RIP Her's

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silly brits, USA drives on the right


never heard about them, but that's fucked

Reminds me of that one powerpop band who only got to release one album

yea, the exploding hearts
incredible album, one of my favorites

where was broderick when this happened? just sayin

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that's pretty fucking sad

>and nothing of value was lost

Not a big fan but fuck this is just sad, i used to really like one of their songs though


they were actually not that bad. I met them once and they were really nice lads.

>spot the autistic anons

viola beach?


Holy fuck, are those the dudes that make the Youtube rec Demarco core?
I didn't really like their music, but RIP.
That's fucked up

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I'm only vaguely familiar with them, but that's pretty fucked up.

I just want to stomp your jaw. Nobody will love you when you’re in constant pain.

That album was made after they died iirc

Was a big fan of their work. Will miss them a lot...


How old were they?

I’m sure their music wasn’t very good, but that’s fucking devastating to have to deal with. Prayers for everyone involved.

More like Hearse


People will say the same thing about you when you die

that's what they get for being fags

>I’m sure their music wasn’t very good,
Are you autistic?

Fucking scousers

that's fucked up

>Speed Racer

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How does it feel knowing people want you to suffer in pain.
Nobody will ever love you, please just kill yourself.

shut up fag, quit waxing poetic about flavor of the month indie shit
every garbage band that dies is a little less noise pollution, and I'm happy that you're sad about it

Fuck whats with all the edgy bullshit, people died, and you laughed it off? No wonder you guys have no friends

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People like you should feel unwelcome here, please drive into oncoming traffic if you idolize this duo so much

>Their vehicle is thought to have been involved in a wrong-way collision along the route, bursting into flames upon impact.

So these limey's thought they were england and driving on the wrong side of the road, jesus kek

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>People like you should feel unwelcome here, please drive into oncoming traffic if you idolize this duo so much

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just googled them...
Yep, they were based. :'(
why do the good bros have to wopwop

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Oh shit, a girl I used to work with showed me this song once, I thought it was pretty good.

>lumping in communists with racist liberals
don’t do that

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got I hope MGMT is next

>I thought it was pretty good
I hope that was the prospective pussy clouding your mind, user

I don’t like their music that much, but I still have empathy, and can feel bad about someone’s death

it must be difficult for you to establish meaningful relationships with other human beings with such low levels of empathy

love it when my favorite band dies during my already shit spring break

I can hear you breathing

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Nah I wasn't attracted to her but she had good taste in music and clothing and we were bonding over that


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don't you have a new Rammstein song to listen to?


angriest söy

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Demarco kills again

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correct, everyone who are capable of feeling empathy are basically trannies. very based user

Scott Walker didn't get a sticky, these retards don't even deserve a thread. This isn't a celebrity obituary board, this is a music board.


lmao shut up you absolute faggot, nobody else is sad about this shit. not everyone who doesn't care is incapable of empathy, I actively hate bands like this, one less is far better music to my ears than they could ever make.

>not music


>not understanding the point of sticky

you are quite the heartless retard, user.

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>I actively hate bands like this, one less is far better music to my ears than they could ever make.

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Who wants to make a tribute cover band? He’s

hating a band does not incline ridiculing their fucking tragic death you autistic retard

Why do so many people even drive cars?

They're socially accepted death machines that require the trust of strangers that could crash your thousand car in a few seconds.

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Sad to see them go. Saw them a couple months back and they seemed like genuine bros.


Arthoe indieshit and soundcloud rappers are two sides of the same coin, I wish the former was more prone to overdosing on fentanyl

more like WHOs lmao

never heard of em, dont listen to faggy indie shit

Poor dudes man, the lead singer had a nice timbre and vibrato.

feelings lol... who the fuck has those

My mate shared a stage with them. Weird, imagine how their mothers feel

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Probably embarrassment for raising kids that ended up dying from driving on the wrong side of the road.

>two soiboys bite the dust
>this is somehow bad
Back to soiddit with you

Imagine being this bored with life that you force instinctively this edgy political humour with every news you hear. I would kill myself if i was this lost into the Yea Forums mindset.

dude just stop, I agree but there’s no point in crying about how mean people on Yea Forums are

your mind has been poisoned by 4channel, find love and cleanse my child before tis too late

ppl die every second. its no biggie that white cis men are dying in one off accidents.

how about systemic problems that lead to mass deaths? like the hoarding of wealth and resources and food? white supremecy and war?

thats shit that matters not two privileged white dudes in some shitty band. why give their deaths any attention when you ignore every other?

Dors it make me soi that I unironically like jesse cox

imagine getting baited this hard. you have to be new here not to expect this kind of reaction in a thread about literally whos

this is Yea Forums, you can't speak to truth to power here

>people unironically crying over edgy posts on Yea Forums

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Fuck white people

Just got here from r/music. Where's the compassion? You make me fucking sick you alt right cowards. Downvoted and blocked, this site is. May the force be with you.

Fuck off autists, stop being dicks.

rrrr this post make me so angey


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Thanks for the gold kind glorious bastard sir, you!

>not women
>probably soibois
and nothing of value was lost0


Rest in power exploding hearts

>Speed Racer

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Literally who

Heard about this a few hours ago. Fucking devastating, I really enjoyed Invitation to Her's and was looking forward to see how they grew as a band.