This is the supreme masterpiece of music, and no one here even talks about it
This is the supreme masterpiece of music, and no one here even talks about it
Christian Clark
Other urls found in this thread:
Carter Gonzalez
Selling England was better
Anthony Reyes
agreed, SEBTP > Lamb > Foxtrot > Nursery Cryme > TotT > W&W for me, been meaning to go further into their discog.
Leo Sanders
i listened to it on acid a few weeks back, was nice
those keys man
Jaxon Taylor
lamb lies down is their true masterpiece
Jacob Stewart
it's pretty good, but not a masterpiece.
Some goes for all the other genesis albums you like.
Owen Ramirez
Supper's Ready is one of the best prog epics written.
Angel King
Lincoln Wood
Liam Rodriguez
Based and redpilled
Onions and cringepilled