Influenced david bowie

>influenced david bowie
>influenced thom yorke and radiohead
>influenced david sylvian
>influenced mikael akerfeldt of opeth
>influenced toby driver of kayo dot
>influenced the faggot from xiu xiu
>influenced joe romersa
>influenced countless "experimental" indie singers

How can people not be aware of the importance of Scott?

Attached: 1553809703009.jpg (648x648, 61K)

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Gateway drugs are boring I guess.


I can certainly think of some "choirs of pigs seeking revenge" for his lack of a sticky


Nose holes caked in black cocaine Pow! Pow! No one holds a match to your skin No dupe No chiming a way off miles off No needle through a glove Famine is a tall tall tower a building left in the night Jesse are you listening? It casts its ruins in shadows under Memphis moonlight Jesse are you listening? Six feet of foetus flung at sparrows in the sky Put yourself in my shoes A kiss - - wet - - muzzle A clouded eye No stars to flush it out Famine is a tall tall tower A building left in the night Jesse are you listening? It casts its ruins in shadows under Memphis moonlight Jesse are you listening? Pow! Pow! In the dream I am crawling around on my hands and knees smoothing out the prairie All the dents and the gouges and the winds dying down I lower my head press my ear to the prairie Alive I'm the only one left alive I'm the only one left alive I'm the only one left alive Alive I'm the only one left alive I'm the only one left alive I'm the only one left alive

No doubt his lyrics could creep out Edgar Allan Poe.


While plucking feathers from a swan song,
Spring might gently press it's thumbs against your eyes

While plucking feathers from a swan song,
A cobweb melts within a womb.

While plucking feathers from a swan song,
An incontinent is singing Scarpia.

While plucking feathers from a swan song.

While plucking feathers from a swan song,
A mythic instance of erotic impulse -

While plucking feathers from a swan song,
-is slipping under a surefire sign.

While plucking feathers from a swan song,
bdelloid rotifers
join the
chitterling circuit.

While plucking feathers from a swan song.

While plucking feathers from a swan song
shit might pretzel
Christ's intestines.

While plucking feathers from a swan song,
being crushed from the inside out.

While plucking feathers from a swan song,
on the snow
"Rummy" flaunts
his unmanly

While plucking feathers from a swan song.

While plucking feathers from a swan song,
A tiny laugh
dirties everything
it touches.

While plucking feathers from a swan song,
night stops dripping through the stars.

While plucking feathers from a swan song,
blast the sheet
of jewels
horizon to horizon.

While plucking feathers from a swan song.

Attached: scottwalker.gif (480x270, 2.87M)


This is the banger of The Drift, absolute genius.

He just ripped off Jacques Brel and later went full pseud

im listening to this song right now, spooky

Covering some songs is not ripping off, also Jacques' voice is arguable nothing compared to Scott.

Correct. The only reason people could have to act like Brel is anything compared to Scott is because he's belgian and therefore more cred-worthy to them

Also Scott has always stated his inspiration from Brel and how he admired him, the way he rendered his songs is glorious and way better than the original Imo.

He's a classic case of your favorite artist's favorite artist. You'd be surprised by just how many trash bands are influenced by patrician shit that their fans have never heard of, Avenged Sevenfold was probably inspired by The Stooges and The Velvet Underground.

He is not important, just interesting. He has always been the textbook example of guy making completely irrelevant pop music who later went completely off the rails into experimental territory. That later stuff was really good but not important.

>not important
OP just listed why he's important

Did he get a sticky?

Attached: 1411699695463.jpg (199x229, 13K)

This last, you might remember, was Chief Prosecutor Carla De Ponte’s summation of Slobodan Milosevic’s crimes in the former Yugoslavia, crimes that haunt the whole record. One aspect of this Drift is continental: Europe’s sleepwalk back to fascism.

None of those things mean anything. A lot of those artists are irrelevant but also, being influenced doesn't mean what you think it does. David Bowie could have been inspired by Scott Walker for one song on what is universally regarded as his worst album and Bowie isn't exactly good music to begin with. Yes, Walker may have influenced some people a little on some things that were good but basically every artist can do that. There's different levels of influence. Walker isn't even most popular as an innovator but as an interpreter since even with the indie cred he apparently has in hipster circles, people still prefer to flock to his early albums rather than the late-career classics.

Scott Walker has his importance because he was a great singer and because his later output is quite unique, he had a very peculiar and personal way of making experimental music. It was a greatly calculated, constructed and meticulously composed avant-garde art, nothing random, nothing improvised. His specific style of arrangement was intriguing and very defined.

His deep baritone voice was a landmark and without doubt one of the greatest male voices ever. If someone emulates his style of singing is because he's deeply influenced and would not be the same without.

Climate of Hunter always gets overlooked, Bolivia ‘95 is one of my favorite SW songs.

Uh, that’s not on Climate of Hunter, but it is on Tilt.

Bolivia ‘95 is off of Tilt though? Anyway Dealer and Track 6 are also amazing if we're talking about CoH

is that bruce willis

Yes user, it's Bruce Willis.


Climate of Hunter is the last one most people liked though. Also Bolivia 95 ain't on that one. Sleepwalkers Woman is up there though, as is Track 3.
It was Tilt that made the plebs tune out.

>tfw Knew nothing of the horses, Nothing of the thresher
I already miss him so much, I know he had another album in him too.

Attached: sadderaffleck.png (425x436, 297K)

hopefully we get a posthumous release

Attached: scott.jpg (900x600, 43K)


I really hope but I don't think so

Lemon Bloody Cola
gonna sponge you down

avenged sevenfold is a prog band which is kind of the opposite of both those bands





literally who?

Go back to Kanye kid

How the fuck did Nicholas cage influence David Bowie?

lol how many fucking persons does scott resemble in this photo

100% this.

Not gonna lie Scott was a big one for me. The news on monday ruined my entire week. Been a nonstop binge of all his work ever since.
So I'll bump this thread with the first song I listened to when I got the news:

Attached: SadRustyMesa.gif (245x255, 500K)