subtle Yea Forums clothing

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if i see someone wearing this irl i will beat the shit out of them

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Shut up pussy


So close to quad dubs.....

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Yeah sure thing skinny bitch

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Kill yourself you embaressing faggot

I love these posts

>Death Grip

ill join #antimu

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>thinking death grips, the best band of the 2010's, is cringe
fucking cringe

I'd buy it if it didn't have death grips on it

i honest to god know the guy in the OP pic, we've been best friends for about a decade. he bought that thing years ago, no idea if he still has it but we always get a chuckle every so often when we see the photo pop up on the internet. ask me anything

this is actual fucking cringe jesus christ get some taste

what if a retard was gay?

You'd get on your knees and kiss the ring if you saw me bitch we all know it

they cancel each other out and he becomes straight

please enlighten me, what band would you say is more influential and had a better string of releases in the current decade? I can't wait to laugh at your response

not even him but cringe

i unironically want this

I'm waiting...


oh yea, everyone is trying to be Swans...I like them but still c'mon they had two really good cds and one pretty good one, DG's had like 4-5 great ones in that span

no one posted it?

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Nice dubs

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Explain in simple concise term the plot of Infinte Jest

a guy plays tennis

Young tennis player Bob Hope has a film hobby and drug habbit but overcomes obstacles in his life thanks to his progressive cross dressing friend and his french friend in a wheelchair. He also watches mash and gets fingered by his father.

danm, whyd he have to go so long about it

My dude. death grips is my shit but come on

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what kind of person wears his own merch
