Self-admitted pedophile

>self-admitted pedophile
>ruined countless albums with his shitty meme production
>openly racist and has unironically said the N word
>doesn't like jazz or shoegaze
>unironically thought CDs were a fad
>his first band was so shitty they couldn't even find a real drummer

Let's face it, he's a hack.

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Other urls found in this thread:

yet he somehow got away with it

>self-admitted pedophile
>fixed countless albums with his good meme production
>openly racist and has unironically said the N word
>doesn't like jazz or shoegaze
>unironically thought CDs were a fad
>His first band was so good there was no drummer that could live up to their talent

>self-admitted pedophile
>ruined countless albums with his shitty meme production
>openly racist and has unironically said the N word
>doesn't like jazz or shoegaze
>unironically thought CDs were a fad
>his first band was so shitty they couldn't even find a real drummer

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no steve, i don't think i will enjoy that much more. you're onto something with the luwak coffee though

A Big Mac and fries tastes way better than a shitty roast beef sandwich

Big Mac is tasteless shite tbf, you can barely feel anything while eating it

>>self-admitted pedophile
if you dont like a younger mate, youre literally broken.
>>ruined countless albums with his shitty meme production
legendary producer has list of 5 years.
>>openly racist and has unironically said the N word
>>doesn't like jazz or shoegaze
now thats based
>>unironically thought CDs were a fad
and they were, they lasted less than vinyls and cassettes, are tacky and feeble
>>his first band was so shitty they couldn't even find a real drummer
this is how i know youre a true Albini fan, i love the man too ;)

no way someone is defending mcfood

based zoomer

He seems really vindictive against most things for no reason.

hes just redpilling people on whats a big mac
>loaf of fresh bread
because bm is anything but fresh
>good cheese
because mcshit doesnt even use real cheese
>or roast beef
because they dont use real meat

pay more attention next time,fag.

most things are shit, as most people are shit. but oh good heavens if someone actually says it.

steve is one of the good guys, he's a producer who actually gives a shit about what the band wants. and he doesn't take residuals.

seemed, you mean. and even then it wasn't all bad
>he considered [Nirvana] to be "R.E.M. with a fuzzbox"
gotta admit that's pretty funny

that's not a redpill. everyone knows a big mac doesn't use fresh ingredients

>unironically thought CDs were a fad
Was he wrong?

try "real".

>>he considered [Nirvana] to be "R.E.M. with a fuzzbox"
wtf thats pretty accurate.

in that very fashion id say radiohead are "U2 with synths".

and you know they are, not even memeing.

this is bullshit

thread theme

>pedophiles are based

Wtf I love Steve albini and Joe Biden now!

>his first band was so shitty they couldn't even find a real drummer
>he doesn't like Roland

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>"R.E.M. with a fuzzbox"
is this supposed to be a bad thing?

what a weird way to say he's based

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not true at all, unless you only bought meat and bread, which wouldn’t be a very tasty sandwich

CDs literally were a fad retard

>unironically thought CDs were a fad
I mean, they kind of were. They came along, got popular really quick but are now being supplanted by digital media.
Not that Steve called that. He's was just right accidentally.

Recording with him today
Wat do?

>meat isnt tasty
what the fuck concoction processed mcmeat have you been fed, user? meat is the tastiest shit there is. i think you might be retarded.

suck his cock

guy im not defending the big mac, im just saying that the price of a big mac would quite literally only get you meat and bread at the most, if even that, which i don’t know about you but a sandwich consisting of only meat and bread isn’t a good sandwich. not to mention youd probably have to buy processed sandwich meat instead of real meat, so your point is invalid, unless you think processed sandwich meat is “tasty”. even then you wouldnt even have any mayo to go with the sandwich, it would taste bland and horrible

The absolute state of americans. Fucking mayo in a sandwich

whats wrong with mayo?

He’s setting up mics now, we were talking with him and would occasional let out an animal noise like a meow or ribbit in between lulls in conversation

Can confirm legitimately weird guy

Ask to see his bedroom.

I need a pic to know if this is true

There are several rooms set up here

I can timestamp, gimme a sec

More like what's wrong with being unable to eat a sandwich without mayo or drink water instead of coke. That's why obesity rates in America are so hight, your food culture is horrible

you better fucking deliver

>There are several rooms set up here
Ask to see where he and Heather sleep and if he dosen't the fire marshall will. Tell him Rick told you to ask. You won't understand but he will.

