Other urls found in this thread:
>op was waiting to post the 310th reply just to post this
lol @ u
That is one fucked hairline
It was a coincidence.
Posted an IDM track about a week ago and took some critiques, made lot's of changes. Thoughts?
>old for reference
is she trans
>not learning with the guitar general and making it on 290 before everybody
>guitar general
bigger faggots than /prod/, SOMEHOW
why would you care about anything they do lmao
Her music would probably be better if she was.
it's weird like every trans artist i can name just has this affinity for sound design, not even memeing
Can someone just recommend me a good free pad VST plz?
no just look for yourself
I haven’t heard a single trans artist with truly remarkable sound design.
do i can carry a song?
Why tho?
because you are gay and stupid
>pad VST
just use any decent synth lol wtf
well there's this new up and coming artist named SOPHIE if you've heard of her. I don't think most of /prod/ would know her!
How to design sounds
Serious question
Superautism and turning into a girl go hand in hand. Both require a very masculine brain.
just learn sound design
Why do we even have threads like this?
if you want a better thread, make it better
Read the fucking pastebin
its a dumb question you should just torrent sylenth or whatever else synth that has a lot of preset
>Superautism and turning into a girl go hand in hand
rubber interests me. Gender bending is my biggest fetish. just fuck me up man i'm legit scared o_______o
like which? how new are you???
it helps if people aren't being shitty at the same time though
No, you need at least the guitar there.
One thing I learned about transgenders is that taking estrogen or testosterone doesn't actually change their voice at all, they need to train and change their voice all on their own. They would probably be really good voice actors.
keyboard driven DAWs? Is Renoise the only option beyond old school crap like schismtracker?
basically a daw suitable for someone without a mouse would be ideal (and yes, I have a mouse, but that's irrelevant)
theres a guitar there
Renoise is unironically the best DAW.
experimenting with a new wave... sad robot vocals, my friends think its garbage but they have low music IQ, what do you think?
cut the drop out so yall wouldn't snag it sorry
damn me and my whole squad were bopping to this
How many of your ancestors fucked their relatives?
Just surveying my options before taking the plunge. The tracker concept agrees with my intuition a little more I think. How mouse heavy does it have to be? I would hope I could get by without a mouse at all..
As someone who used Renoise for over 7 years as my primary DAW (and Reason before that, and FL before that) who uses Ableton now -- yes, Renoise is absolutely the best DAW, hands down, I think. Obviously "best" is subjective here, but if you don't need to rely on the visual aids of piano-roll DAWs, Renoise can do basically all DAW-related tasks better than other DAWs.
> but they have low music IQ
So does /prod/
Unless you need to record a live instrument
I have to disagree. What's your complaint about recording live instrument? You can't see a visualization of the waveform as it progresses through the pattern? I've released an album made entirely in Renoise, with a ton of live instrumentation, all done within Renoise, and I've never had a problem.
What? Just drop a line input into the effects rack and you can hear the instrument instantly with whatever effects you want to put on top of it. You can also do recording without playing the track or you can send midi to synthesizers then use pattern record to get a perfect in tempo recording. It's not all sample based and software silly man.
Same, released like 4 albums utilizing Renoises recording features.
>Renoise can do basically all DAW-related tasks better than other DAWs.
Can you play and record unquantized midi for that human quality? Can you also freely vary/automate the tempo? I don't want to be locked to a grid all the time.
Sounds like Katie Dey
Yes, yes, and yes. It's just as capable as any other DAW just different features and workflow.
Fucking FINALLY someone knows Silke F. I actually really like a lot of her work and absolute insanity. Whether it be fiction or not. And despite all of her reuse of tracks lately.
Hello, another user in the know here
Somebody mentioned her months ago. Shits funny af. I refuse to believe the girl part though
SOPHIE’s sound design is detailed, but highly derivative. Definitely not worthy of the focus.
I found a thread she made on /x/ that was pretty funny, she was going on about her "breaking out of testing facility, half reptile, my dad works with the cia" shit and everyone was debunking her insanity and basically being laughed out of the board. She still claims that she gets death threats daily but shows no proof. My conclusion is she has day job, makes music on the side, lives with her mom, her friend died and it continues to torment her, and probably a catatonic schizophrenic and smokes weed to ease her illusions. I got a lot of proof as to why I think that.
