Why are audiophiles so dumb?

Why are audiophiles so dumb?


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because they love audio, not music.

I can’t believe it’s another Yea Forums copes with other people being richer than them thread!

Why would anyone even go through all that trouble to still end up with audio quality that doesn't even rival that of CDs?

There's literally a guy living is a 250 sq. ft. apartment so he can afford audio equipment you dumbass nigga.

audiophilia tends to border on pseudoscience. and, like pseudosciences, it preys on people who have an intermediate but not thorough knowledge of a topic. claims and theories that carry high plausibility are the most dangerous, because they're usually found to be false when real research and advanced understanding of a topic is applied. the laws of physics are notoriously at odds with "what makes sense" and "what sounds plausible". it's the same level of novice competence that supports antivax and flimsy alternate medicine theories.

>tl;dr: when you know nothing everything is fine, and when you know a lot everything is fine, but when you know just a bit you're dangerous

t. acoustic engineer and clinical audiologist

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Because They're larping as people who love music but they don't really love music. They just think that if they get that next piece of gear they'll get that sensation other people get from music, but they never will.

hey man what's going on in that pic? is that some sort of hearing aid?

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How are they dumb? They want their experience to be as authentic as possible. Few people can afford to hire bands to play in their front room, so expensive set-ups are the next best thing.

"But muh live performances. Muh concerts."

Maybe they don't want to mix it up with the unwashed masses. Maybe they just can't, for whatever reason. And what about dead artists, you mongoloid? If you hadn't noticed, both the gents featured in the video are old as fuck. Who do think they're into? Something else you should have taken into consideration is the audiophile demographic is middle-aged to old wrinkly fucks; as I stated, some just can't go to concerts.


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cochlear implant m8


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>They want their experience to be as authentic as possible

No they don't. They want it to be as expensive as possible.

All you need for an "authentic" experience is a set of reasonably flat monitors, in a non-square room with appropriate acoustic treatment.

What he has is stupidly expensive equipment, in a shitty square room with all kinds of garbage everywhere.

If you complain about audiophiles "not loving music but loving audio", yet most of what you listen to is Yea Forumscore, you're one of the biggest hypocrite on this website.

>you're one of the biggest hypocrite on this website
well said

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Yea Forumscore is just a term to classify critically acclaimed albums you fucking dweeb.

Which proves my point, if it's most of what you listen to, you're either extremely new to music as an artform or have no interest in it whatsoever.

i dont know what this means, yet i feel offended

>"electricity is like blood, if it's tainted, the whole body will get sick"
ok, he's just retarded.

>listens to a format with objectively inferior audio quality

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It's the price you pay holding onto LP records when cleaner sources are available. Everytime I spin a record on my turntable, I hear a rare pop or crackle and it drives me batty---which leads my mind to wonder if I just threw another 500 USD bucks at my hi-fi set-up...


desu a lot of it down to the quality of the pressing imo.
I like to think I've got a decent budget to midrange setup and honestly I don't think I could improve things a whole lot further at this point. I've got some records that sound perfect and others that are pretty shit

they aren't dumb, they are insane.
they are hyper materialists who are addicted to buying and owning expensive things. audio is just an expensive hobby they picked because they can pretend they somehow are getting more enjoyment out of music than other people because their ears are so good.
in reality, the equipment isn't amplifying the enjoyment they get out of music. the music only serves as creme on top of the enjoyment they get out of owning expensive equipment.

There is a lot of bullshit marketing in high end audio but that doesn't mean the field is bullshit itself. I own a small high end company and have listened to systems that go for £100k+ and whilst their is a law of diminishing returns from around £10k onwards, you can't say there is not a massive difference in the reproduction of the music. Either you've never listened to a proper system or maybe only in burger land where 115v just doesn't cut it.

hes fucking right, you dont know shit about the issue.