>i don’t know about you but a sandwich consisting of only meat and bread isn’t a good sandwich.
the amazing state of the amerishart.
>not to mention youd probably have to buy processed sandwich meat instead of real meat
why you cocksucker, cant you even buy proper meat in your joke country?

do you even know that proper meat only needs salt to be eaten and taste incredible? but why am i wasting my time with some lardtub that probably cant comprehend a bbq without that cringe sauce.

pic rel, actual meat that is killer with some bread.

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ill bite your face off if you dont deliver.

>fresh ingredients
>cheaper than fast food
what a load of horse shit. Healthy eating is a privilege of the wealthy

what the fuck

are amerilards held hostage in some corporate dystopia?


Bedroom pic

I don’t want to go overboard in the off chance that he sees this. He’s a pretty nice guy if not a bit (very) weird.

Photo might be flipped because phonefag

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okay my bro come right here while i munch your fucking mug away.

>unironically thought CDs were a fad
he was right in a way, since CDs are on their way out nowadays
>doesn't like jazz
his only real crime
I unironically agree, though this is only true for people with good taste

>openly racist and has unironically said the N word
Give an example of how he is racist

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That's not Steve's bedroom. Do what I told you to do.

tell him i love him aaaaaaaaaaaa

ask him to fuck your girlfriend

yeah this looks like electrical audio

But user-kun I delivered...

That’s all for now btw, we have several days to go, I don’t want him to be pissed haha just some innocuous fun since I thought it was funnily coincidental that I saw this thread while waiting to get started here

ask him if i can send him my personal recipe harmonic percolator clone. pls ask him and report results.

what a badass

i saw that, i think its awesome have fun, ill restore your face right now my man ;)

i like children
i love scooping my mids on guitars


jazz and shoegaze ARE awful
Cds are, where are they now?
i had trouble finding a drummer so i learned myself.

i eat sandwiches with mayo because it tastes good, and of course a lot of americans are fatties, doesnt mean the skinny ones like me cant enjoy some mayo on my sandwich. also why do you care about our eating habits, it doesnt effect you when americans become fat, is it really so egregious to enjoy eating tasty things? and coke isnt even very good, so youre just lumping me in with others at this point, you dont know me bro. where do you live and do you not put any condiments on your sandwiches? sounds so bland and tasteless
albinis whole point was you can make a sandwich consisting of meat and bread for the price of a big mac; the price of a big mac in america will not get you fresh meat and bread, fresh meat alone would take up your big mac budget. obviously if i wanted a good sandwich id buy fresh good quality meat but that would cost more than a big mac. also, an actually good sandwich doesn’t just consist of bread and quality meat, you need some cheese, lettuce, maybe some tomatoes, and yes, some kind of condiments. do all non-americans only eat bread-meat sandwiches lol?

Are you retarded
Dude fucking browse /fit/, and quit talking about privilege, regardless of its value as a concept when observing trends there’s no place for it in an individual’s life

I'm british. It's perfectly reasonable to expect fresh food to be more expensive– a bag of 72 chicken nuggets from iceland for example costs £3 and will last a while, whereas a large aubergine and two avocados will definitely cost more than that, will go off quicker and won't feed a family to anywhere near the same extent.

>you need some cheese, lettuce, maybe some tomatoes, and yes, some kind of condiments.
>lets add a bunch other stuff because im a fat fuck that cant be satiated
eh sandwiches take different forms, but there are simple churrascos that consist of bread and meat, and if you arent an useless maggot in the kitchen, you can make a killer churrasco with salt, oil, meat and bread.

Tell him I idolize him and that I’m so dependent on other people’s opinions that I don’t care what people think of me because then people will like me, tell him this is thanks to him, he did this

No, I just know from experience by walking through a fucking supermarket and looking at the prices. Do you not go outside or something?

>I'm british.
oh ive seen your grocery prices. also you literally live in an orwellian dystopia so, spotted anyways.