Here's some of my favorite tracks. I could go on forever about theories, one of my most interesting obscure youtube personality finds. Second being this pedophile that I scared into fleeing America to live his life in the Philippines.
Derivative of who? Yeah the synth sounds aren't *new* but they're better done. Only thing comparable to rubber was some autechre
>Apparently with some Garageband competitor called Ableton Live
what's a good way to approximate some popular guitar pedal effects? specifically, for example, I want to see how they alesis quadraverb sounds first hand.. any popular software for this?
Clyp is just as cancerous as youtube and soundcloud now. Fuck Demarcus and his cult of personality.
There wasn’t a single sound on that last record that was genuinely outside the purview of run-of-the-mill club music.
What makes it different than any other digital reverb?
Okay some of those vocal effects were pretty out there though man. Also random ass rubber. Those metallic snares (actually not that hard to do so I'd assume it's in club music too actually)
Yeah the album was a step down for her sound design wise but to call it run of the mill ignores that it's still done better
Maybe a reaktor ensemble for that one and others you seek
this. ban clyp
this is good user
forgot to add, what gear are you using?
Here here
I second that
delet clyp and let the superior instaud rise
Ms20, virus access KB, bazille, hive, and put together in Renoise. Use some korg midi knob interface to modulate the software synths and a tiny akai keyboard. Thanks
I don't know a lot of the terms, but in this case I would assume nothing that I can discern. I've never used a pedal I just want to try some out before buying or making anything. Should it be pretty painless to apply reverb to a recording of a guitar in any popular DAW? Is there a less cumbersome method for this?
>reaktor ensemble
can I get that for free pretty easily? I assume I could then try out basically any popular pedal effect?
Clyp was good back when it was what instaud is now. Anonymous, quick uploads. NOW its cancer, but its just what a lot of people are used to.
I suggest removing it from the OP and specifically allowing ONLY
fuck clyp it we need to shut it down and quick too
Are you trying to make this political?
Yeah it was good when the pastebin/intro post was made but it's time to ban it now.
no but its annoying they made it account only its basically shilling
It doesn't get less cumbersome than ITB effects user...
How do you come up with musical ideas? I can come up with movie and story ideas. I can come up with visual ideas. I can even come up with ideas for cooking, but I don't imagine music. I can't create original music in my head.
>I can't create original music in my head.
Demarcus npc confirmed
the brute force failproof method is to learn some theory and start with a nice sounding chord progression
Fuck it lets just ban clyp I fucking hate all of you
Take an acapella version of a song you like and make a remix of it. Do all the percussion and instrumentation in whatever style and arrangement you see fit. Then delete the vocal lines to avoid copyright law.
If there's soceone you don't like, just ignore them.
If we ban clyp we can no longer ignore Demarcus and the likes, as they'll start blending in with the other posters.
I'd say is the necessary evil keeping this board from total chaos.
Then why the fuck are you making music? Even when I was tone-deaf I had ideas about what I wanted to make at least.
>If we ban clyp we can no longer ignore Demarcus and the likes, as they'll start blending in with the other posters.
Do you know how goofy you sound?
I don't know. I do really want to make music, but I don't have a single idea. I have music stuck in my head at almost all times (right now its Photographs and Memories) but not one original idea.
>We need to ACTIVELY IGNORE posters in threads designed to get feedback and learn from each other
mash notes on your keyboard until something sounds good then flesh that sound out until it's a full song
That's not what I said faggot.
I'm talking about only ignoring those who shit up the place like Demarcus and the other namefags.
But mainly just Demarcus.
Others who want to improve are more than welcome.
Is that what you were implying?
I thought you were talking about how it would be impossible not to recognize Demarcus even without his account.
hes right though.
if we keep engaging with certain posters the quality of the discussions will inevitably keep going down, but if we simply ignore them there's hope it can improve.
>Others who want to improve
What are you implying?
Demarcus (assuming you're not him) doesn't want to improve.
He just whishes he was good and just wants to be depressed about his lack of skill/talent without doing anything about it.
>if we keep engaging with certain posters the quality of the discussions will inevitably keep going down,
Based on what exactly? Why do you think ignoring people who want to improve is the answer?
>wants to be depressed
>ignoring people who want to improve
Is this bait?
It has to be.
