>remembering my harsh noise phase
Remembering my harsh noise phase
>remembering my smooth noise phase
That music is for schizophrenics
damn, I was too slow
is this a real thing?
Isn't that just ambient?
>having a harsh noise phase
remembering my Yea Forums phase
>remembering my good music phase
>remembering my music phase
>not liking industrial noise
>remembering my Anco phase
Yikes. I thought they were Beatles-tier. Yes, I was an uninformed pleb.
not harsh noise
What about youtube.com
>Remembering when I played part of a Merzbow song for my English class for an assignment
not really
>remembering my classical phase
>remembering my Scaruffi drone phase
>Remembering when I played part of a Merzbow song for my English class for an assignment
kek Reminds of when I played SPK and Peter Brötzmann for drama class in highschool.
For a final year assignment we were required to split into groups and prepare a "lesson" for a class about a style/period of theater.
Each "lesson" corresponded to one school period. My group deliberately chose to stay as the smallest group (we were only 3 people, and some groups had 6 or more)
We chose the theater of cruelty. I was the guy who created the structure of the lesson, and choose the media to show them (I also created the script)
Here was the lesson:
>us three sit in the center of the drama room with black clothing and eyes looking down
>teacher and the other students are outside of the room
>play SPK and let them filter in, only looking up when everyone has arrived and the track has finished
>say our introductionw
>have some warmup activity that I don't remember (it wasn't that important)
>wrap up and tell them that next we are going to dance to a song while they are near the end of activity
>play The Peter Brotzmann Octet - Machine Gun and crank up the volume
>yell MOVE! in the loudest possible
>get them to dance in weird ways and give them impossible instructions
>after 10 minutes or so we stop and get up on stage to lecture them about the theater of cruelty
>took the opportunity read some of Artuad's writings to them
>since they were sitting down we showed them a scene from Jodorowsky's The Holy Mountain as a way to relax
>meeting the alchemist.mp4
>when the scene ended, we put on strange bird masks and put on a performance on the stage
>I don't quite remember what the plot was, but I remember it was violent and it included one of us choking the other to death (not in real life)
>we finish and bow
>get resounding applause
>period ends
>this faggot seriously had a harsh noise phase
The teacher gave us a 90+ for the assignment, and the students complemented our lessons saying that they were totally immersed and how they felt they were living in a another world. The activities were only very loosely connected to the theater of cruelty; we made some bullshit up about how they connected to it throughout the lesson. I hated everyone in the class (except my group members) and was made to do embarrassing things (had to do a school performance about muslims against hate were I kneeled down and pray), but that one experience made everything worth it.
this lmao
i could never imagine
>remembering my fart noise phase
What is harsh noise?
I think I'm still in my harsh noise phase
i own this cd
is this thom yorke
>they haven't had a harsh noise phase
enjoy your baby tier ears
t. normie
ditto this
Centipede Hz felt like a misstep to me, but when Painting With came out, I really felt like I had been duped. Revisiting their discography after that revealed that it never had as much staying power as I imagined it did back in 2009.
What makes harsh noise so much more interesting than power noise, death industrial, power electronics, etc? Or did you have phases for all of those too?
Beach boys >>> Beatles
I will say this till I die
honestly sounds patrician as fuck
Incredibly based
Originally the impossible dancing and music were supposed to be two separate activities but we combined them because we were running out of time. Also here is the plan for the list of music to play.
I chose to put in Machine Gun at the last minute because I didn't want my teacher to reprimand me for giving my classmates a headache with pulse demon and because Threnody for the victims of Hiroshima isn't very danceable. I only got to put SPK for the background music in the lesson as a result of time limitations.
Can you even hear anything after that phase
fucking nerds
meme thread turned into based OC
beach boys best noise band fuck you gerogerigegege
>remembering my liquid phase