>salt, oil, meat and bread
>ingredients that will cost more than a big mac

We do, but I'd take that over the increased risk of obesity and getting shot in america any day. Also their food is literal garbage, I don't wanna eat chlorinated chicken

Are you retarded? Obviously buying all the ingredients in Steve's recipe are going to be more expensive than a single big mac, but the point is each individual sandwich you make is cheaper than a big mac. This logic of "the big mac is only a couple dollars, that's cheaper than buying it from the store" is just straight up idiocy.
Fresh produce is extremely cheap dude, if you bothered getting off your fat ass and going to a grocery store you could see it.
Healthy eating is a privilege of the mentally competent.

here you can get a big mac for $3500.

for $400 you can get a bg and crunchy ciabatta piece. for $2000 a huge piece of quality beef. theres $1100 extra for babby to make it more palatable to his babby tastes.

yes because fat fucks in America put lettuce and tomatoes on their food lol. the fat fucks are the ones eating big macs. also, if you season your meat well enough to make it taste good with just bread, whats wrong with not seasoning it and putting vegetables instead to make it more flavorful? you know its not a crime to get creative with food, right? not to mention that eating only meat and carbs isnt exactly healthy for you lol so maybe get down from your pedestal and stop seething so hard at americans?

>*distant musl*m wailing*

Finally someone said it

>here you can get a big mac for $3500.
How Canada has fallen...

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>his first band was so shitty they couldn't even find a real drummer

fresh produce is NOT cheap, comparing it to a big mac is one thing but a working-class family is 100% going to buy the value bag of frozen garbage over a few vegetables that might last a couple of days. Sounds to me like you have zero experience of living paycheck to paycheck just to put food on the table. You know wealth is relative right? what is cheap to you might be a day's work for someone else.

>You know wealth is relative right? what is cheap to you might be a day's work for someone else.
well, stop being poor.

>a large aubergine and two avocados will definitely cost more than that
well then how about you buy some fucking tomatoes and not the most infamously expensive veggies out there?

seriously though, would a basic healthy meal like grilled chicken with greek salad and rice really be expensive in angloland?

Rapeman was better than Big Black desu
partially because they had an actual drummer, and a good one at that

i dont know what country all these people are from but they have no idea what theyre talking about. fresh meat alone costs more than a big mac
american here, the ingredients for all of that would probably cost about $12, double the price of one big mac

>fresh meat alone costs more than a big mac
if this happens in your country, then youre being fucked in the ass hard.

What? have you listened to Radiohead? Dumbass.

I'll agree with roast beef, maybe, but a cheese sandwich is shittier than a Big Mac

lol REM were innovative musicians Nirvana ain't the worst but nothing compared to them

>but a cheese sandwich is shittier than a Big Mac
t. yet another american(tm) that hasnt tasted real cheese in his whole life

>self-admitted pedophile
where? why? when? you sure it wasnt a joke or to fool fools like you?
>ruined countless albums with his shitty meme production
nope he made albums that sound HARD and CRISP, kind of like studio live, i hate studio wanker bullshit cos you cant play that kind of shit live
>openly racist and has unironically said the N word
i thought he was hardcore communist and who cares, we are white here, not niggers
>doesn't like jazz or shoegaze
genres for fags
>unironically thought CDs were a fad
they are and they arent lossless
>his first band was so shitty they couldn't even find a real drummer
fuck you faggot nigger communist

Given that he produced one of their albums, that was probably a joke or not meant in a negative way.

it was in his private tour diary he never intended to be public
>Jaded as I am, I can't help but flip seeing a girl and guy of twelve or thirteen, tops, ramming Martel bottles up each other's asses. These are not the Dutch equivalent of abused trailer-park kids, either. They look to be in excellent health and seem to be honestly enjoying this. Makes all the conventional arguments against this kind of thing seem really silly. They're kids. Kids like to play with their own and other people's privates. They're just being photographed at it. Now, people who get a voyeuristic charge out of watching them, like me, I guess, well, we've got some grip-on-reality problems. There's maybe 1% of all pornography that has any effect on me, and it's definitely not a turn-on very often. But when it is, and it's as weird as this, it's pretty hard to take.

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lol then focus on the things that are good and don't waste time on shit things edgelord

i dont know what you want me to say, im just telling you how it is where i live. i think like 4 companies control all of the meat in america lol, its not a pretty scene for us here in that regard. still, cant believe other counties look down on putting condiments and vegetables on a sandwich, do other countries literally only eat meat? isnt eating meat supposed to be the fatty american thing? since red meat of awful for you? am i the only one here who enjoys more than just meat in my sandwich?