You're either baiting or you're Demarcus.
as the other guy said, it's not people who want to improve that are the problem, but the people who shit up the thread with their bullshit, and demarcus is one of them.
what places explain making syncopated and poly rhythmic stuff easily
>but the people who shit up the thread with their bullshit, and demarcus is one of them.
By asking for feedback?
no but they don't listen
By posting about tangentially-related shit.
I mean, how much do we know about Demarcus' life? Do we really need to?
Does this thread need to become a daily pity party of people trying to motivate him and him responding with excuses (or saying "sigh")?
All this shit can only ruin an already shitty general, and it should be avoided.
If Demarcus just asked for feedback he wouldn't be a problem, but sadly that's not all that he does.
Understanding Synthesizers, Samplers, and their language- modulation (change of parameters over time) is the main workhorse.
Honestly your brain probably just isn't trained to do so yet. I started doing music about 4 years ago and I always felt like shit because I also didn't have ideas just wandering into my head. But a few years on, I've started to have them and I think it's mostly because I spent time listening to music and subconsciously stealing form it. I reckon what makes people grow up with music in their heads is simply the fact that they're exposed to it a lot as a child, I don't believe it's some magic abstraction that you either have or you don't.
As for originality, the best way to become original is to stop caring about being original. Seriously. If you try hard enough, you can link literally any musical idea to any other musical idea, so it's just pointless to worry about. That and ideas are really like viruses in how they work. They float around through whatever medium they're in and get sucked into peoples brains, infecting them. Then, while in the new brains, ideas mutate and change until they're spat out in a new form and go on to inspire someone else. Maybe I'm wrong though, maybe there is some intangible magic that some people just don't have and this belief is just a way to comfort ourselves.
But I don't really think it is. Every idea is born from a preceding idea and unless you were deaf for you entire life up until the exact point you started making music, you're being influenced by people and that's unavoidable. I say just roll with it and as you go along, you'll find little quirks and idiosyncrasies that make your stuff genuinely yours. You CAN do this user. It might not feel like it now but if you stop, then it'll never feel like it.
Also music is just fun to make desu.
It feels like the music I make is just me constantly flailing my dick around. Showing other people HEY GUYS LOOK AT THIS LOL
I constantly flail my dick around like it's no tomorrow how do I stop that shit
Top love my dude.
>I mean, how much do we know about Demarcus' life? Do we really need to?
I only ever said anything because people asked or wanted me to elaborate. I have a tendency to overshare (because of reasons beyond my control) but it was never my intent to become a meme or personality, I've said that before. I genuinely just want feedback and to know if I'm on the right track or not.
You don't, you just upgrade from flailing to rhythmic waggling and people like that.
I unironically was using pic-related when I was 14 making dubstep. Proof
True. How do I upgrade to rhythmic waggling?
oh hey it's you, I remember you. We spoke on discord like a year or 2 ago, I don't remember your username though, I just remember you showing me this. Hi again.
Learn to flail your dick around with more purpose. I think that mostly comes with time though.
I don't remember, what were we talking about and how we trade names? I'm ms20 school shooter guy
I don't remember at all, all I remember was that you showed me that track. I remember being a really bitter dickhead and you being nice, that's about it.
>people asked or wanted me to elaborate. I have a tendency to overshare (because of reasons beyond my control) but it was never my intent to become a meme or personality
That happens all the tme and it's never a problem.
It's the fact that you keep doing it all day every day.
Why can't you just take the feedback without hinting at something in your life that people will have to ask you to elaborate on?
Every time you get told how to fix a problem or how to improve, you answer with something like "I wish I could but I have X problem", which is totally unnecessary and always leads to the derailment of the discussion and ultimately the thread.
If you only did this once in a while it wouldn't have been a problem, but you do this every single day.
Becoming a meme was inevitable.
It also doesn't help that you use a account with a name that we can immediately recognize you with.
Hmmm, I don't remember. Probably in the prod discord group, I've gotten a lot better since. where's krimyd
I don't know, I haven't spoken to him, the prod discord kind of sucks a bit. Or at least, it did when I was last there. I'm pretty sure it was from there that we met though
so i should focus on being derivative instead
There's no point you being here if you're not trying to derive something from someone else. You should just lock yourself in a room and avoid any external stimuli if you really want to do something original.
