DEUTSCHLAND is dope af

DEUTSCHLAND is dope af

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Other urls found in this thread:,_Charles_I_as_King_of_Spain.svg


How much does an armor like that cost?

the guitar sounds like it was recorded on a worse mic than all the other instruments

probably 50 bucks to rent from a museum

Thats a thing in metal

wtf is wrong with them

I liked it, but I found myself enjoying the piano rendition of Sonne at the end of the video more.

German history is fucked up

a lot

It sounds cheap and outdated

wow a literal n*gger in knights armor!! this is white genocide!!!~uwu i AM SO MAD RIGHT NOW!! MAGA!!!1

funny because this sonne cover wasn't even written or played by them

I dont get it

Keyboard really reminds me of 'I am the Program' by MegaDrive somehow.
Really like lyrical usage of the german prefix 'über' in the song.

Guess they like taxis or smthg

>hello, fellow young men, metal music is new and progressive, ya?
This is like watching your dog getting old.

nigger af, fuck you rammcucks
>let's just give our white country to rape niggers and muslims
people like you should be shot

great satire retard

the mixing sounds like shit

>>let's just give our white country to rape niggers and muslims
That's a strawman if I ever saw one!

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How will the German nationalists survive Rammstein's savage attack?

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>being this triggered

Same here. But the song and video is dope af too. But the pieno part kills it all.

Hitler had the right idea, he was just an under achiever.


it could be a fun diy project

Or rather wrong idea but overachiever.

You misspelt nigger


cringy. Good no german would be proud of this insulting bitch crap.

Literally how can anyone be triggered by this video and still think his views are epic and objectively smart?

What is the song about? And what is the video about? I am retarded when it comes to analyzing symbolism and stuff

>A nigger with an Spanish coat of arms



Song is about Germany, video is about german history.

Does the black woman in the armor that beheaded that white dude represent how Germany has/is falling to the immigrants? Or this that just me being /pol/tardy? Is the black woman there to trigger the right wingers like hanging the jews is there to trigger the lefties?

Hey Bill.

A leftist band talking shit abot their own country with satanic sybolism as usual.

no you're just a retard

What? I'm left and I wasn't triggered at all.

I read the lyrics. There's no shit.

thats how you know theyre controlled "provocateurs".

>hanging the jews is there to trigger the lefties
a real leftie does not get triggered by this since all jews are bourgeoisie

Dumb burger.

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Well they triggered righties, God only knows how. I don't this song or video as provocative at all.

No, it is modern Germany (rich, flashy clothes, multiculti, etc) pretending to care about the victims of the past.

No, its them showing german history and the last part is how multiculturalism takes over Germany

It isn't.
I want a fair boxing match between two opponents, not a match where one guy convinces the other to stop existing and to fuck black women.


She's black bacause she represent a country so she has to stand out. She didn't do anything "racial" nor there was any message about any race. And jews hanging was done by Nazis, not by band members and it wasn't portrayed as a good thing.

are you saying it was just a coincidence?

It is nazis (Till wears Hitler's WW1/early 20s moustashe) clashing with communists on the streets in the Weimar republic.

Am I the only one that didn't enjoy the song that much? I love Rammstein but this song was kinda meh.

>She's black bacause she represent a country so she has to stand out.
No she dosn't, she is wearing a queen outfit or a outfit of a noble woman, everyone assumes royalty with that dress, she did not have to be of color to stand out. The music video is called Germany, has picture of something that is supposed to be german nobility representing Germany and they made her black.

No, it was jews conspiracy to show how nigger rapist women (who represent multiculturalism) hanged jews and framed alt-rights and to show how stupid band members are because they are stupid leftist cucks. Goddammit Yea Forums is retarded.

and her skin together with the golden armor and red dress/lenses completes the colours of the german flag

Queen or a noble woman, yes. But she represent a country. Also there's fucking nazis on a Moon and you're upset about historical accuracy.

When you represent your country with a woman of color from another part of the planet in a political climate where immigration and right wing identity politics (or identity politics in general) on the rise you know what you are doing and its not to make her stand out.