>the ingredients for all of that would probably cost about $12, double the price of one big mac
holy shit
the US really is a strange place

>Pixies and Nirvana producer Steve Albini has hit out at Odd Future after he shared a minibus with them recently. Albini, who was in the Spanish city with his band Shellac, wrote that he shared an airport shuttle with the band and that he hadn’t “wanted to strangle anybody that much in a real long time.”
>"I spent about 40 minutes with these little pricks at the end of May and I haven’t wanted to strangle anybody that much in a real long time. My band shared an airport shuttle with them in Barcelona. They piled onto the shuttle late, niggering everything in sight, motherfucking the driver, boasting into the air unbidden about getting their dicks sucked and calling everyone in the area a faggot. A female passenger tried to engage one of them in conversation, but he just stared at her with a dead-to-me stare while his seatmate flipped double birds in her face"

I think your problem with fast food is more indicative of your disgust for the working-class than any desire to see them improve their health.

a punnet of tomatoes will still generally cost about a pound depending on where you buy them, which is the same price as the aubergine. You're right tho, avocados are a bad example

I'd argue that for the majority of the population it isn't an expensive meal, but bear in mind we still have millions of people dependent on food banks.

I heard from a friend that it's actually cheaper in New York to eat takeout every night rather than buying and preparing food yourself, can anyone confirm?

Ask him what it was like to be in the studio with J***** N******

He quoted what they were saying. How is that racist?

durka durka

Steve is just such a musical autist that it penetrates every other aspect of his life
>doesn't like jazz or shoegaze
i mean based yeah but also what the fuck

You guys are pretty lame for idolising some ugly depressed autist. Good producer but I couldn't give a shit about his opinion.

>I am quite happy none of them engaged me directly, because at least one of us would have regretted it
Steve is definitely a seething "if I saw you irl" poster

cant say because i live in washington state but i wouldnt be surprised, big cities in america are ridiculously expensive. however, the $12 meal of chicken, salad, and rice i mentioned would buy you enough food for several meals, so long-term wise where i live, buying fast food every meal is definitely not cheaper and if you eat fast food everyday youre wasting money and being unhealthy

haha poverty is so funny haha kys


Steve fucked my girlfriend!

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I'm honestly shocked that I had to. The only way buying pre-made food like a big mac is ever a good deal is if you don't have time to make the food yourself. If you do, and you're choosing to spend the money on a big mac, you should understand that that individual meal is more expensive than an individual meal at home. The idea that a big mac is cheaper because the exact price that you're paying up front is less than at a store is the kind of thinking a child does. Anybody over the age of 18 who doesn't realize that you're wasting money is mentally retarded. And that's ignoring the nutritional aspect
You moron, I do live paycheck to paycheck, and I live in a really expensive city. Every week I go shopping, I buy a red and green pepper and some eggs, which comes to a under 3 dollars, often less because of weekly sales. Every 2-3 weeks I buy a bag of onions, a bag of frozen chicken breast, and a loaf of bread, which comes to about 14 bucks. Every month or so I buy a bag of rice, or a few things of pasta, coming to 3-4 bucks. Totaling around 30-40 bucks, this can keep me fed every day for a month, and I usually don't eat that much so it's less than that. Now imagine if I bought a big mac, or frozen chicken nuggets instead. How much less I'd be fed, how much more I'd spend, and how much worse the food would be.
Your inability to do simple math and think about the nutritional value that you're spending money on is concerning.
Wrong, I live in NY, groceries are expensive as hell but not as expensive as takeout, as long as you're buying practical foods and don't feel the need to treat yourself every day.

>since red meat of awful for you?
thats some meme you got right there. have you seen how one year wine is good, then next year wine is bad, then good again. the same thing.

also, think about it: why are some countries super fine with eating their meat as minimal as possible (not always, but in some settings), and some other drench any meat in condiments? maybe the first one has tasty meat that doesnt need "fixing". since were in an albino thread, its like a good recording, record good and you wont need to soak the whole mix in reverb and retarded effects to simulate a good recording.