I'll bet you 100 to 1 it will sound worse than if you would glean knowledge and technique from what others have done before you though.
Not necessarily. It's more that you shouldn't focus super hard on not being derivative. You should focus on doing stuff you like and try to care less about how derivative it maybe. Everything is derivative to an extent.
Yeah I don't really know how someone could say that the vocals on Whole New World, Ponyboy and Faceshopping were at all part of run-of-the-mill club music. If it is then shit, I need to listen to more run of the mill club music.
But actually I'm just mentioning you because I have been working on a sound that is sort of rubbery. It's not at all perfect but I think I'm getting into that territory, what do you think?
Ok. I think I'm going to try using a tracker... but how do you create the wav files that you use in a tracker? For example, what if I want to program a relatively complex (controlled) harp glissando? Programming something like that seems like it would be a pain in the ass in a tracker.
I'm no tracker expert but I think the whole point is the various track effects you can program and I'm pretty sure one of them would do that.
I'm concerned that it will sound too robotic but I'll go study the manual -- see you guys in a month or so ;)
fucking sick man, i've been waiting to hear more sounds like this
What's the main sound here? Is it just a Rhodes?
Could be a Yamaha CP series. I don't really know though.
it could be fm like dx7 it was released around the same time this was made
I'm not sure what you mean. It's a serum patch, I can upload it somewhere if you want it.
Also while I'm here, can someone help me figure out why the distorted bass in this is lacking so much low end? I've tried equing low end away from other sounds and I tried just straight up boosting the low end but that either led to way too much or didn't really help. No matter what I do, it keeps sounding thin and kinda shitty.
I tried playing lower notes but I can't seem to get exactly what I want. Can some kind user who knows mixing help me out?
Try adding some saturation to it, directing it to the low end if you can.
Ragnarok is the greatest sounding free VSTi out there
>Why can't you just take the feedback without hinting at something in your life that people will have to ask you to elaborate on?
>Every time you get told how to fix a problem or how to improve, you answer with something like "I wish I could but I have X problem", which is totally unnecessary
I never meant to do that, not intentionally. I'm just not good at articulation and shit. I don't say things to be dismissive but to explain myself. Then it all snowballs from there. I'll just post to instaud from now on though.
it is pretty good I remember downloading it before
Delay Lama is still the best
does it even dope presets bro?
>It's a serum patch
i just heard reversing in it so i figured it was one of those sampler scrubbing things with way more modulation
are you already doing a direct out for the sub? it sounds.... like separate.
this is me trying to act on some feedback someone gave me, i reworked the reverb and gave the song more of a chord progression, not sure if i'm going to do much bout the transition tho b/c i really like abrupt switchups.
also added a lil bit, and did some work on trying to get a more spacious mix, but i don't know if i know how to do that.
You don't have to.
Just don't turn every discussion into a story about your problems and whatnot, and it will be fine.
Even if you don't think you can do the thing you get told to do, don't say anything (even just saying it makes you less likely to actually do it) and apply what you can like everyone else does.
No need to overshare (or even just share anything about your personal life).
The alone isn't a problem.
also check tracks made entirely with ragnarok
Thank you, that actually helped a lot
Yeah some parts do sound like they're reversing but it's mostly because the notes are played really low. And there is actually a sample in it, it's one of the kick impact things in the noise section. I'm modulating its phase really fast so in some sense, I guess it sort of is reversing?
I'm actually not using a sub. Playing it at such low frequencies makes the sub redundant. I really can't stress this enough, playing this patch above G2 or so isn't anywhere near as nice as playing it really low is.
Here is the patch
>Playing it at such low frequencies makes the sub redundant
well a pretty common thing for distorted bass is to highpass and use a cleaner wave for the actual bass content
thanks for the patch. i'm on an old non-legit version so apparently i can't open it, but i'm going to try making some sounds inspired by yours tomorrow :p
Oh, that sucks. I took a screenshot of the patch and the modulation of it. I didn't use any effects so you should be able to recreate it easily enough from this.
oh wow
Glad I could be of some help, have fun :)
>releasing secret weapons
delete this
>Even if you don't think you can do the thing you get told to do
I don't not intend to do it I just always feel the need to explain myself.
