Wtf i LOVE bengafuel now

wtf i LOVE bengafuel now

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Her tits are gross

Because of some 2/10 tits? Okay.

>frumpy girls show their tits to derivative ambient music
Why the hell do you retards fall for it?

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Shut the fuck up Benga. Your music is trash and you try to convince us your women are hot when in reality they're fucking disgusting creatures. Shut up faggot RAAHHHHHHHHH

no pervert, because the blossoming of her conservative look to embracing the goth sexy makeup gril at the closing of the video. all you care about is tits?

>no pervert, because the blossoming of her conservative look to embracing the goth sexy makeup gril at the closing of the video. all you care about is tits?

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this is literally the only video i'm aware of with tits, so you're just repeating what somebody said here or?

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so i gave it a watch for some reason and uhh im really confused

i don't get it what's bengalfuel's schtick?

they are not the same person at the beginning of the video that they are at the end. and it's all happening backwards. that may be interesting, beautiful or utterly stupid to a viewer

hmm that's interesting. i'm sure it's obvious that i skimmed through this entire thing.
>i don't get it what's bengalfuel's schtick?
this is a general question i want to pose again about bengalfuel as a whole.

i "get it" and been a fan of the videos for a while. they're mesmerizing

this is good as a video to watch and see him talking about spiritual stuff, which is in my view the whole purpose of ambient/new age music and if you read his twitter it's all about meditation and the videos seem to have to do with self-worth and image. this is more about creative process in general but has a big part about a spiritual experience/belief

He's some weird sex freak that gets off on exploiting other people's sexuality + voyeurism, the soiboy indie retards lap it up as usual.

there's like two videos that are the slightest bit sexual in that they contain nudity but aren't sexy, and like 50 that are just girls putting on makeup. you're wrapped up in mu's nonsensical forced perception because all mu does is post the same video over and over. and i don't think we have any proof that ANYONE is lapping it up. you're absolutely just talking shit.

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bengalfuel is a girl (blonde miki on tobyhanna album cover) who makes the music, and a guy who makes the videos who is her bf

Thank you

I would probably fuck her

it took THIS video for you to love them? c'mon user. olive has a much firmer body of work desu fampai

i want to suck her hairy pusy

I might jerk off to her video in a bit so thanks for pointing out her hairy pussy

this is really spectacular, OP. not what i expected at all, which is a good thing

Bunch of perverts can't even see the ART

bengafuiel's best album coming thrruuuuuu

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I don't really give a shit if women shave their armpits or not but it's really embarrassing when women do this pose in photos

came nice

>it's really embarrassing when women do this pose in photos
but totally hawt when a guy does it

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we're not falling for it,

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There are fun bags, and there are FUN bags

guys always do it better

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so hot

Would love to fuck her ass so hard

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big tits and hairy fannies lads simple as

the beauty of people in a one-shot

Fuck off with your ambient shit "music."
Your women all look like trannies.
Don't you have some shitty discord you should be shilling, tranny chaser?
I hope you get AIDS.

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My nigga

>tranny chaser

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well said

so fuckin yummy!
matches the song wonderfully

in love

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imagine the whiff


Taylor's armpits are god-tier

i wanna lick her butthole


You literally are, you constantly shill this garbage here, you fucking gargantuan retard.

*blocks your boobs*

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