>unironically thought CDs were a fad
He was 100% right

didnt you get the memo? there are some words only some races can say.

Just to clarify this is not including seasonings or sauces or things like peanut butter, because those last a long time and don't need to be bought regularly. But even including those it's only a few extra bucks.

>I think your problem with fast food is more indicative of your disgust for the working-class than any desire to see them improve their health.
i dont care about what poor piece of shit eats or doesnt eat, we were discussing a different matter.

loooooool why are you virtue signaling in a hentai forum?

Yeah I'm thinking this is based


>the N word
do americans really talk like this?

its not like im DRENCHING my sandwich in condiments, a thin layer of mayo on one side of the bread will do perfectly fine. also, sandwiches are about the only meat food americans pair condiments like mayo with, we dont just lather all meat with shit, we do love our bbq’s after all. we are fans of seasoning, trust me, theres a reason americans are known for eating meat, because we love eating meat by itself all the time. just not with sandwiches. if i want to eat nice seasoned tasty meat, im not gonna slap some bread on both sides of it and call it a sandwich lol, the whole point of a sandwich is to put other shit in it

Excuse me but this is an American site we’re posting on and I do believe I’ve seen a few posters say nigger once or twice here

and what do you think of that?

>no one's ever called


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There is nothing inherently wrong with any of this.

>3 dollars for two peppers and eggs
We would usually pay more in the uk for that, even taking the conversion rate into account. You think I don't understand maths but you understand geography even less.

>How much less I'd be fed, how much more I'd spend, and how much worse the food would be
You're not shopping for a family though, are you? Surely its worse maths to compare a week's food for one to a week's food for four?

I don’t think anything of it, people will say words and that’s their prerogative

>wwaaah think of the poor people wahhh the poooooor families ;____;

and do you say the word or not?

>american here, the ingredients for all of that would probably cost about $12, double the price of one big mac
It would cost no more than $10 tops, and you'd have more food left over

>we were discussing something completely different!
>last post was literally "stop being poor"
Memory of a goldfish, this one.

that's not an example of him being racist, everyone knows about this
Give another example

when you run out of arguments, what else is there to do except make patronising baby noises?

Not in public because it would cause a huge scene but in private settings yes. My mulatto friend and I call each other nigger all the time, in fact he says it more than me

odd future > steve albini

youll make 2 tasty meat sandwiches with the money for a big mac. whoever cant do this is either retarded, physically impaired or straight low IQ dumb. the poor prefer to buy luxuries like expensive cellphones and tvs (compared to their income) than eating properly, i say fuck them, and if they get tumors from eating only big macs when they coul dbe eating way healthier for less money, well then even cooler.

>My mulatto friend and I
cool gay flick.

albino >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>good people>>>>>dogshit>>>>n-worders

ask him if he still has the mic kurt cobain farted on

I've loved a lot of the albums he produced, and I like Rapeman and some Shellac, so it's disappointing that I don't like Big Black at all.

and the "Run Nigger Run" song might actually be racist on some levels but given what we know about his character this is intentional edge for the sake of edge, from a time period where intentional edge wasn't yet almost universal in bad taste, while this can carry some bad notions it isn't enough to just blanket call him racist

yeah the food would last for several meals, and yeah its probably more close to $10 but thats only a $2 difference and prices vary across the country and now that i think about it as im writing it, buying quality chicken and all that other stuff would come out to around $12 where i live

Nah he smells, plus he’s a chad and I’m an autist

Is /ourguy/ Scaruffi correct as usual?

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excellent italian greyhound deserves a 6 and dude incredible a 5

Oh shit, atomizer used to be an 8

But Steve now I'm thirsty!

Tap water is free


Whoever you are, well played

you're in the wrong supermarket

but bread is 2e
cheese a lot lets say 3e
and meat 3e+
he is talking beef thought and closest option here would be pork for 6e and then you use like 7 hours to make it

be honest moo: which one would you choose

Attached: choose one.jpg (2852x960, 752K)

I choose this. Not ideal bread and meat choices, but much better than the supbar bread on your pic

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Are those banana slices under the meat?

left any day

Steve albini fucked my gf

nice buzzword

too low

These are pickles I guess

obviously a roast beef sandwhich, but there is way too much sauce on that particular one

>big mac, fries, and a coke
>fresh bread, some good cheese *OR* roast beef

Is this idiot is actually trying to tell me I'll enjoy plain roast beef (or cheese) on some bread (and nothing to drink) more than I'd enjoy a Big Mac, fries, and a Coke?