Hey bud, its me from yesterday. Definitely sounding cleaner, and the progression has more direction to it. I'd say starting looking at making it more dynamic next if possible, use some sweeps and filters to drop stuff in and out. Throw LP or HP filters either on different elements or just across the occasional mix occasionally.
The fast section is waaaay easier to stomach with those fixes, well done. The ending is honestly my favorite part (I don't mean that in a bad way), consider using something similar to that to introduce the song and possibly to break up sections in the middle. Keep working at it, its sounding better.
Reminder that Ladytron is the only patrician synthpop artist.
How to get that 70s sound quality on vocals?
Is it just copious amount of tape saturation?
What the fuck is wrong with my timing here? not the metallic things in the background, they're supposed to sound like talking, more the plucked chime thingy that comes in near the end. I swear to god no matter how much I try I cannot get this to sound how it does in my brain, I'm sure it's noticeable
No idea what you're on about.
it seems the tempo changes when the kick with the first chime hits. The second and (more importantly) third kick don't follow the previous tempo.
Maybe it helps to set the third kick on the same interval as all previous kicks, then align the second kick so it fits, and then rearrange the chimes if necessary
i'll never be good at this
hello i would like to add my vote. I am in voting in favor of deleting clyp. clyp delete gang where u at
grimes confirmed brainlet
things i would like to change for next version
>no clipping on the sample
>volume of drums and bass relative to sample
i am wondering about this... when the gypsy goes into reverb I feel like it is too quiet and the drums overpower him. To make the drums quieter would make them too weak though. I'm trying to keep both the drums and voice powerful. But I'm already getting unpleasant distortion on the voice and I'm not sure how to go about making it louder and clearer
Anyone ever use the kontakt library? Is it any good?
No no, absolutely!
This man asks you to show him your best track.
Is he impressed?
>This man asks you to show him your asscrack.*
>Is he aroused?*
Sorry, Autocorrect.
leave MJ alone
>leave MJ alone in a room with my son*
Sorry, Autocorrect.
turn the bass up make the voice a tiny bit quieter shits cool
Good singing in tune, multitracking, tape sat, less hi freq than modern vox, short plate reverb.
Could get something similar with any fm synth too. Sharp attack, slightly modulated sines, sprinkling of vibrato and trem.
Yep, do Get your actually bass out of a simple lowpassed saw or a sine with saturation.
Cut all the lows from your distorted bassy thing and then group both together and add a little compression &/or saturation to make them feel connected.
gump aka gay bump
best kontakt libraries for percussion (not standard drum kits) ?
i liked it
try making a mood board for one song and decide if you need it
Why do you want to make it? To be cool?
Music is a form of expression. If you don't have anything to express musically don't do it, there's enough shitty music in the world.
what if i want to get good for when i do have something to express
make covers then, you'll gain the same skills and replicating what you like is very good practice. you can put your own creative twist on it too
In that case, listen to music you like and try to work out what's going on.
Do relative pitch training.
Learn music theory.
Make and record things without worrying about the quality to improve your skillset.
what does trim do on the compressor on my master
Gain reduction.
Holy shit, this dude's hands are tinier than Jack Kelly's
>Listen to the sounds coming from your VCR right now
Could anybody in this thread help me with this?
reason sux
Don't link to the subpar double-ripped version
thx 4 brah so help beri friendship many support
Go back to your stupid thread and post a screenshot.
Is music production getting more and more popular? Specifically at the amateur / bedroom producer level. What was the crowd like (in terms of size and sounds) 5 years ago? 2 years ago?
I think it really took off around 2000 somewhere when daws and pc production really took off for the home user and I think now with things like free access to a thousand free youtube tutorials it is more popular than ever.
>bone hurting juice
Thanks B, I couldn't remember if it was the 2 hour one or the 3.
No lie sampling VCR mechanical sounds will make your music nostalgic as fuck.
thanks, seems like the meme happened during my period of not coming to Yea Forums and I missed it
>How do you come up with musical ideas?
whenever i do i make sure to write them down so that i have material to work with if i'm not feeling particularly inspired.
IDK, I think it's more of a Reddit thing.
can i get some feedback on this track? is the mix okay? what could I add?
looking for some production channels on youtube to listen to while I work during the week. what are some good ones I should check out?
sounds like a demo track from my midi keyboard
...and that's a good thing!