The way I see it, Germany wasn't always the same thing throughout the years, it's more like a changing concept I guess so they just made her look like she's out of this reality. It's not like contry was represented epicly seriously anyway. And really there's nothing else in a video to support your theory. She didn't even do much.

Stop being so triggered, there's just a black woman in a music video.

I see you like redundancy.

>implying there are germans in this thread

This is what I wanted, I hope germans will wake up lol

Buy some glasses because your pic has nothing to do with the shield in the coay:

Let me show you the Charles I coat of arms:

Attached: Escudo-Carlos-I.png (640x741, 401K)

song is about germans hating germany and the imagery is an ideological frankenstein that glorifies right wing symbolism in a left wing form. the interpretations allowed are so big that basically evryone is butthurt. jews, right wing, left wing, trannies, politicians etc. but also noone knows what to think about it exactly. it just came out so lets see how the discorse shapes up here in goymany.

>renting a gold plated suit of armor from a museum to wear
Yeah no that doesn't happen.

Lol you are a delusional retard who can't see a message plain as day when it's in your face. Other user is correct, it essentially represents the replacement of Germany's people and the uprooting of its history in order to promote diversity and "tolerance", even though she beheads a white man and carries it around with her in the video doing disrespectful shit to it.

>And really there's nothing else in a video to support your theory. She didn't even do much.
In the beginning is a druid that beheads a white man. Its that woman. Then they are stormed by Romans that tried to conquer Germany. So right off the bat you have themes of group conflict, invaders etc. Then the video goes trough various historical happenings from Germans timeline. In the end the black woman has a white mans head in her lap symbolizing that white Germany is dead while she a strong empowered minority woman is now what Germany is. The question here is, do they have this in the video to cause controversy because that sells or do they think its a message people need to hear etc?

They want their message of Germany being done and over to come fort but they can say it explicitly because they would get hanged so they have to put all this other symbolism in there so they have plausible deniability.

Charles I of Spain, aka Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire. He was a von Habsburg and this is reflected in his coat of arms.

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>The way I see it, Germany wasn't always the same thing throughout the years, it's more like a changing concept I guess so they just made her look like she's out of this reality.
Change is constant and something that is part of the world and very in this reality. I don't see how that is something that is out of this world.

Of fucking course, because the girl herself is the modern German coat of arms. But on her chest, she has double headed eagle - coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire OF THE GERMAN NATION. And of Austro-Hungary for that matter.

>try to trigger nazis and right wingers
>somehow leftists and jews end up getting triggered
Bravo rammstein.

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>kissing is disrespectful shit

Stupid music video aside it just sounds like a less than decent die krupps song

I dont really understand the video and the song kinda sucks

It is amazing how they managet to show both Holocaust victims AND Nuremberg trials in the same scene. Band members are hanged, not gassed (like they were in Nuremberg) an Till has the injury in exact the same spot where Keitel had after his head hit the scaffold - watch the pic closely.

all of this symbolism time & time again in entertainment but it's SO goddamned out of touch with what's actually going on. The entire point of the video could basically be summed up by the band saying, "this is how we think things SHOULD be so we're trying to make it look like it is already..." Fucking queers.

>not realizing she is just the embodiment of germany

>black, gold armor, red lights constantly flashing over her

gee what do these colors mean

And what is actually going on?

This, she is Germania

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populism on the rise as a result of leftism being aggressively shoved down peoples' throats.

This actually might be the fucking reason, good call user

what's the metaphor behind germany being a black lady?

read the thread

Rammstein have always been like this you dumb maga kid

Except that in the lyrics they also say how much they love Germany, and hate her. They just show how the country isn't perfect, but still love it regardless, that's all.

>she a strong empowered minority woman is now what Germany is
She represents Germany right from the very beginning. It's literally just a stylistic choice because she represents the Black in the german flag and is wearing gold & red in the video.Also lol @ everyone trying to say that leftists are triggered when the only complaints have been coming from wannabe nazis on Yea Forums, minus two jews that got in the news.

You've been... triggered, cuck!

>coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire OF THE GERMAN NATION. And of Austro-Hungary for that matter.
The idea of a German nation here includes Austria I'd say. Of course they are their own political entity but undeniably culturally German and closely tied to all other German countries.

They literally say she is Germania in the credits... not to mention Germania is/was quite a common symbolic figure - everyone realised.

Black, red and gold are representing the german flag. Also, i liked that during the jewish scene, the same model was in an SS uniform, while smoking and watching Till getting hanged. Nice shot.

>It's literally just a stylistic choice because she represents the Black in the german flag
I doubt it.
That may have been one reason in the creative process, but the whole piece, video and song are obviously politically charged to the max and migration, including the question who is German and who isn't, definitely is part of the current public debate. So it's unlikely that it's not part of the commentary.

based lindemann

How is it insulting?

You're not all the lefties.
Check German media, there was more than enough outrage from literally everyone.

I just like the shot. It's an art. Also hern earrings are in a form of swastika. It's crazy because this shot is visible only for like 2 seconds.

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>Spanish coat of arms

>and migration, including the question who is German and who isn't, definitely is part of the current public debate. So it's unlikely that it's not part of the commentary.

How is she supposed to represent immigrants when she represents ancient Germania going back to at least the Roman era in the video?

The only outrage I've seen was from two jews, both in government.

i'm not a huge rammstein fan but that video is objectively out of control

They are beginning to understand what just has been released

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they might be jews but more importantly they are dumb. there are lots of dumb people of all creeds/races. i'm a big fat jew and this shit is obviously not offensive. they are showing german history. last time i checked part of german history was nazis. if anything nazi's should be upset because the video reminds the world of what they did.

No, they have been buttmad for days since they advertised this song with a clip just showing the KZ part.



By far the best videoclip in history
Top 3 is all Rammstein anyway
The future of art belongs to the working class
Goodnight and goodluck to all the middle class degenerates

the video is about the famous quote "there's a spectre haunting europe" the spectre being the barbaric past of human beings which evetually led to europe existing and the rest of the world existing as it does, too. at the time of WW2, ancient ideas about war hadn't changed as much as they should have. The same way, in the modern world ideas from 100 years ago are still around when it's time to move on to new ideas.

That might be part of the message.
All over the world people are having debates what it means to be a part of a people. Same in Germany. - Who is German? Only direct descendants of ancient Germanics? How long do you have to live here? Is the citizenship enough? What is "German" or "Germany" even?

Sorry m8, but you are wrong, all the piano rehearsals are played and arranged by Flake Lorenz.

praise kek!

>he video is about the famous quote "there's a spectre haunting europe" the spectre being the barbaric past of human beings

I sure hope this is sarcasm, you cannot possibly be this uneducated.

You can read whatever you want into it.

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Too slow and weak.

that's just you being tardy. Rammsteins quarrel with foreign influences is Americanization

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You're projecting way too much into their music video

exactly, Americans can't sneeze without making it political and a 5000-word debate

The goal is to just provoke everyone.

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Though it's maybe .01% leftists that got offended and 99.99 wannabe nazis that are furiously slamming themselves against their keyboards.

No, the Amerika video is the best.


s󠀀oy󠀀 music

>You're projecting way too much into their music video
The whole song is political commentary and meant to spark a discussion, not to speak of the video that already caused outrage.
How is there a "too much" in this case?

most definitely. Check the threads since the MV got released. It's filled with posts like and retarded attempts at speculation like ACTUALLY RAMMSTEIN WANTS US TO QUESTION THE VALUE OF MULTICULTURALISM

>The whole song is political commentary and meant to spark a discussion
The political commentary is nothing more than "I love Germany but sometimes Germany bad".

>meant to spark a discussion

That's you projecting your own American impulses onto a rock music video. Everything has to be a big debate with you people

That's not getting offended or triggered though and might as well be the case.
Knowing the band it's unlikely, but the text with the video could be interpreted both way in pretty much every line. Probably just to provoke, but it's far from ridiculous to suggest otherwise.

You're only talking about Yea Forums

of course you're mostly gonna see right-wingers flipping their shit here. But this is just a small part of the interwebz

I'm all over social media and the rest of the internet. Literally the only "outrage" came from two people in the german government.

