Lil peep and XXXtencion get sticky’s

>Lil peep and XXXtencion get sticky’s

>Scott Walker doesn’t

Fuck you

Attached: B07B7EC0-77B8-46E0-94F0-C4E7C651275C.jpg (1300x957, 279K)

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gay mods

This is unacceptable.
We need to remind them until they give in.

both members of the band Her's have been killed in a traffic accident in arizona.


based mods BTFOing boomers

how did it take this long for me to see what a shit place this really is. no better than reddit or a comment section on youtube

Fag mods don't represent the userbase though, reddit and youtube have fag mods AND users.

this is basically reddit now, there's no fucking difference in quality from here to r/music

To be fair stickies are only made to appeal crossposters. When Chester Bennington died the sticky was mostly to prevent flooding from other fags. It's also why mods don't really care about giving stickies to lesser known musicians, as it happened with Ornette Coleman

There is, r/music isnt a meme infested hell hole

You have to to back

Because X and Peep were better lmao

This place would be better if all the people who felt this way stayed on reddit and never came back

Stickies are for containment you retards, not some arbitrary prize

litetal who britbongs drove on the wrong side of the road, they deserved it


Stickies are to prevent spam on the board for crossposters. That’s why fucking Avicii got a sticky despite never being discussed on Yea Forums

What? No they didn't. I remember a lot of people getting upset that X didn't get a sticky, whereas Micahel Jackson's scumbag no-name dad got one.


While X and peep didn't deserve stickies and Scott did, nobody got one.

I relied it was shit when Jack Bruce didn't get one, then again I'm just a boomer who likes Cream.

Yeah, the general rule is if nobody from Yea Forums knows who the artist is that died then they don't get a sticky. Mods are only worried about how they're going to have to spread their moderation around the site and their main concern is staying on their home boards and not having to leave to some "garbage" board like Yea Forums they don't care about.

Attached: 200px-Virtual-Boy-Set.png (200x254, 52K)

But Mark Hollis got a sticky, and I doubt many people from Yea Forums care about Talk Talk.

Maybe because he was an irrelevant boomer

it's because we literally have no mods

mods are zoomers

What about Mark Hollis?

I mean Talk Talk were still mildly popular thanks to their synthpop era. Plus Laughing Stock used to be paired with Yea Forumscore albums like Loveless, so it was a league of its own type of loss

This board is ran by literal children. What do you expect? One of our mods is 16.

Yea Forums love niggers + nigger tier music more than actual talent. Remember how badly these faggots wanna suck Kanye & McRide’s dick

Is that the guy from the car racing movie that died in a car accident?