Why aren't you listening to it Yea Forums?

why aren't you listening to it Yea Forums?

Attached: Devin-Townsend-Empath.png (1600x1600, 115K)

Xiao Panpan (小潘潘), Xiao Fengfeng (小峰峰) - Learn to Meow

I want devin townsend to fail

I'm honestly too lazy to open my laptop and download the leak. I ordered a CD though because I like Devy and it looks like he's did something special with this one.

i haven't listened to a devin townsend album in years. he's good but i'm not always in the mood

I am. This motherfucker is crazy.

Want to listen to it in the morning with fresh ears. I just listened to Throbbing Gristle DOA and then Scott 4 so I'm all out of ears

King and Waiting Kind are fucking great

that trash ass album art wtf

sucks, he's had some great ones in the past

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the album art is the only reason i'm intrigued

this dude is corny as fuck. Ziltoid was the tipping point. I mean, seriously, what happened to this guy? He’s like Frank Zappa crossed with the cheesiest prog metal conceivable.

If you listen to his making of and interviews for this album, that'll answer all your questions. Dude's been looking for himself and I think he found it.

It's surprisingly minimal considering the photoshop vomit of his recent stuff

Attached: CnaTxIMWAAARV2l.jpg large.jpg (2048x2048, 799K)

Anyone have a link? Sharethreads appear to have fucking died recently

I'm a hardcore Devin fanboy and this is probably the biggest piece of shit he has ever written.

Take the worst parts of late DTP albums (overuse of the choir, riffless chugs for metal parts, cheesy as fuck lyrics) and turn them up to eleven.

There are some more freeform moments that are good (first one being second half of Sprite), but holy fuck what a slog.

Wow, he really got me with the videos he's been making hyping up this album but reading some these posts painting it as his worst album I'm getting ready for disappointment

Kind of agree. Album seems strongest in the middle (Sprite, Hear Me and Why). The highlights for me were the least typically Devin-ish sounding parts.
Also despite the production value some of the tracks seem really thin in terms of songwriting like Borderlands

This gave me AIDS

If it was just Singularity EP it would be ok, I feel that is the best track. But by the time you get there you are just tired of the endless choir spam and samey sounding tracks.

His best album since your pic-related.

It's like a "Disney version of Deconstruction". Given how indifferent I was to a lot of Devin's 2010s stuff, now I'm greatly surprised by how much I loved this album. So ridiculously OVER-THE-FUCKING-TOP and so amazingly well constructed, crisp, inspired, colourful, captivating, accessible and adventurous at the same time. Yeah, it's cheesy as hell, but I don't give a fuck.

I used to love Devin but I can't stand this album at all. It's so ridiculously cheesy and overproduced

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Singularity was okay, the last couple of minutes still lay on the cheese pretty thick but it has some neat moments that sound like he's experimenting with some different styles

>capable of making good music
Ok Devin


What the fuck is wrong with Bowsette and why does he spam comments about this on RYM

Everything about DT and his music looks so utterly awful and uninteresting that I never ever want to listen to any of it.

I just want another Addicted! lads

when I'm done watching Invader Zim I'll listen to it

It's on spotify.

If you want the leak check realmofmetal

It looks kinda cool

I don't like his music but he seems like a strapping young lad.

accelerated evolution and addicted own

I FART on canadian idiots


Epicloud is his worst.

because he makes dream theater crap
he might be the best vocalist going in metal right now but I hate his music

Hear Me is his heaviest track since SYL at least

i use this alternate cover for transcendence

Attached: cover-transcendence.png (1278x1278, 2.13M)

Hear Me was a pleasant surprise


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Last thing I've heard of his was Transcendence and I thought it was incredibly forgettable, I don't feel all that hyped about this one.
He's got some great material in his discog though, he just needs to find some focus I guess?

It's better than Transcendence, that's for sure. It doesn't feel "by the numbers" like Transcendence does.

Because Devin Townsend is shit and his fans are all cringeworthy autists.

What this cunt did to Ween's Transdermal Celebration is straight up criminal.
He should be dragged out back and shot for that shit.

Attached: Disgusting.png (647x503, 437K)

It's not even that different, it just has a shitty ambient outro.

Wrong, it was horribly blown out over produced cheese AF garbage like all his music. Yes he barely changed the composition of the song but he didn't need to make it absolutely unlistenable.

It's really not that bad

Attached: turtle.jpg (600x357, 13K)

It definitely is though. Its legit one of the most embarrassing things I've ever heard.

Lol typical Ween fag
Your band is as cringe as Devy

Scientifically impossible for anything to be as cringe as Devin.

Imagine a girl asks you what kind of music youre in to and you put this shit on.


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wtf I expected a disaster like decibelle
would fuck desu