the 90s and even the early 00s, now it's not. If you like rap now you're not only late to the trend on a dead genre but you're listening to garbage music devoid of talent.

>Black people also made jazz
oh, user...

>dead genre
It's literally the biggest genre rn, do you think your shit rock is bigger with Greta Gran Fleet?

I'm talking Nujabes and Nomak, not that knock off zoomer crap

I mean creatively. Rap is just dirty/degenerate bubblegum music anymore, it's no longer a valid subculture or musical form for doing anything worthwhile

>I'TS NOT REAL MUSIC!!!!!!!11 :/

Some people's understanding of what constitutes music is more sophisticated that just sound organized over some period of time

That doesn't make some types of music "less" music and you're pretentious for claiming to be sophisticated even though you probably have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and are just a classical music fanboy.


Who said anything about "less"? How about not at all. Also, I didn't claim to be more sophisticated. An understanding of music that considers more things than just sound over time is by definition more complex ie sophisticated.

No music is merely "sounds over time", it carries meaning. Also a lot of rap is not monotonous.

>No music is merely "sounds over time"
*in my opinion

I don't identify with the musical, lyrical, or thematic elements of rap, hip hop, pop, r&b, or really any urban music. Just doesn't do anything for me.

This is a good opinion. If you don't identify with the lyrics and themes, then you just don't. Then again a lot of people can't or don't care and still like the sounds. But this was way better than:

opinion I agree with or doesn't offend me*

Good as in he explained thoroughly why he can't identify with it.
Go back to youtube comments, reactionary kid.

I dont hate rap, 99% of it is just scum, real scum, the kind of people you wish were dead.

>Go back to youtube comments, reactionary kid.

fucking this, also there is good rap like Nas and absolute shithole rap for mentally challenged children like 69 and lil *insert your homo*

Paul’s Botique and pic related are good.

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Some good hip hop with country vibes. Doesn't sounds like shit modern arena country.

Dig the acoustic guitar in it.

Everytime I mention to someone I listen to rap, they immediately start doing "yo yo nigga" thing

That's just saying "I'm a pleb" with extra steps

Thanks for reminding me this user
"Pleb" and it's relatives are words for egocentric persons. people who only listen and discuss people just to be called "Superior" and call others "Inferior". I feel sad for anyone who use it even ironically because as great philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer wrote in his magnum opus (The world as will and representation V2) the only way you can enjoy and understand/judge a work of art is to be free of "Will" and ego.
It's understandable how Yea Forums suffers from a bad quality of posts. it's because not only there are lots of tripfags(Like that guy who is advertising his stupid website with his name) but also lots of threads are egocentric threads just to make posters feel good and superior. it's funny how this works because it's an anonymous board yet we are treating it like Instagram

you're just a fucking pleb dude

some people never heard the classics

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Rap is shit and you can tell since no one can ever discuss its merits without saying
We will never know how people truly feel about rap, since they were shamed through the media for three decades to like it, until they finally gave in.

I actually hate rap. To further expound on this I hate it because the majority of it is just a jetstream of black culture into musical form, and black culture is revolting. As with every genre I like plenty of songs that prove an exception. But because I hate rap I only hear it when my sister decides to blast it. And man I hate their vocals.

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Top 5 most influential Rap artists/groups
>All Time
Maybe Travis Scott
A$OP crew
Maybe Odd Future Wolf Gang
Thoughts? Whose in your top5?