Produce Like a Pro on youtube is really good for learning about mixing.
thank you that's what i was going for
A/B with this
what is A/B?
Grimes a dogshit
it's called A/B testing
Where do you boys find drums packs? I'm trying to find one that has the drums in Swae Lee's Sunflower.
look, this faggot again lol
a mood board?
>Why do you want to make it? To be cool?
I don't know, but no. If I just wanted to cool I wouldn't put as much effort in. Performing and being able to communicate a world musically is more attractive to me than any money or girls that would come with it. But I don't have any solid ideas.
/r/drumkits just like it says in the pastebin
peeped that song, just download a boom-bap pack for some shakers/hats, cop some oldish drummachine samples for the snare, or one specifically for "synthwave" if you're especially lazy
Do you know any theory? I’m retarded at starting with a melody but I’ll shed some light on my methods:
Write down chord progressions that you come up with, even if they are three chords long. You can cross reference and combine spereate progression over time (see john Lennon writing real love, took him years and multiple ideas)
If you have friends jam, my friend is a “bass player”, new and knows no theory. I can harmonise around his weird ideas some time.
Start on an instrument that is not your bread and butter. Breaks composition habits you may form over time
>Do you know any theory?
kind of, but not really.
how do I make something like Julia Holter
Reason user here. Did you get it solved?
If you know how to play an instrument, the best way to start is to just fuck around for hours on end. You're bound up to stumble upon some kind of rhythm or melody that you like. Take inspiration from the music you like and just play around with ideas and sounds
do you guys listen to your own songs or is that weird
I have a problem of making an incomplete track and then listening until I get sick of it.
yeah all the time. i have a shit load
my method as of now is making a shit load of songs in all different styles and retroactively deciding which ones belong together/are good enough to be released
This the second time in years that I've only gotten good feedback, does anyone have specific mixing/mastering critiques? I tried a new way on this one and I think I figure it out. Maximizer to boost the audio a little bit, bus compressor, then a -.20 limiter, and an exciter that boosts all bands a little bit specifically the mids and highs. Mix every track to be much quieter. By doing this it didn't sound like a glued sandwich and maintained some of the dynamics.
>exciter that boosts all bands a little bit specifically the mids and highs
i would not do that, as that's where everything is blending quite a lot.
I like the song but, mix wise, this isn't really different from a lot of your other stuff where shit's all very bright and fighting eachother quite a lot. it's probably at the worst around 1:50~.
idk, i listen mostly on hs50ms so i have autism for mid/high separation because these things are so fucking mid-foward. To me it seems like a really obvious critique but i'm always surprised that nobody else tells you that consistently
can we make a new thread aleready
rate pls
no theres almost 100 post before bump limit
I've been using Reason on and off since 2001 and I don't know how to use anything else
Someone help me please. What should I start using instead?
>Got a hot 8 bar boom bap beat going
>can't make it go anywhere else
>misc sound effects and just take away/add from arrangement for entire song
>yep, that'll do it
fuck man i'm like fuckin RZA bro word up
Reason is great, but if you want, use Ableton instead.
is my LDC bad in comparision to the new one?
use your fucking ears Sammy
It is great but why can I not just map my midi controller to an instrument and have that layout saved as a template for every time I want to use that instrument?? I only have direct control over the default synths.
that link looks like aids
RZA the renius
the LDC sounds muddy and dead in comparision but maybe someone had some info like that's how LDCs behave in relation to proximity
why aids
... Do you really not know what proximity effect is?
learn to mic things for fuck sake man.
idiot, the two mics were placed exactly aside for a fair comparision.
I asked that because you literally just asked for info on it. LDC's will have more bass the closer they are.
Anyway, side by side comparison isn't always a great way of comparing the usefulness of two mics: you wouldn't stick an SDC on the cone of an amp and then say it sucks compared to an SM57 would you? No, because nobody buys and sdc to do that lol.
I'm not replying to you again because i'm pretty sure you already used your monthly serious reply earlier and I don't feel like explaining anything more to you anyway
I'll give it another shot at my friends house that's actually acoustic treated. Here where I mix my jbl's are now useless because I don't have the right room. So, I've been mixing on HD598's lately. So, don't rely on the exciter and instead focus solely on mix eq's?
well a sdc dont work well on guitar amp?
It's okay user, don't be ashamed about your song, post it again.
