Solo project from a "non-major" member of the band is better than any of the band's albums

>solo project from a "non-major" member of the band is better than any of the band's albums

What is an example of this?

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Deakin - Sleep Cycle

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came here to say this

Chinese Democracy by Axel Rose

probably something by brian eno. i wouldn't consider him a major member of roxy music

Angels and Airwaves is better than blink-182.

Specially the first two albums, The Dream Walker and the Chasing Shadows EP.

based and deakpilled

johny greenwood

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Phil Elverum was the drummer for old time relijun and they fucking suck

Based deak

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how is he non major?

Man, I checked it out not too long ago. It's not that great. The mixing and production is good but the lyrics are pretty meh. Sounds like 14 year old 2008 emo journals. He's got to work on his writing.

I like Sleep Cycle and it was the last truly great anco release, but you're a deluded faggot if you think it's better than any pre chz anco release

ace of wands by steve hackett
this but cloud 9

i love it with all my heart

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Yea I totally agree. It’s got some real great tracks but 2 of the 6 are filler and it took him SEVEN YEARS to make it. Like if either Panda Bear or Avey Tare waited 7 years to drop a 6 song EP, every song would be fantastic

hello rebbit pseud

this is better than any deerhunter album except microcastle (though im not sure if lockett is non essential)

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idk, some strokes members' projects aren't bad, probably not better than is this is or room on fire though

Madcap laughs
Pacific Ocean Blue

>Madcap laughs
I thought about posting this but he started the band. Syd wasn't a major contributor after their first album but he's major to PF on an existential level
>Pacific Ocean Blue
A truly great album but it doesn't surpass the Beach Boys' highest achievements