>but the text with the video could be interpreted both way in pretty much every line
If you look at that video and interpret it as anti-immigration or whatever it's only because you're already anti-immigration to begin with. No one who's neutral or centrist on the issues is going to be like "huh.... well actually....." Same with all the idiots who missed all the obvious symbolism of color and Germania and only saw it as BLACK FEMALE SJW REEEEE

I'm German.
Brushing all symbolism aside and saying "this is just some music video lol" is simplifying it.

If you don't want to talk or think about it, that's your choice, but you can't straight out deny that there's more to it than just aesthetics.

It's a fucking decapitated head. Carrying it around and kissing it aren't exactly respectful things to do with the dead

I want to sex the black woman, desu


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What is your interpretation of Germania being black? To me it represents a stolen identity, the replacement if a people. What do you see?

Looks like a dude with long hair.

We've already been over this

but you keep shoehorning politics into it.

Fucking kids can't even recall that Rammstein's been using black women in their videos since 97.


by n*gger you mean NIGGER ?

I'm not even talking only about the black Germania anymore, just watch it and listen to it - this song is packed with political references, comments and imagery.

I am only going to repeat myself since we're clearly talking at cross purposes. Just going to write it once again and expand a little on it:
>If you don't want to talk or think about it, that's your choice, but you can't straight out deny that there's more to the choice of Germania and the rest of the video as well the lyrics.

other n-word but much worse
inb4 what can be worse

They just showed the Holocaust and Nuremberg trials to be apolitical? Lol ok


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Rammstein members are all left leaning so its funny any nationalist racist thinks this is for them.

Its pathetic how mad losers will get at a black person being in a video

I just see a nice black woman that needs to be colonized

To me it's like that video in Scotland if the black guy going in museum of Scottish history and shadowboxing paintings of old white guys while seeming to perpetuate this very omenous racist tone of genociding whites.

>genociding whites
except this isnt a thing. its just a radicalization talking point, its not real.

just a reminder theses are actual lyrics and they seem to be about struggling with Germany's violent past

You (You have, you have, you have, you have)
Have cried a lot (Cried, cried, cried, cried)
Separated in spirit (Separated, separated, separated, separated)
United in heart (United, united, united, united)
We (We are, we are, we are, we are)
Have been together for so long (You are, you are, you are, you are)
Your breath's cold (So cold, so cold, so cold, so cold)
The heart in flames (So hot, so hot, so hot, so hot)
You (You can, you can, you can, you can)
I (I know, I know, I know, I know)
We (We are, we are, we are, we are)
You (You stay, you stay, you stay, you stay)

Germany – my heart in flames
Want to love and damn you
Germany – your breath's cold
So young, and yet so old

[Verse 2]
I (You have, you have, you have, you have)
I never want to leave you (You cry, you cry, you cry, you cry)
One can love you (You love, you love, you love, you love)
And wants to hate you (You hate, you hate, you hate, you hate)
Presumptuous, superior
Take over, hand over/puke
Surprise, invade
Germany, Germany above everyone
Germany – my heart in flames
Want to love and damn you
Germany – your breath is cold
So young, and yet so old
Germany – your love
Is a curse and a blessing
Germany – my love
I can't give you

You (superior/overpowering, unnecessary)
I (Übermenschen, weary)
We (The higher you climb, the further you fall)
You (Germany, Germany over all)

Germany – your heart in flames
Want to love and damn you
Germany – my breath's cold
So young, and yet so old
Germany – your love
Is a curse and blessing
Germany – my love
I can't give you
6:55 It directly states that the women is Germania.

lmao I bet this music video cant even be shown on any German music channels.

It's actually the other way around, leftist jews are crying "anuddah shoah"

Why not? Swastikas aren‘t forbidden in art

Well I would consider video games a form of art and most of the ones that reference WWII stuff are band.

Actually it can. Uncut probably has to be aired after 11 PM maybe.
The "problem" is that there are no german music channels that broadcast music instead of old american dad episodes.

