Thoughts on this?

did they go far

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epic bait thread #9

they didn't go far enough

nah just another generic early 21st century pop schlock exploitation. like everything else.

>the kings of limbs start playing

I haven't seen it but I'd suggest a better setup would be them as germans in a jewish run concentration camp. That way it's an interesting punishment role reversal but also a political piece on the israel palestine conflict and how modern israel is acting like nazi germany.

yooo we wuz nazis n sheeeit

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Entertaining video, mediocre song

I feel this is a failure. As far as I know them, they are honest in criticysm of nazism, but this feels like cheap clickbait. Wooo Nazis and! black Germany! In Teutoberg forest. Wooo!

For me it feels immature and clickbaty.

Song is ok, as usual.

German press jizzed in their pants after a teaser came out a day earlier.
>OMG concentration camp, how dare they
>Jewish council also jumped through the hoop and criticized the video before they'd even seen it

Always wondered if ausländers could understand Rammstein's stuff at all. Apparently not.

What's your interpretation? Go ahead.

Too bad the song isn't about nazism

Oh no? Nazism as inherent part of German history and identity? It feels like someone does not like what he sees.

There's a reason "Der Zentralrat der Juden ist empört" was a meme before that concept existed on the internet

self-indulgent history wankfest

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It is a walk through German history with all parts connected to violence. Starting off with Teutoburg Forest. There are a lot more scenes like
-the monks eating Germania, which I think stands for religion eating the country ->30 Years War
-20s fistfight peobably standing for political violence or the rot that was Weimar
- later a prison scene of seemingly that era but with modern German plice. Police brutality being a continuity throughout the systems
-Red Army Faction scenes with Lindemann as Ulrike Meinhoff, self explanatory
- Lindemann as SED guy maybe even Honecker, surrounded by DDR uniform guys, standing for the violence of the East German regime
- space scenes for Sigmund Jähn, first German in space, usually forgotten in the West because he was a DDR citizen
-U-Boat bunker is an obvious picture as well as everybody on this planet has see Das Boot
- the Hindenburg burning in the background
Germania played by an afro-german woman serves to distance themselves from any nazi sentiments
You'll probaly find the lyrics somewhere. They describe a very German feeling toweards the country. Would be nice if you could actually love it, but no dice with that history

with clickbait. much wow

Another german here. The song, coupled with the video is holding a mirror to Germany. It's a history lesson, showing what are the foundations of Germany. Holy Roman Empire, Teutons, Christian religion, nazis, East Germany. That's everything people nowdays don't want to accept.
Germans also have a word for that "vergangenheitsbewältigung" or in english "coping with the past".

Anyway, How I interpret it, it's a message for the current politics and people, that they should accept their past history, don't try to ignore it and go overboard with making amends for (the current too politically correct, too accepting politics). And so long Germany does not look into the mirror and accepts itself, they can't say, they are proud germans.

I don't know why these explanations change my aspect upon the video, but they do. Teutiberg seems a bit silly, since modern nations are very young historically, but the rest is on point. And a black woman as germany as a representation of modern identity confusion of Germany ... hmm not bad.

>Teutiberg seems a bit silly, since modern nations are very young historically,
Deutschland dein Atem kalt
So jung und doch so alt

I'm hearing "our Darkness" by Anne Clark in that song. Also "Mutter" by Rammstein themselves as a piano part near the end of the video. Wonder what that's about

It's kinda symbolic that black woman which represents the Germany was shot in the face by jewish prisoner.
Actually whole video is about that lady ending up in some shit - she was captured by some fags during robbery, she was shot by camp prisoners, she was eaten by some medieval monks etc.
Also that neat scene with modern police on tank and giant Carl Marx statue on the background.

Well she is Germania

>Well she is Germania
and she gets abused by different ideologies throughout the times giving birth to bloody dogs in the end

She doesn't get abused, she is part of the events, because she is the personification of Germany, and its history
In the future Germania gives birth to mutts, aka mixed dogs and she is sent off into space, which can be interpreted as abandoning the idea of a nation, or nationalism.

This bit is for the americanization of germany I think. A topic they had before in "Amerika" and "Mein Land"

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soooo fucking close

Yeah, but the song IS about German nationalism so it wouldn't make sense to make the clip be a critique on the dillema between Palestine and the false state of israel.

>Germania gives birth to mutts, aka mixed dogs
that is a very anglo interpretation. German doesn't use that metaphor

Then whats with the doggos?


The dogs in the end are Leonbergers, a German breed, they were near extinction after WWI and only 5 dogs survived, it happened again after WWII and only 8 survived.

what I am seeing is Germania giving birth to a blutige Hund, a bloody dog. Bloody in the literal sense. That automatically connects to Bluthund -> bloodhound in my head.

