>Younger sister wants to study Art
>The only art she appreciate is music
>She is a big fan of Billie Eilish
Younger sister wants to study Art
Other urls found in this thread:
post pics of your sister you homo
Post pics
Preferably of her feet
Get off her back, you cretin. Let her study what she wants to study.
dumb frog poster
cool sister
give her /avant-teen/ pill
make her a pseud but without telling her about Yea Forums
introduce last.fm and discog to her
feet pics
feet fags please die
Reverse problem with my cousin
>plays violin since 4
>goes to competitions around the country
>been through diff instructors that pass her up to higher tier ones
>verbally smart but no aptitude for math
>randomly decides to major in physics
>picks a college with basically no music dept
She fell for the "only STEM gets jobs" meme
I told her only TE gets jobs (I'm a programmer), she doesn't care. Randomly has an interest in math because she doesn't like the dumb artist stereotype
>Younger sister wants to study Art and be productive
>Older brother is wasting his time and making fun of her
don't listen to this guy. People are to stupid to chose, sometimes the choice has to be made for them.
>Randomly has an interest in math because she doesn't like the dumb artist stereotype
Which is based
Studying maths is far more interesting
Pure math is some nerd gay shit
Engineering is where it's at
Engineers are garbage at maths, that's why you think that.
lmao why are women so surface level?
Got me there tbf, but I still don't get why do some people enjoy math's abstract use more than the most practical one
>enjoy math's abstract use more than the most practical one
Because pure math is a fun challenge, applied math is satisfying in it's own way at times, but for the most part isn't intellectually satisfying in the same manner pure math is.
I don't know that feel op, my imouto is p based.
>imouto studies sculpture
>favorite artist is xiu xiu
>she's also well read