Pic related ...NOPE!

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>this is good bread and cheese to an amerifag
The absolute state

those are onions.

obssesed, when will the world get over america?

Unironically go on /fit/, fatass.

Of course it'll cost less, so would eating a handful of dead leaves!


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correct, these are caramelized onions


Thanks, could’ve sworn they were bananas

are you retarded? we are talking about this picture

Are you?
>fresh bread, some good cheese *OR* roast beef
Show me where he mentioned any of the other ingredients in that pic? The dweeb isn't even talking about meat and cheese together between two slices of bread, he's saying one or the other!

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I mean I can't dispute most of your claims but
>unironically thought CDs were a fad
They were thou

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kek anybody saying left is a straight up fucking liar

i think they are noth pretty garbage food unless you use proper bread so if it has 5/5 bread then id rather choose it but othercase no

Wow what band are you in?


lol put some lettuce and proper toppings and you're good. but that alone looks like a piece of shit and I'd rather enjoy a hot burger over a cold soggy tasteless thing.

you may just be shitposting but after 10 years of 'appreciating' this guy you kind of put the nail on the head

steve's a boring contrarian; he's got his niche; i plan to leave him be forever

Didn’t you read the thread bro? If you put lettuce and condiments on a sandwich you’re a fat american

>"Gotdayum niggah, muthafuckin' McDonalds!"
>Steve Albino: *inhales*

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> unironically says 'nigger'
> This is a bad thing
I'll grant you everything but that.

I was only talking about mayo. It was you who assumed I don't use condiments or put vegetables on my sandwich (not a big fan of lettuce btw)
isn't that ham and the shittiest type of bread on your pic?

>isn't that ham and the shittiest type of bread on your pic?
Not him but what difference does it make? That's literally the type of sandwich he described.

In 2003

based beyond space and time

Could’ve sworn it’s been an 8 up until a few years ago

This is what actually exploring your sexuality looks like

check this vid out, jus the intro, and tell me this guy isnt BASED


6' btw

lol no

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He would've clearly been as tall as Dave in this pic if he was standing straight, and Dave is 6'

albini is god

kek where do you think the manlet cutoff is, small stuff?

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post your albinis

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>derp derp mcdonalds bad

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5'9 probably

it's actually pretty good there is cheap fastfood

>5'9 probably

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looks good

Not a fan of ham, it's always moist for some reason. I'm more of a roasted turkey breast type of guy

you can pan fry that ham but that takes extra effort

...steve NO!

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how long till he gets cancelled?

Blessed photo

Greta Van Fleet

>buying into the analog meme

the family would spend even more if they're all eating big macs as opposed to cooking their own food though

love you guys

more or less, though two nuns should be higher and atomizer lower

based steve

He's wearing a Low shirt and Low sucks, so I'm inclined to believe OP.

>McDonalds isn't bad

steve is mega based

This is neither fresh broad or good cheese you fucking americunt

what? have you listened to U2 before 2000? dumbass.

A decent loaf of bread is at least $4 , 1/2 pound of decent cheese is $8, 1/2 pound of roast beef that isn't processed shit $7. Sure it's better but lets not act like they're even remotely comparable in price.

step your sandwich game up, that bread isn't even toasted

bump for a FREE cocksuck just for Stevo

is that steve BASED albini? the most GOAT guy in musiz biz?

ITT: albini dicksuckers

Go to bed Ronald

t. mcdonalds fan

Bread and cheese aren't healthy anyway. The healthiest foods are fruit and vegetables and those are pretty cheap.

>openly racist and has unironically said the N word
I'm anti racist but I don't care why exactly anyone hates odd future, it could be for musical or racist reasons, so long as people are hating Tyler and his that friends I'm ok with it.

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run nigger run is my favorite band :)

>all the americans ITT
Albini is as based as Miyazaki,he assblasts americans with his divine gaze alone


Miyazaki gets immediately triggered by tits and dead bodies, he's just a miserable old man that thinks the way his father thought.

See what I mean?lole