Attached: 32.jpg (1500x1000, 1.07M)

Other urls found in this thread:

ITZY - Gas Safety Song

Any upcoming comebacks I should know besides bts/twice

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finally something I can saemfag

Attached: saeromuggo.jpg (293x386, 35K)

post the yeji vid
THAT one..

>that's a small penis you got there user

Attached: D2yRnpGUwAICPBG.jpg (308x477, 50K)

only twice matters

dont do it
yeji doesnt deserve this

post eunbis

Oh yeah. Meh.

can't wait for Coachella

Attached: queen of kpop.jpg (318x448, 16K)

Thanks. I mesured it at 11.5cm

Is the sexual yeji poster also the mentally ill, self inserting bang chan erper or are there two clinical cases here


jennie is the definition of 'so last year'

what the actual fuck thats terrible LMAO
cant believe i actually used to like jennie

Attached: 포맷변환_IMG_6150.jpg (1600x1564, 1.23M)

her deepfake was fantastic

Word it's all about Yuna now

i know but the guilt and shame afterwards is terrible...

wtf this is cringe af..

What the fuck this is comedy gold
Highlight of her career in entertainment for being entertaining

she said one of her fav artists was amy winehouse and i can tell shes trying to sing like her... holy shit she does not pull it off at all

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why this w h o r e is still being pushed?


Human Old Navy

someone should shoot her in the head

Human H&M


Attached: dahee glam hannah gpbasic nayoon goodday.jpg (1800x1190, 263K)

Europe doesnt do guns
Are muslims still knifing, trucking, or bombing ppl in Europe lately, I haven't kept up

no true muslim does things like that

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can't wait for new webms

Attached: yaaaass slaaaay.webm (400x578, 2.94M)



Why does he only post old arin pics?

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i miss them so much bros...

my queen

wow they are close..

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I like her so much

jesus never had a sex tape...

I want her to sit on my face

the tall dude from kard must be knee deep in korean pussy

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you're like a broken record man

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ryujin is autistic

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Attached: (621x777, 48K)

Yena folder is safe

Attached: 2X7A0421_1.jpg (867x1300, 917K)

Why does he need that when he has his own 3 member harem

God of Sex tape i believe.
Thou shall not have other sex tape beside me
Thou Shall not covet your neighbors sex tape
Thou Shall not fuck others

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post her ass

pay attention

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this has to be a joke

felix is qt

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Why are their past anecdote songs so melancholy. Do they miss pre idol life

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still topping the brand rankings stay salty haters while jennie stay slaying

imagine if chewy was good at taking selfies

Yikes an actual seanigger

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why she look like a one piece character tho

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this is the visual of izone

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Is it sad I don't recognize most of wjsn's b-sides until I hear exy?

she isn't

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just realized it's friday also known as gayday. also it's 8pm in the philippines just so everyone is aware

mimi and upsee are the hottest

Ignore that

wtf mina is literal yeri body tier

jiho and binnie are the hottest


cropbait doesn't work against iz*one fans, they still want to bang her because they are degenerates

i thought minju is the visual of izone
have yet to see a bad pic of her desu

if you don't think about fucking AHN YUJIN at least once daily you are literally a homosexual

Minjoo is quite monkey-like without makeup

Attached: tumblr_ovk6c7TI0x1wq7p6vo4_400.gif (268x250, 2.42M)

People dance around the fact that their favourite group has a majority male fanbase because they realise how uncomfortable they must feel about it. It is pretty weird after all.
I guess you just have to embrace it.

Is BM the biggest kpop idol in height and mass? I've wondered this

they share 99% of our dna so they're still hot

i don't like chimpuggo men

Attached: chimpuggo2.jpg (344x419, 33K)

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t. so ygoy beta cuck manlet


It's only weird if you make it weird.

seriously how do you not think monkey looking girls are cute
did you not have a thing for dixie kong growing up or what

seething subhuman monkey

Attached: chimpuggo.jpg (386x402, 19K)

word monkeys are my favorite animal

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word we love monkey / chimp looking idols here

Attached: literal neanderthal.jpg (623x661, 46K)

same species?

>listening to dreamcatcher
>they do a surprise vlive
>couldn't watch because I was at work

this is stunning

Attached: 160402_21.jpg (1280x1920, 1.22M)

What did you guys think about the english version of 'Play It Cool'?

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waow dubu

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perfect body

seoyeon looks pretty cute here too


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who are these nugus trying to hit on wheein?

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better than shoot out but aoki probably wrote the lyrics. i think that technically makes it the original version

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Happy birthday to the prettiest person on the planet Earth

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>Meet BLACKPINK, the new global ambassador of Kia.

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finally a pretty girl

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>fatty boy will fk minju and eunbi
will wizones respond?

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Who is the first to leave twice?

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>2 hours
>100 posts
kpg is dead, choabro save us!

but YG is finito they said

Attached: yg stock.png (610x504, 25K)

What's she thinking about?