>except this isnt a thing. its just a radicalization talking point, its not real.

>he doesn't know
sweetie, check your history

The situation in South Africa is entirely different than the migrant crisis (due to middle east destabilization by western governments) and claims that migrants want to outbreed whites and genocide the white race

Ok. now Castilla, Granada and Aragon are "the German Nation"

What is the Spanish empire?

our rating board and youth protection agencies have changed their stance on that last year
Violent video games have been getting through too, DOOM, Mortal Kombat and others are untouched,_Charles_I_as_King_of_Spain.svg

Genocide by out birthing a native population is still genocide faggot. Even the UN recognizes this

It's a part of their history. They didn't politicize it other than showing themselves as victims and shooting nazis in the face.

lol no

Your considerations aren't the base for German Federal law mate. Also this

i thought your type didn't trust what the UN had to say about things

You can't buy it you need to rank up and kill the owner

did anybody manage to dl the 1080 version from youtube. all dl add ons and programs fail.

Lol yes look at the documentation regarding genocide faggot.

My "type"? I don't trust the EU. The UN remains fairly.objective to a certain extent and of course I disagree with some of what they do, but the standards for human rights and genocide everyone is expected to adhere to is published and enforced by the UN.

lmfao why a negerin

by the way do remember if you are a subhuman 56% amerimutt nigger that your opinion is null and void

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german flag
negress = black
red beams

also since they go full pepemode on the whole german political spectrum its part of their final solution

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People having more sex than you is not genocide. Forced sterilization and the such do fall under it however. No one's forcing you to be a white power incel

>since they go full pepemode on the whole german political spectrum
Are you trying that that Ramstein are equivalent to Kekistan? Cause that would be a really stupid thing to say

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So, are white retardeds self-loathing and trying to destroy themselves now? That's great.

>No one's forcing you to be a white power incel
>involuntarily celibate

God, liberals are so stupid.

incels (You) call themselves that when it really completely voluntary on their behalf. They just like to shift the blame, and then complain about liberals for no reason.

> Deutschland
> Portrayed by a woman of african descent

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>Americans discussing German history and politics

America is good but it is not Sonne.

when Islamic Nations and their people and their documentation have said they're going to Europe to overtake their populations through first I'm pretty sure that counts for genocide. I don't care what you say the documentation from the UN even supports this. you can think I'm a white power in cell all you want I'm just realistically looking at what's going on in the world.

Please stay out of political discussions you clearly have no idea about.

la creatura...

>Germans totally fawnin over literal WE WUZ YAAAASSSS KWEEN bullshit

Looking at this thread it's pretty obvious that the right got triggered as well.

Yeah but the argument is where the line is drawn between foreigners moving to another country and people intentionally breeding another race out of existence (like the PRC attempted in Tibet).

Keep living in denial faggot. They are literally replacing white Germans be ause they think it will save their economy to bring in minorities with higher birthrates. But I wouldn't expect you to know the details on a "white supremacist talking point". Ignore the fact that many a diplomat, politician and economist has made reference to it.

( ^:

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It's not about left vs right, its about Germans being absolute cucks and how blatant their propaganda is getting. Hell not even our forefather's though blasting the faces off nazis was a good image.

This is pretty interesting.

What are the other two?

>gassed (like they were in Nuremberg)
The Nuremberg guys were hanged though, not gassed

Actually they were beaten with a bag over their heads, then had their teeth kicked out, then were hung until they said uncle and then they signed their confessions.

I would say they set out to trigger everyone, even if they are a left-leaning band. The video can be interpreted in many ways.

Also, the left *hates* loving one's country, which the song is in two minds about.

I know that is a reason why the bourgeois class supports mass migration. Has nothing to do with whether white genocide is real or not.

Can some german explain the message in this video?

What's up with the random cute black girl?

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Her being black is a red herring. She's actually the physical manifestation of Germany. If you notice, she's doing all the most fucked up shit.

I see, black girls look super cute in nazi uniforms weirdly enough.

If you think this is cute you may have something wrong with you.

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I'm just into black girls honestly.
I like how she has gold, red and black(skin) in most scenes too.