Ah i see, yeah i concede

Whatever happens here, gotta give credit to Rammstein to poduce smething that gives the Leitmedien an kruppstählerne hard-on and has people actually disecting the video like the piece of art it is

That ending piano part most likely won't be part of the actual song

one off, damn

let's see who got'em

>tfw no german ebony gf

Germania being black was clever as it allowed them to have red gold and black colour schemes

Still, would it be a play on the topic of having no roots, no mother in the fatherland maybe?

I'm pretty sure it was a piano rendition of Sonne, not Mutter. Didn't listen untill the end, though

You're right

Germany is a mistake

this desu.

There's almost none of the Friedrich the Great and XVIII century stuff. SAD!

>And a black woman as germany as a representation of modern identity confusion of Germany
Black woman in gold-plated armor literally represents the german coat of arms - black eagle on yellow shield.

Reference to previous videos i guess, like astronauts (Amerika) and the coffin/pregnant Germany (Sonne).


vergangenheitsbewältigung is an ideological quicksand trap.
the past can never be coped with to a resolution.

Possibly because the video's focus is on violence. Friedrich's wars aren't too special in that regard I guess.

I don't think so. I don't want the holocaust to be some sacred atrocity that is above making somewhat tasteless art about compared to other atrocities. It should be all or nothing.
>t. israeli

>rammstein makes an anti nationalism song and personofies germany as a nigger woman giving birth to puppies


Literal retard. Watch that shit and stop gobling that many cocks.

Literally not what they did. They protrayed Germany's difficult past, how difficult it can be to be actually proud both because it is shunned apon but also because there is serious background into why it is being shunned. It is not per se anti nationalistic.

As someone with ancestors from one of those German states that no longer exists it is fascinating watching the German people erase themselves. I bet you within 10-15 years they'll be performing public executions on any citizens who don't spit on their ancestor's graves.


seriously, what are talking about?
how can this one black woman trigger you this much

I'm not triggered, I said it's fascinating. I think Germany is getting what they deserve.

its blatantly anti-nationalistic. Its the german version of their song amerika.

Like i dont know how you can be such a fucking brainlet. They put the black woman in the music video for the express purpose of pissing off nationalists and nazis.

Rammstein is not inhernetly anti-patriotism or nationalism as some people see it. The lead guy hates that people have abandoned older traditions and cultural things.

>As someone with ancestors from one of those German states that no longer exists it is fascinating watching the German people erase themselves.

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It is always interesting seeing people trying to distance themselves from their past and cultural identity, essentially turning themselves into a person with no borders or land, purposely killing your own culture and adopting what the world at large tells you what it should be like. It's a slow self imposed suicide of identity kinda, I really wonder what this will be like down the line

I hate Burgers and don't live there but I'm not going to defend my ancestors, their being so pure and not mixing is actually one of the embarrassing parts of the culture.

>entire video is collage of German history
>one black women meant to represent flag colors
>it’s all erased
People who claim they love their history are most likely to want to simply and reduce it

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Probably the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in a music video

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But being pure and not mixing has lead us to have the most powerful civilization on earth along with the highest IQs.

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Nothing gets my rocks off like screaming Germany at the top of my lungs as I hang Jews.

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reminder theses are actual lyrics and they seem to be about struggling with Germany's violent past

You (You have, you have, you have, you have)
Have cried a lot (Cried, cried, cried, cried)
Separated in spirit (Separated, separated, separated, separated)
United in heart (United, united, united, united)
We (We are, we are, we are, we are)
Have been together for so long (You are, you are, you are, you are)
Your breath's cold (So cold, so cold, so cold, so cold)
The heart in flames (So hot, so hot, so hot, so hot)
You (You can, you can, you can, you can)
I (I know, I know, I know, I know)
We (We are, we are, we are, we are)
You (You stay, you stay, you stay, you stay)

Germany – my heart in flames
Want to love and damn you
Germany – your breath's cold
So young, and yet so old

[Verse 2]
I (You have, you have, you have, you have)
I never want to leave you (You cry, you cry, you cry, you cry)
One can love you (You love, you love, you love, you love)
And wants to hate you (You hate, you hate, you hate, you hate)
Presumptuous, superior
Take over, hand over/puke
Surprise, invade
Germany, Germany above everyone
Germany – my heart in flames
Want to love and damn you
Germany – your breath is cold
So young, and yet so old
Germany – your love
Is a curse and a blessing
Germany – my love
I can't give you

You (superior/overpowering, unnecessary)
I (Übermenschen, weary)
We (The higher you climb, the further you fall)
You (Germany, Germany over all)

Germany – your heart in flames
Want to love and damn you
Germany – my breath's cold
So young, and yet so old
Germany – your love
Is a curse and blessing
Germany – my love
I can't give you

But what are we shown when they're struggling? Lindmann in drag shooting cops and black women.