Attached: D20zcogU0AEV9Ou?format=jpg&name=orig.jpg (1080x720, 66K)

wonder what he is doing these days

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hopefully dead XD
Choa herself would sleep much better if this happened

Attached: DiEp-umUEAI_FrS.jpg (2048x1365, 152K)

why is chungha's label trying to jew us?

Attached: Annotation 2019-03-29 080347.png (1448x576, 92K)

Attached: le17.jpg (1125x2000, 227K)

that means chungha's welcome kit must come with better shit

Attached: DiFFH7nUYAA6BOx.jpg (2048x1365, 168K)

i hope so

tfw mobileshitting discordcucks irrevocably ruined chan culture

BP rose their stocks like 200% as soon as their comeback got announced
they were going down increasingly for about a week and a half because of Seungri

>ever having an option to not buy the welcome kit
the only reason an i-fan has to buy membership is the membership goods

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>cancels ITZY

Heeyeon is beautiful, honestly.

which group are you talking about

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>1 day chart


Attached: hani45.jpg (1365x2048, 258K)

Na Goeun is a legit babe

girlgroups are marketed to have majority male fanbases
boygroups are marketed to have majority female fanbases
water is wet
what's your point brainlet?

>clicks on 1 month


>dead on arrival

yuna look a like on twitch 'armello_'

Attached: PCSn46I.png (1041x400, 661K)

a lot of girlgroups have majority female fandoms though

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imagine how twice feels having to smile at guys like this every day

Attached: lol.jpg (400x400, 32K)

that doesn't change the fact that girlgroups are by design supposed to have majority male fanbases

>dead on arrival
>making world tour before debut
how about no

buy the dip!!!!

blow it

Attached: hiichanshootout.webm (1280x720, 1.12M)

or maybe they are happy to be successful and to have fans

Hiichan is finally letting some personality out

post more dubu hip/thigh/ass area

Attached: DiFKm33VQAEp9j-.jpg (2048x1365, 152K)

Very nice of that guy to let nayeon take a picture with him

Attached: hyelin (126).jpg (640x960, 50K)


they have to smile at this exact guy everyday since he goes to all their events

hes not that bad desu compared to most south east asian 'people'

a decent hair cut, eye brow maint, an contacts and he'd be 6-7/10 easy

>world tour
lmao nice mental gymnastics
they're asking people to book them to perform, they're not going on a tour.
And there's 0 chance they're flying fucking anywhere as a predebut group not in the big 3 to perform at venues with no fanbase, try again nugushitter.

literally the ugliest shit

Attached: 0e1675c2-e20b-11e7-a59e-0000000049b9.webm (924x756, 2.94M)


have you seen me tho

they usually start off with mostly male fanabses depending on the groups concept and then shift towards women later

Attached: DiFKn6NVMAEtko4.jpg (2048x1365, 155K)

the face not even a mother could love....

at least half the appeal of girlgroups has always been someone to look up to for girls and that's reflected in their fandoms
it's like the girls' equivalent of how guys look at athletes or whatever

Attached: TBsR2Wc.jpg (1025x963, 63K)

he met his waifu, have you?

everybody is doing a world tour early in their careers lately. that doesn't mean they're successful it means koreans are trendy right now.

why did taeyeon post a gun on her instagram?

>they're not going on a tour
>And there's 0 chance they're flying fucking anywhere as a predebut group not in the big 3 to perform at venues with no fanbase, try again nugushitter.

Attached: D2UuKa6U8AIu1eQ.jpg (1200x901, 193K)


Attached: 170325 (6).jpg (1280x1920, 1.22M)

is gugudan just a group of actresses now?

maybe, twice's fans were mostly girls at debut though and it turned into majority guys later

>dont go to the fanmeet tomorrow

Attached: hani58.jpg (1280x915, 611K)

Attached: DiGp-ecV4AESf_6.jpg (1365x2048, 222K)

it's not a world tour.
they're asking whatever overseas people that are aware of them to book them to perform in their country.
Which isn't going to happen because the cost of flying them there and performing is going to heavily outweigh whatever profit they can hope to generate from it.

Attached: 1547053842122.jpg (854x480, 47K)

jiho and binnie once again looking like snacks

they were more girl crush at the start which would trend more towards women. then they started doing virtual girlfriend songs.

imagine been so stupid
you doing first tours not for profits retardo, for gain experience, rising fanbase etc

Attached: DiGqAGIUwAAHpth.jpg (1365x2048, 233K)

how can a nugugroup make enough to be able to afford shit like this?

Attached: tumblr_pp2tha097T1turcn4o4_1280.jpg (694x460, 56K)

Attached: D207NAIU8AI6C53.jpg (1242x921, 129K)

Wonho pimps Wujus out to sponsors

tour revenue
some royalties on those songs he wrote

who is this goddess? somi?

they are paid to wear it once and then they have to give it back to the brand

Attached: DiHi_jXUcAAmKGj.jpg (2048x1366, 197K)

stop bullying

>from a basically nugu company
>their senior group is popular, but not popular enough to influence their own popularity
>thinks that they have a feasible amount of people aware of them for this """"world tour""" to actually work
You're the brainlet here. They're turbonugu, from a company with one artist that is known by the general public, just debuted a boygroup that failed hilariously, and are asking people to book them when the amount of people showing up to the concerts would number in the hundreds, and very low thousands if they're extremely lucky.