I didn't like the picture I posted with it.
i remember a few years ago, someone brought this little thing to school that was like a bit of wood with a rod sticking out of it, and based on where you put your fingers it would play a different note (quietly). anyone have any idea what im talking about or how i could make/buy something like it (that is, incredibly primitive/simple analog audio devices)
way more advanced then what i remember. gonna have to snoop around more
its plateaued a bit over the past couple years.
Things really changed in 2004 when garageband released. I knew several people that got into it then, was a ghost town before that.
>pic related
you have to live under a fucking rock to have not noticed this.
i've only been in this for 5~ years and even that's been long enough to observe changes (though i haven't been very attentive to the "scene" that exist). Things i've noticed:
>more people making producer aimed "content" (youtube channels, blogs, shitty stolen sample packs etc)
>WAY better free vsts
>people are more internet savvy (know what a torrent is lol)
>centralization of sample libraries (splice being the most obvious instigator)
>"virtual analog" falling off as a marketing gimmick
>soundcloud falling off, spotify coming up
mostly good stuff obviously.
Also this isn't a new thing but i've found it interesting that there's a splintering off into stuff that's for like... "old heads" i guess? Gearslutz, Protools, Native instruments (they're not really old but they're not hyped and are seen as last years company I guess),
>things ive noticed in 5 years: same shit that existed before but *newer*
it's all obvious shit but that guy asked mang
there are people out there who don't know about the democratization of art or who just haven't thought about it before
Don't use big words like that dawg you'll scare away all the posters.
I love these cheat sheets. They could be total BS for all I know but seem legit
No but they are extremely limited
what chord is Am
like what keys do i press
The white ones
>...using the same as another song isn't stealing as long as you also don't use the same key
Reminds me of this
Busy works BEATSSSsssssssssssssssss
For real though it's an A with a minor third and a perfect fifth.
fuck /prod/
It's takes literally two days to memorize every major chord corresponding to the white keys on a keyboard (i.e. C, D, E, F, G, A, and B). From these chords you can then derive EVERY other chord imaginable, with almost no additional effort.
fuck you
>with almost no additional effort
Quick! Give me a-flat minor!
>two days
maybe for you Megamind
shut the fuck up
so a major chord is just keys number 0, 4, and 7 right?
The point is that it isn't very hard to do. It's about as challenging as remembering several phone numbers, a thing anyone can do.
it's 135
how the fuck do people not realize it's just chord formulas???
it's not hard.
there are two scales you need to know, and like 5 chords with minor variations that you'll realistically ever use (and it's easy as shit to "make" random ass chords with extensions or whatever once you get the hang of it)
shit's sad
>remembering phone numbers
>it's 135
I feel like he's counting half steps on the piano roll and you're counting scale degrees which would require him to know his scales.
>there are two scales you need to know,
I would say one scale. Modes are just starting the major scale on a different note; minor is a mode and melodic minor doesn't count. ;)
My mother memorized the phone book when she was young. Pretty sure I inherited her autism.
I'm not Demarcus, by the way.
The entire phonebook?
Did she use any mnemonic technique or just powered through it thanks to some special brain condition like Kim Peek?
Anyone know of a rap song similar to this that I can use as a reference for mixing?
It's just a random rap multitrack that I'm practicing mixing with. Just need something similar as a reference
Is it Aflat B and Eflat?
pretty good, but started too abrupt. need a slower transition into the loudness at the beginning
How would I even start learning how to make something like these?
get ableton or buy a mpc
What does Ableton have to do with it?
slice to midi feature in ableton is the same thing that makes the mpc great
To be clear it’s a multitrack I downloaded, it’s not me
slice to MIDI? What does that do? What makes an MPC great?
all bad stuff
5 years ago i wanted to make a living being a producer
now i realize how fucking stupid of an idea that is
competing with 100000000 newcomers all jumping on the wagon chasing this stupid idea of making a living if they make enough beats
many of them can exist on mommy and daddy's money indefinitely
also there is so much trash on soundcloud, such a massive sea of garbage and garbage people. be careful who you collab with. it's hard to tell that they're not all there until it's too late and they try to get your account suspended or something
spotify is a joke and pays people almost nothing
i wouldn't bother trying to find something identical. from what i've heard of it, kendrick lamar's to pimp a butterfly is - VERY - well mixed. i would a/b with that
Slice to midi cuts audio and places the cut pieces into a drum rack. You can slice based on warp markers or transients, it's amazing for playing with breaks.