>role reversal makes for an interesting political statement
what a braindead post.

I'm glad people are starting to look closer at Rammsteins lyrics and symbolism. They've done so before just less political and it's pretty cool.

Not only that, but this black woman is portrayed as the "saviour" of the germans.

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While relishing death

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It's very strange of them to juxtapose the "savior" with ultraviolence and the death of germans. Almost like they're trying to say something

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And while the "savior" black woman leads germans to kill themselves in battle band members try to kiss other men? This along with the dragqueen stuff seems way out of place.

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And here we see the same woman who gave birth to a dog and massacre germans become an angel. All while germans prostrate themselves

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It's pretty obvious what they are trying to say, and the fact that comments are disabled and YouTube is pushing their song as an AD makes it that much more disturbing.

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Read the thread you dumb American, it's all been explained and you're wrong on all accounts

I'm not sure what you're getting at, Nazism is an inescapable facet of German identity and history

Did anyone else get a sleeping beauty vibe from the space coffin thing?

Was this song meant for germans, or for the world?

5,999,999 jews died in the shoah

Germans first, world second. Like all things Rammstein.

Sleeping beauty or snow white I forget which. I think rammstein has done some grimm threading into their songs/music videos before.

>pic related

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Rammstein are always focusing primarily on foreigners who are into the "evil German"aesthetic.

Proud German is an oxymoron at this point.

Am I supposed to know what this is a screenshot of? Not all of us are notified when a political music video is released, maybe put a link to the video? And no, I’m not going to reverse image search

wrong and wrong. If they tried to appease to foreigners they'd be singing in English and they don't focus on "evil german aesthetics" they have industrial influences and that's it. They've even done silly videos with fat suits and dressed up as 1950s surfers

it's barely political.

Youtube is shitting the bed trying to get people to watch it

>If they tried to appease to foreigners they'd be singing in English
singing in guttural stereotypical german while dressing like leather fetish almost nazis all the time is their gimmick

The name Rammstein is literally plastered all over this thread you fucking shitposter.

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>barely political
>everything germany has ever stood for or done is wrong and corrupt

They've been doing that since the beginning, what exactly is your point?

>like leather fetish almost nazis all the time
dumb dumb american once again. You're the one seeing nazis when there are none. It's the same shit as 20+ years ago when they first hit American radio and then MTV.

Read the lyrics maybe. It's a love letter to germany while also pointing out its flaws and troubled past. it's less political than mein Land which was a silly surf video, only the pepes are caught up on the imagery.

>silly surf video
the silly surf video meant to criticize the californisizing of the world

>You're the one seeing nazis when there are none.
there are to everyone in the world raised on the "germans are nazis" narrative that rammstein like to play with and exploit.

never start thinking for yourself. That's a good start to become the very drone you project Germans to be.

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>that rammstein like to play with and exploit

In their 25 year long career, this is the first time they've conjured up nazi imagery. get a fucking clue holy shit lol

You're the idiot who sees germans singing in german and wearing goth shit and thinking that they're somehow nazis or using nazi imagery. dumb dumb dumb

> criticize the californisizing of the world

That's not even the point of the video. fucking wooosh

It sure would be nice to so easily separate the lyrics from the music video, now wouldn't it?

>That's not even the point of the video. fucking wooosh

>separate the lyrics from the music video
Why would you do that? It's not like the MV contradicts the lyrics either they exemplify what the lyrics talk about.

It's pretty easy to do, if you're not autistic. The majority of music videos don't actually relate to the music or lyrics in any meaningful way. Unless the artist states otherwise it's open to interpretation.

The lyrics depict spirit cooking? Because it was in the video and I didn't hear it in the lyrics.

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>Christina Hoffmann schrieb in 'Die Welt'

She's not the one who wrote the song.

On the other, what landers had to say about its meaning
>Ich seh das so, ganz abstrakt, das ist ein Mensch, der hat keinen Pass [...] und der landet irgendwo auf der Erde [...] und er versucht reinzukommen in unsere Welt und niemand lässt ihn rein. Der klopft an jedes Land und keiner sagt: "Komm mal rein" sondern alle sagen: "Das ist mein Land". So ist das Lied gemeint.

I want to FUCK germany!

That was the religious elite feasting on Germania, literally and symbolically, learn 2 metaphor senpai

30 Years War

How nice of them to throw in anti protesting just to top it off, especially when they're owned by a Paris media conglomerate.