Imagine falling for RBW's elementary school tier mediaplay and thinking this is them going on a world tour. They're not going anywhere, there are no plane tickets bought, there are no venues prepping for them coming. It's like the reverse of favela dwellers saying come to brazil.

other than the stylist getting products for free from high end brands to advertise, korea has just as many fakes as china does.

>AOA Jimin's Diet Tips!

who wanna become a creep?

Attached: 3.jpg (1080x1350, 206K)

the korean nigga and nega words are actually quite aesthetic. fuck english.

Attached: DOHKMnxV4AECOaz.jpg (2435x3453, 1.36M)

there's only 2 good posters in these threads and it's the silent arin and silent jisoo posters. everyone else needs to reflect

because idols rarely actually own the things they wear to events like those?

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lmao why are all txt members so shy and awkward. I don't think bangtan were like this when they were rookies?

Attached: DiHi-MuUEAIjw77.jpg (2048x1366, 258K)

what were the best non big 3 gen 2 groups? i need to catch up

Finally a bias towel

Attached: kkura towel.jpg (500x500, 24K)

That could be his
It could be sponsored
If he saved all the money he made from concerts he could've bought it on a hire purchase type payment plan
Unless you're a top tier group member buying a 14k watch upfront is an extremely poor financial decision

when will saepii join a korean agency?

is this in the izone shop?

Because some people are shy and awkward

i bought it for him

he is known to splurge

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>ate half a kilo of pork
kpop for this feel

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Why would they be idols then? I guess it’s an act

t-ara, kara, brown eyed girls, 9muses

I know this but they could have at least brought more variety in the group

because that's what they wanted to do

Why did she blur Seungri's photos?

Attached: 213123.jpg (1195x878, 228K)

because they have a talent for something and want to make a career out of it instead of getting a normal job?
not all celebrities are actually good at dealing with people.


Attached: AHN-YUJIN-towel.jpg (2048x6655, 1.15M)

inb4 le introvert idol arrangement

Attached: DjcweGBUYAE_Ena.jpg (1920x1280, 209K)

ohh no

>iz*one's lightstick is sold out
>had the chance to order one when i woke up today

Attached: triplek.jpg (580x548, 29K)

Then you didn't really want it, you just want it because you can't get it now.


guess i'm listening to kara since they're the only group with all their stuff online. went through 9m earlier this year. shame they were so underrated.

bought one earlier too and might buy some towels as well

Attached: D20o0cOUYAADWwP.jpg (1410x1410, 184K)

pretty much all of t-ara's discography is online

4minute, aoa, dal shabet

Attached: Dkww5yGUYAALrn6.jpg (1280x1920, 254K)

fuck off mate. i usually buy kpop stuff together with my buddy and we didn't know what he wanted to buy yet. i didn't think it would sell out immediately

Attached: (1300x867, 1.31M)
the towels aren't even in stock yet though

this hoodie cost $4k wtf

Attached: tumblr_pp0l9pvIjg1turcn4o1_1280.jpg (768x1200, 97K)

oh for some reason it had it under "appears on" instead of having it lined up like normal and the first few albums were basically kpop mixes

minus the japanese ones i think
some of that stuff is actually pretty groovy

after school too

who's spamming discount bella?

who the fuck is bella

Attached: Dkww5yGVAAceNoZ.jpg (1280x1920, 240K)

it says out of stock right there. what am i supposed to do with this link?

I'm keeping an eye on it it'll probably sold out again

lmao as soon as i posted that ktown4u link it went out of stock by the time i refreshed the page

based me

Attached: tumblr_pp0l9pvIjg1turcn4o3_1280.jpg (784x1200, 79K)

t ara

its all 3gen lol

Attached: Dkww5yHU8AAk9Oa.jpg (1280x1920, 216K)

"n-word lol"
- Itzy Lia

there is so much fake shit in korea, dont trip

kpop is so boring without itzy

Attached: 5H4B4206.jpg (1846x1267, 1.22M)

>minus the japanese ones i think
Not on youtube but they're on jps/k2n/hulkpop and those for sure

some of could be real and just stolen from chinese factories

Attached: Dkww5yHV4AALKyP.jpg (1280x1920, 271K)

based lia

SALES PERIOD : MAR 20 ~ APR 8, 17:50 (KST)
>*Please be aware that all albums will be signed and shipped after the deal closes.
>all albums will be signed and shipped after the deal closes.
3 month wait inc

Loli Jisoo mogs Bella
t. Elrisposter

Attached: DFf6vAnUwAAFLp9.jpg (1000x1500, 238K)

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Itzy Lia
main vocalist
cant get any fking note

kpop is great

best jisoo

bad song for her

what album?


Attached: DSC_4081.jpg (1150x1485, 1010K)

She's my favorite idol

not even the best in her group

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post your waifu

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I just ate 3 apples
Feeling good about it


she is the only one who isnt uggo

Heart*IZ signed