Based Guns N' Roses lads

Based Guns N' Roses lads.

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Too much cutesy posing, not enough riffs. Most overrated band in rock history.

That'd be Nirvana, Oasis, Radiohead, RATM, RHCP, or Green Day. Nice try thou.

80s hair metal for 70s zeppelin bros. Virtually nothing unique or exceptional about them at all, yet critics dickride Appetite for Destruction like it was the second coming.
I guess all it took was to be slightly grittier than your average Van Halen ripoff and they'll crown you king of rock.

thats why theirs a ton of singles artists today nobody wants to group hug and hair tug the band members for a band pic

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There were tons of Guns N Roses "type" bands running around dipshit, that was just the "second wave" glam style as a whole. Guns N Roses stood out because it was a damn good record, and all the antics the band got into pretty much got them tons of attention

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>claims to be a """metal""" band
>has no riffs
GnR sucks, dad.

>>claims to be a """metal""" band

>>>claims to be a """metal""" band
Tons of people call them metal.
Fucking Slash is the go to normie copout for a sterotypical metal guitarist.

>Tons of people call them metal.
>claims to be a """metal""" band

what's 80s hair metal for 70s sabbath bros?

none of these did 'cutesy posing' maybe except RHCP

Do you have anything meaningful to say or are you just going to nonsensically greentext?

Wrote all their hits in a 4 year period. Pretty cray.


GnR has plenty of riffs, you're just not familiar with their discography.

And in any case, GnR was one of those bands who wanted to avoid being labelled metal, they always championed a "we're bringing REAL ROCK N ROLL back" and they hated shit like Iron Maiden, made fun of the perceived "pretentiousness" of it all. If you want to dissect Gn'R, they're really a hard rock, punk, metal hybrid. But such autistic fussing over labels is retarded and juvenile to begin with.

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what's 80s hair metal for 70s rainbow bros?

Well, Dio. Malmsteen's early stuff legit rips.

>there are people who don't like the Use Your Illusions

Who the hell is that


imagine being so far up your contrarian ass you think Appetite isn't a spectacular album

are there any legitimately good glam metal albums?

I think there are plenty but it depends on what you like, it covers quite a bit of territory between different bands or even albums from the same bands...your mileage may vary...what would you want out of it to consider it "legitimately good"?

Overall, if you can't stand any cheese whatsoever, hate "fun" or sometimes immature music, and don't like very melodic rock you probably won't like any of it.

gay ass copycat band and shit singer not sound wise but being a cunt and destroying everything by emotional bitch fit

nirvana wrent the posers, their fans were, they were just some punk rock kids from depressing town


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But user it has some mild rock sexism and it had radio hits


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