>Scaruffi is NEVER wron-
Scaruffi is NEVER wron-
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you're he's definitely wrong, it deserves a 2 at best
how do you think this
He's rarely wrong, this isn't one of those times.
He's only wrong about Beatles and David Bowie imo.
If you are interested and think Scaruffi is so strict with his reviews, I've counted so far, he has 820+ 7/10s, 700+ 7.5/10, 350+ 8/10 and I haven't finished yet, guess how many there are 6.5/10 and 6/10(which means "buy if you are a fan" = isn't bad)
I agree, although after you've read enough of his other reviews you start to understand where he is coming from.
fuck that pedo motherfucker, In Rainbows is a 9/10
Did his braincells separate like ripples on a blank shore?
yikes. even if you think radiohead sucks those ratings don't make sense relative to one another
>even if you think radiohead sucks
he doesn't
>those ratings don't make sense relative to one another
they're objective
He’s definitely right about the Beatles
He's absolutely right about Bowie and mostly right about the Beatles.
>What is unique about this music database?
Unlike other music databases it provides truly independent opinions, and from a historical perspective. I am a cultural historian (I teach history of knowledge), not a "fan". For example, i do not promote all recordings (or films) as masterpieces. As a matter of fact, i am aware that the vast majority of recordings and films are just about mediocre and very few deserve recognition (even fewer deserve your money). Musicians are often offended by my critiques and their publicists often complain, but that does not change the merits of their recordings, and therefore my assessment of those recordings. (I find way too many webpages, especially on Wikipedia, that have obviously been "fine tuned" according to the desires of the musician. Basically a lot of bios and reviews on the Web are simply becoming press releases by the musicians themselves).
Haha, DOWNVOTED friend :^)! Cringe!! :--^)
I always knew you shitposted here, Scruff Man.
pablo honey over the bends HTTF IR TKOL AMSP. oh no no no no no
he actually seems to *like* bowie, just not for being a good musician, just for being fucking david bowie. a lot of what he says about his art is pretty valid even though he still underrates him somewhat
you think that's bad, he gave Quebec by Ween like a 4/10
He’s right.
Quebec is the ween album for people who don't like ween.
The Bottomless Pit is their best album and an 8/10
Year of The Snitch (Third Worlds, 2018). Death Grips tried to restore their reputation after the mess of Bottomless Pit
He really does not like BP
forgot to >
No I'm just mentally handicapped
>meme trinity critic
I will never get the love for this album it's so boring and insincere for a radiohead album. Really radio friendly which is nice but idk I just never go back to it. Instantly accessible and likable but I got bored with it really quickly.
Bends and Kid A are half a point too low otherwise this is accurate.
His taste is better than 99% of the people on this board.
>le fish face
>likes In Rainbows but not TMR
rarely have I yikes'd so hard
Did he really give that awful inferior patti smith album an 8? lel
I never mentioned In Rainbows.
nah. The list is good as it is. Radiohead is nothing special.
isn't there an rym that has all of his ratings?
I'm a relatively a newfag to Yea Forums, when I first started listening to Yea Forumscore, I was impressed with how stale radiohead is.
I'd have gone for a 4/10 myself, but close enough.
That's the thing he doesn't hate these guys and gives their best albums 7/10, you just have to understand what he is looking for in music.
I only found rym with all 8s and above, don't think someone made 7s and 7.5s yet
what's the point of this retard giving a rating out of 10 if he never rates anything 10
he's given 9.5s...
And he never gave anything 1 or 2
>browsed Scaruffi's site today
>he rated Ride's worst album higher than Going Blank Again