Can I get some feedback on this? I started doing some dubstep-ish stuff to it and I like the sounds themselves but I worry that they make it sound like an actual dubstep track and I really don't want that.
A drum rack? I'll learn Ableton and try to figure it out but I don't see how slicing will help me make Pharell and Brockhampton type stuff.
I'm not the guy you were talking to but I'm assuming he probably means that making beats out of breaks becomes so much easier and more fun
I'm not interested in breaks though?
I honestly have no idea what you guys are even talking about, I just saw that someone asked what Slice to midi was. It's great for breaks but it has other applications as well. It's not really something that's going to help you make a specific kind of track though, it's just a really useful tool to know how to use.
I'm talking about making stuff like this:
Wtf why do you make shit stuff that nobody would ever want to listen to?
Wendy Carlos worked directly with Bob Moog on the design of his synths if that counts for anything.
hello i made a trap beat what do u guys think
also anyone wanna do some shit on it?
Testosterone does a ton. Estrogen only marginally.
idiot, he asked if she's a tranny, not if it's a girl with latent transexuality you fuckin retard
I don't understand what your post means.
WHO here lunchbox api 500?
Is it worth it to get into this kinda autism?
Also: korg minilogue Xd or Behringer model d? I want juicy bass sounds to make my own 808s and leads
how? I keep meaning to find a nice resource for DERIVING shit, I know all my major and minor scales and chords. but i would like to know stuff like the 7ths and all it's inversions, for example.
I like cheesy 80s FM tracks as much as anyone but this one is really stretching it.
You need to add some colour. You've got room for more tracks and the ones you have sound really flat and dry. I've never really heard anything quite like this but it sounds like it might work as background music for some kind of cheesy crooner with a voice not as good as he thinks.
the residents did it. It became really fucking weird but also more profound than 99.9% of music
They're the one in a hundred though.
nvm figured it out
To me it seems like it would only be worth it to get into 500 series shit if you were gonna go full on and get a bunch of pieces of gear. It's like half a grand just to get the lunchbox rack itself, so it wouldn't we worth it to just get one 500 series piece of gear to put in it.
Still looking for something similar, if anyone can think of something.
I wanted to make a living being a producer like 14 years ago. Then puberty hit and I had an existential crisis and fell into a deep depression fueled by living a lie, following along with other people's expectations for me.
I’m imagining Michael McDonald on vocals with some John oats guitar licks
Chord progression and pacing it actually really solid. Keys are a bit too bright imo. Also not a fan of the vocoder thing, not sure if you were making that a place holder for an actual vocal melody or what but maybe change the patch
I'd rather you just told me the song sampled.
That's a really high probability of achieving greatness though
Go for it then. Good luck staying off the internet and not listening to any music until your album is recorded.
It wouldn't be a one time investment, no. I was more thinking as my studio grows I wouldn't wanna amass big racks but keep it small and just go for pairs of modules.
Enharmonically correct but it should be written as C-flat instead of B
You realize you're going off the assumptions some random dude is making right
1st being that the residents did do it
2nd that they are 1 in a 100
rate my attempt at jungle/idm thing (work in progress)
Kill that intro right fucking now. Those samples aren't even remotely in the same key. The middle section might be salvageable but it has a lot of noise that you'll need to remove.
how do you hear that shit?? sounds fine to me
can I get some feedback on this?
It's really just that guitar part that is wrong. Sounds like the guitar is playing a B major chord while everything else is in B minor so that D# in the guitar clashes with the D natural in the synth.
Is this a cover? The songwriting is really good. I like how you kept the arrangement minimal and the tone of the guitar and synth are really nice. It feels to me like your voice really stands out as if it were recorded on a cheap laptop mic as opposed to the guitar and synth which sound really clean. Either dirty up the backing track or clean up the vocals. Layered vocal harmonies for the chorus would be cool too if you can pull it off.
Thanks man! I wrote it.
Yeah, vocal mixing and processing is my biggest weakness (maybe besides drums, lol), I have a good mic, it's old but still works fine. Any recommendations on resources for vocals mixing?
Thanks for listening, dude.
i need to step my ear game up