I want to make a public Spotify playlist to play for when I decide to drive faster than the law allows. All recommendations are most likely going on so go nuts with suggestions. The playlist name is "Songs to Speed to"
>pic related
Songs to Speed to
Ryder Miller
Grayson Williams
Kick out The Jams
Neat Neat Neat
Roadrunner- modern lovers
Hunter Thompson
King Gizz - Roadtrain
Jack Hernandez
Anything Josh Homme has worked on
Ayden Parker
Evan Perry
by who? there's like 15 different gardenias
great suggestions so far so thanks :)
Asher Evans
Jaxson Reed
initial d soundtrack specifically running in the 90s and gas gas gas
flockaveli makes me wanna kill people when i put it on in my car
faneto and save me by chief keef are classics also
Luis Harris
Dan Deacon
Todd Terje
Jason Parker
Janelle Monae- Come Alive
John Coltrane- Mr PC