How are you holding up, Yea Forums?

How are you holding up, Yea Forums?

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much better after seeing those thighs, thanks


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Those thighs make me fucking sad

Terribly. I hate people. I hate the internet. I have no one to relate to. I'm gonna die young from congenital heart disease. They won't give me disability income. Fuck my life man I just wanna be able to enjoy myself and have kids someday cause maybe then finally I'll have friends who will actually care about what I like to do and will partake with me.

if you have a congenital heart disease, you'll probably die before your kids are old enough to 'get you' and become your 'friends'. hang in there, you'll figure it out

still can't find work, and because of my dumbass roomate the whole house has to be out of here by may. so not well

I think my boyfriend has stopped loving me and probably gonna off myself soon so not good

things could be going better

bye bye fag

life keeps on kicking you in the nuts

well said

I'm not gay you hoser

cutting your dick off does not make you a woman, dude

I'm not a tranny either nigg egg

sure thing, tranny.


It's funny how in the most traditionalist countries like india, pakistan and tibetan kingdoms people actually believe it's possible to have more than 2 genders.

>backwards third world toilets that don’t even use toilets
makes sense

gender is a fake concept, sex is determined by chromosomes

>traditionalist means wiping your ass with your hand

pretty terribly since im not tongue-deep in this girls bergina

>someone talks about progress?
>muh traditional values
>someone starts bringing up actual traditional countries?
>muh progress
Eat shit fashie, eat shit.


It's what you're saying here, via your fascist mental equilibristics.

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control your söy my boy

traditionalism is only a good thing if your traditions were good in the first place

india has always been a disgusting 3rd world shithole

why are /pol/ incels so obsessed with other people's masculinity

>ctrl+f masculinity
>1 result

>ctrl+f 'masculinity'
>2 results
>now 3

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I’m alright. It’s currently midnight here. I’m browsing Yea Forums, listening to 90s indie rock, and thinking about MatPat’s wife Stephanie.

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enjoying music and life desu

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Please tell me that’s a trap

Doing ok, trying to run a discord server due to my lack of close friends. It's going ok.

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