Who are the worst trip fags and ex-tripfags that have ever posted here?
Who are the worst trip fags and ex-tripfags that have ever posted here?
Unironically Montie. He's still here but posts with his trip off
he's the best one
Brandon needs to take some psychedelics and discover himself
>muh popularity
>muh Brandon
>muh grudge
hoy fuck those red toes UUUUGUGGGGHHHH
I vote inxy and his pathetic obsession of the band death grips, the best band of the 2010s.
also should kys inxy
Lazare was legendary. Cease was awesome. Biotroll was a douche. I got along well with CLT. Jake Gyllenhallelujah or w/e was p cool too. There was a guy named Praxis in 2012 who was really cool too.
worst: literally all the newtrips currently active, especially the /daily/ faggots. Lazare was boring compared to CLT and hampus.
best: unty, I, The Witchfinder, klytus, anti-aristocracy, niggerman
I always lowkey hope someone mentions my old trip in these threads. Sometimes I do see it, too. Anyways, Biotroll just sucked. Lazare was entertaining when he went full racist.
>worst: literally all the newtrips currently active
The Real Himself?
>Lazare was legendary.
Guy was a close minded pony fag who could’nt get beyond anything that wasn’t ‘80s synthpop.
Yeah, that's what made him so special.
imagine being so jealous over someone's stupid meme that you'd de-rail threads and go out of your way to slander someone
It's easy if you try
Ok Lazare
lazare killed himself dude
not a big loss for tripciety
damn, what happened?
lol, but still his stupid grudge against brandon is cringy
I wish all tripniggers would follow his steps. Mainly Brandon.
this is sad montie
you need some serious help
Uh there were some cool trips
The Real Witchfinder
The Giant Hogweed
Jake Gyllenhall
I’ve been here so long the latest batch we have is just static to me anymore.
I'm not fucking Montie you queers go fuck yourselves
And who was that cunt that killed the Mediafire sharethread days? Forgot her fucking name.
lol you can brandon were total butt buddys at one point
i've been here too long
worst trip right now is stay, by far. the least interesting member of weebteam back in 2012(?), who for god knows what reason decided to start posting again, and has yet to contribute anything of value to a thread.
and there are others whose names don't even deserve to be mentioned
ew what losers
note: There's no proof he ever killed himself. A lot of people claimed it shortly after he disappeared (he made a bunch of depressive posts about how he regretted being so hateable after his trip got leaked).
everyone except for some old trips in classical generals who were actually knowledgeable pro musicians irl
>some old trips in classical generals who were actually knowledgeable pro musicians irl
[citation needed]
as far as i'm concerned, everyone in that general is a mallgoth high shooler who just read the wikipedia article on art music vs. traditional vs. popular music, and thinks they're hot shit.
yeah classical is for pseudos
WoUlD bRaNdOn DrInK bEeR wItH LaUrEn In HeR dUnGaReE's?!
>the entire continent of australia is banned from posting on Yea Forums now
>we will never see an Aaron post again
I was always the ultimate loser on this board
get out of here with your facebook meme bullshit
yeah you've been posting for 20 years and are just kinda.. there
you meme, but it literally has been ten years
Brandon's runner up, im not being a dick either, he's admitted it himself. Think he's been here close to 10
CLT was an asshole
i never got the hate for him other than the chvrches meme. it's like dude, lauren doesn't like you, and you never had a chance
he formed that delusion because she knows who he is because of here and posting on her twitter and insta.
Reminder Friendo was the greatest tripfag of all time and the quality of this board immediately plummeted after he left.
Ok Lazare
I'm glad the age of name and tripfags is over. Chans need to be strictly anonymous.
Bad idea
it's never been, unless they've been ran off.
you have no clue since it went to shit in last 3 years.
>everyone in that general is a mallgoth high shooler who just read the wikipedia article on art music vs. traditional vs. popular music, and thinks they're hot shit.
indeed, but again, you have no clue.
t. montie
ye worst general tbqh
And some shit about her knowing someone he knew from mopeds at one time, really the whole thing was just stupid.
Reminder: this thread was made by Brandon just so he can whinge about monty
yeah, but he had good taste
>ctrl+f Indie Music Corporation
>no results
>ctrl+f Cannabis-Loving Tripfag
>no results
>ctrl+f Cooltop
There we go, finally.
it's "montie", dumbass.
No one really cares
all tripfags are cancer
no exceptions
how bout I tie my nuts to your tongue, mon
He'd probably roast her the whole time with his crew of man children who act like high school boys ugh men
they'd probably just chill and have some small talk
GrimesCuck, I guess he quit tripfagging and I know he deleted most of his truly bad comments on RYM (I wish wayback machine worked on that latest Avenged Sevenfold recor where he went uber autist on people), but the dude was just THAT bad. Also, worst username EVER
The fucking avant-garde god whatever
turny was the only one who was particularly knowledgeable about a single genre. the man knew his turntables.