>Moving goalposts
Ok, (((bud))).

She looks like those monekys that people dress up and make dance for money

What's the symbols of the kissing severed head scenes?

She is black, dressed and gold and often in red as well

guess what those three colors are

what documentation you can't even form a full sentence

I saw absolutely no one from the left being like "omg can you believe they like their country I am writing a blog right now"

only wannabe nazis getting mad at the black representation of germania & taking it literally as a political statement of multiculturalism and immigration and whatever other dumb bullshit you can find in threads on Yea Forums

Germany loves (kisses head) and hurts(bites head) her people.

Just to play with Tills death.
Since Haifisch they like to play with it that Till dies instead of Flarke.

>projecting this hard
You wish m8

the jews are pissed so I'm all for it. seriously doing MARVEL numbers.

I think the songtext is about the unification of west and east germany.

I saw it more as germany loves when her people die.

I saw many saying Rammstein is supporting or push nazis or that they can overtake this.

literally who

Some leftist on twitter. Might be a twittter bubble or trolls. But i wrote many, not most.
They say that the text is too foggy that nazis can say its about the unrightfull leaders and the refugee problem. And that the refrain now can be screamed by nazis referring to Rammstein that its legal to hide that they are nazis.
And that they use the holocaust for marketing.
But they also get some arguments that they dont understand Rammstein too and that its just a small portion of the video.

did they miss the part where the band members were the Jewish prisoners and then later shot the nazis in the face? sounds like poor trolling or just autism

The Sonne piano version is on their album Klavier which has a handful of their songs played with piano.

I think the Holy Roman Empire part is more relevant here and what the double-headed eagle actually represents

Hermann aka Arminius was actually an immortal vampire black woman. She has a malicious trickster god personality and has been antagonizing the German people for centuries. Often placing herself at the forefront, if not the cause, of many prominent German historical events. Eventually she will destroy Germany once she realizes her long term goal of breeding a new mutt race of human-dog hybrids and has no further use of the German people.

They dont say Rammstein are nazis, but that nazi can use it for their purpose and they "support" them.
Like Pepe was never an alt-right thing but that didnt stopped them from using it.
Its like these newsside that think pepe is nazi symbolic. They dont get it and think that nazi could use it so its bad.

Its scary that could makes sense. Now i want to see that as a movie. Lol

She's a stand in for the man behind the curtain, the said it was germany and made her black to provoke right wingers. They're still cucked though because they went right along with the story instead of trying to find peace or fight for what was right. They took the cuck way out and the message was simply "this is the way it is meant to be, we did it to ourselves."

That's retarded.

They post on twitter. So they are.
And mostly they are easy triggered retards!

Post these tweets. I don't believe you

This is what pepes actually believe

Ok, this is the second post that is like this.
If its a troll? You decide
And there are some more.
>But i admit that there are more like
Its art, not nazis and you didnt understand the song

E Michael Jones directed this video

These are hardly the triggered leftists I was promised

What was that video where they fucked some chicks?

Why, does it depict Martin Luther as literally worshipping the devil?

They fundamentally don't understand how symbols work.

Pussy. I think the video is on vimeo or pornhub or something. For sure not youtube

triggered doesnt mean seething, popcorn user.
But they are triggered enough to write about how nazi can instrumentalise it.

They are just pessimists like anti §13 protestants. They see the biggest negative thread possible. So they see its instrumentalable from nazis. All the negative they think can be used to describe the liberal germany today.

Music Video of the Year so far


Jesus your standarts are low

They couldn't even get a good looking one, but they had to get the most dindu looking fucker they could find.
Dear god.


and your IQ is low friend :)

>I'ma blow you, Fritz
>You're hired
Probably happened like that.

Why are they so unattractive?


Seems to me that a German band in Germany is almost certainly telling porkie pies about things to keep themselves safe.
I'm not saying they're secret Nazis, I don't really believe that, but if they were 100% honest and direct I think SJWs would call them Nazis.

You don't need this level of symbolism if your views are all politically correct.

That's a tranny that Jim Norton is obsessed with. Are these guys fags?