What is the musical equivalent?

What is the musical equivalent?

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niggas on the moon

This but what the literary equivalent of Liveless

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the waste land

What is the literary equivalent?

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>musical equivalent to a specific dialect of irish gibberish

I was just reading about this. Either Berio or Cage, both were obsessed with Joyce

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Musical Equivalent?

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Literary equivalent?

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Whats the musical equivalent of people who read self help books?

People who only listen to upbeat pop music.

Andrew W.K. fans.

10 hours 432 hz delta brainwaves relaxation music

>both were obsessed with Joyce
didn't know that. that's interesting.

what's the musical equivalent of having very regular and satisfying shits?

what's the album equivalent of this?

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good choice. don't know why i didn't think of that.

Jason Mraz

no problem buddy

What’s the musical equivalent of big booty thots?

James Joyce scholar here. Can confirm that the answer is unironically Young Thug.


musical equivalent

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Whats the musical equivalent?

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FJM's Pure Comedy

idk some old shit like Palestrina

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I used to have a bar regular that would get drunk and say shit like "Boulez makes Webern look like Satie". He was a wildcard.

But yeah, this sounds like a good fit for Finnegans Wake to me.

You’re beautiful James blunt

Musical equivalent?

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music has yet to produce anything on this level

Musical equivalent?

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Imagine a single song going through the development of styles in the western classical tradition in the style of Oxen in the Sun episode

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Have One on Me

Current 93 - The Light Is Leaving Us All

Knut Hamsun - Hunger

GY!BE - F A ∞

Lewis Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

The Magnetic Fields - 69 Love Songs


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Actually a good idea. That episode ends in ebonics too.

>The Magnetic Fields - 69 Love Songs
This/ the Sufjan "50 States" comparison was made in an introduction to the book, wasn't it? I don't think that this is an original idea, user.

What is the musical equivalent of this?

A really bad ween song

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based post

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Alien Rap: Songs About Life on the Planet Glumph

The sensual world - Kate Bush

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literary equivalent?

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ITAOTS obiously

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Siddhartha, duh

Inspiration is different from what the final product actually evokes


Musical equivalent?

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some grand, long and convoluted prog rock concept album

Idk man, but it would be something really fucked up. The only thing I can think of is Coil or Electric Wizard, but that's only because of how bleak it sounds.

Holy kek, so true
>Partying can like heal your soul and shit bro

John Cage - Muoyce II (Writing through Ulysses)

What is the musical equivalent? And don't give me that vaporwave bullshit please.

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rage against the machines - rage against the machines
alfred schnittke symphony No. 1


What is the literary equivalent?

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based and Newsompilled

>A way a lone a last a loved a long

Dire Straits

forgot the fucking picture

pic related, thank me later (don't)

derrida was a fan of free jazz and besides interviewing ornette coleman they were also apparently close pals, so that would be the logical answer, but I'm gonna go and say anthony braxton. about the same level of genius

this is fitting

schnittke literally scored an adaptation, so yes

D/P/I - Ad Hocc

I'm going to create in the future, inspired mostly by The Most Unwanted Song

swans discography obv

something as entry level as baudrillard

you're thinking of lyrical equivalent, not musical equivalent

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>posts Fore!
>doesnt get dubs

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Great thread

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Literally Sorabji

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Music equivalent?

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Literary equivalent?

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Some fucking terrible SJW garbage.

except it's not really at all though

moby dick in album form, that actually stays true to the flow and current of the book, would definitely be some ambient stuff. or at least large portions of fucking nothing going on

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Musical form for Captain Underpants?

Did you know Moby is one of the ancestors of Herman Melville

Musical equivalent?

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this 4

>using SJW unironically

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>le epic buyers market
>le epic banned album
>le epic lolicore

Lana Del Rey obviously

Black Flag.

David Bowie.


Little Richard.


Death Grips.

Clarence Clarity.

Greta Van Fleet.


Infant Annihilator or

what's the equivalent of this? the easy answer would probably be some pentangle record.

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It's Have One On Me

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Some Nechochwen album as I feel like those albums connect me to nature and they reflect the constant switching from the bedroom to the hunt.

wHaTs ThE LiTeRaRy eQuIvAlEnT?

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Guise wHaTs tHe MuSiCaL eQuIvAlEnT

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Fall Out Boy

Ariel Pink

What is the literary equivalent to My Chemical Romance?

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pair these together my friends

pseudoscorpion but unironically

Neither of these have an answer tho


The answer is , as TMR subverted the building blocks of l musical convention in a way that’s proportional to how Finnegans Wake did such with literature on a word to word level

the darby o'gill album waitin on a ride

TMR Is lazy deconstruction whereas finwake is deconstruction AND reconstruction

>you're thinking of lyrical equivalent, not musical equivalent
Even musically, divers is the musical equivalent of finnegan's wake

Musical equivalent?

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Interesting thought. Care to expand? Also, does that mean you dislike TMR?



some metal shit

Yeah, tmr is shit. Don didn't understand how music works so his deconstruction of conventional music ended as a mess.
Joyce on the other hand was a genius and knew language better than any human. He tore apart languages and rebuilt his own language.

>tmr is shit
I think that's a little harsh. It's an incredibly rhythmically and tonally complex album made by performers who were dedicated to understanding the vision of someone who was basically a psychopath. Regardless of intent by Van Vliet, I think there's something to be gained by listening to the record and trying to understand its musical aspects, especially from the perspective of the men who had to translate it into music.
>ended as a mess
There's nothing inherently wrong with music sounding "messy"

By the way, what’s your favorite rock (not classical, jazz, or folk) album

Interesting take so I respect your opinion, but you’ve got to remember that music is different from literature. In music, unlike a wide range of other mediums, ameturism can actually be an amazing thing if done right (can be terrible too of course but that’s beside the point). As far as comparing tmr to literature this deep maybe you’re onto something; but as far as building a language goes, the thing about music is that no matter what, as long as it’s framed in the pretense of music, it’s music. So with this analogy, in music, even if the language is nonsense and messiness (TMR; which albeit was at least influenced by more poignant things as well but was executed just as you have described), it is still a language regardless, and it can not be a language because there will always be a relative causality.

Don wasn’t a psychopath, he was an absurd narcissist and utterly self absorbed but it was all directed toward art, that was the excuse anyway. But this extends to the directions he gave and he abuse and the vague directions left for them to interpret themselves, to him these were extensions of his own “sculpting” of the music. At the end of the day though he was still just that awful of course. I do feel though that he even led out a lot more as he got older.

He actually adapted some of the text into a song I really like. I'm trying to get the rights to cover it on an album, and the John Cage Trust told me who to contact, but that person hasn't responded to my emails.

>paradife loft
how come they left this huge typo

There's literally a musical adaption

>Finnegans Wake

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Don was definitely also a narcissist carrying out what he thought was a perfect vision, but I think the conditions he put the other band members in to perform the album were a bit psychopathic