Favourites Thread

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based animal

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who's the hentai

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I'm a little basic

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moody lad
wow i like you
nice but garbage taste in tv
basic but alright :)

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thanks. I like you too. Based tv show btw

>garbage taste in tv
Nathan for you, kek

way better than GoT, frend

Based cave story friend

I'm using the actual template from the OP
Anyway roast me faggots

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No Vidya, anime, or porn, and the Simpsons is your favorite show?
You're boring bro

I know :(

Nah man I'm just kidding. It's okay you don't have to be a weeb like everyone else
I'm sorry being an user on Yea Forums makes me a dick
You're probably cool as hell bro


Edit fav show: Buffy!

Check out this, its like CC.

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Wine is what I drink if I do drink. I'm glad you didn't pick Dark Side of the Moon like everyone else. Wolves are sick.
You're cool bro don't let anyone tell you you're lame

>Ada or Ardor
>Princess Tutu
Mein nigga

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We could chill.

Astral Weeks is the first album I ever listened to on shrooms, changed my life.

Yeah we cool bro

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jones bubble gum all the way

pretty based. wish I could find/had money for shrooms instead of having rely on L

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>jack daniel's
hello rebbit, kiki is good but your favorite?

Bitch what the fuck is wrong with Dunkey? Guy's a comic genius and founded a whole new wave of meta-comedy within the fantasy worlds of video games.

Thanks this is pretty sweet. A+ movie btw


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It's a mastahpiece, baybeeee

Hell no it's not, what's the problem with it?

>comic genius
Jesus christ Yea Forums

Seriously who's the cat girl?

not him but
>Pulp Fiction
>The Office
arguably some others too but this is literal npc core

Damn right, up there with Bill Hicks and Colin Mochrie.

>comic genius

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Great taste. How is the Hounds book? Is it a good read?

Nasty drink taste, but good overall. Explain your porn taste.

Standard Yea Forums but points for Money Store and Zappa. Not sure what the far right album is but it looks amazing from the cover.

Based Book, Anime, Animal, Drink, and Food choices.

How can an user be this gay
Great tastes in Book, Alcohol, Food, and Drink.

Solid overall but
>My chemical romance

Based animal choice. Shame on that musical taste however. Absolutely disgusting porn tastes.

must be +18 to post her, reddit zoomer.

>Catcher in the Rye
>All those blanks
Needs variety in life
At least you like coffee, Animal Collective, and live in the better state.

>Forgotten Woods

>Pan's Labyrinth
Double Nice

Fuck off Varg

Good drug and Location tastes


I fucked up location and but my home state. Switerzland, Texas, or Maine would be my favorite locations.

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>One Punch Man
>Movie is an anime movie
>Cringey albums

And I'm the zoomer? Lol get off this board faggot you suck

Far right album is King Crimson Lizards, nice anime choice can't wait for new season.

are you joking? not him but literally all of your tastes are generic zoomer shit as opposed to 1-3 things he had

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explain yr porn taste

Yeah because Oasis, Quentin Tarantino films, retro games, and a 1990 Honda Prelude are so zoomerific
You're retarded


>strawberry Fanta
I hate soda and I feel like a fatass every time I drink it, but strawberry Fanta is truly truly based

The fact you call them 'retro games' at all is damning evidence, along with Pulp Fiction. I can't believe someone whose favorite cartoon is Rick and Morty and whose favorite TV show is The Office is going to try and talk down to me

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Pulp Fiction is great. Rick and Morty is great. The Office is great. I don't have to be a zoomer to be open to liking relatively newer stuff, you fat boomer. Also, they are retro games, what else would you call them? Old school games? Old games? It's all the same shit man who cares

>Rick and Morty is great
I can respect the other two but if you like that shit you have to go back

What qualms do you have with the show?
Mind you, I'm asking about the show, not the fanbase

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Patrician here,
Rick and Morty is good.

>Rick and Morty is great

I don't get Spiderland at all. It's just talking over songs, but you can't really here either very well because of it. And how can it be post-rock, but so is GYBE and Mogwai? They're quite different

It's just a cat-girl

>How's the Hounds book? Is it a good read?
Yup. To be honest, a lot of Sherlock Holmes stories are great reads if you ask me.

Yo sick KINO shoutout please tell me you're still in this thread my russian comrade

>Lol get off this board faggot you suck
Being THIS much of a try-hard is only reinforcing my point, numb nuts.

Like I said, I don't know! I just got it off the internet.

, here
I hated spiderland the first time I heard it but now it’s my favorite album of all time and I really don’t know why, the angularity and emotionality of it really gets to me and it just feels like a unique lighting-in-a-bottle type record that will never be replicated. So you’re right that it doesn’t sound like Godspeed You! or really most other post-rock for that matter. Also, I can hear both the talking and instrumentation perfectly well so idk what you mean by that.

Yeah, I'm sorry user, I'm not the other guy, but I'm gonna agree with him that you're extremely fucking basic.

AYE fucking RIP Viktor

Maybe I just need to listen to it again. I think I meant more that I couldn't focus and properly enjoy either, because I was trying to absorb both at the same time. Thinking about it now makes me think of The Velvet Underground, who I hadn't heard at that point

100% KGB did that shit

Thanks. I like King Crimson and will give Lizard a spin.

I'm worried for OPM S2. JC Staff's PVs look awful. I'm hoping they pull a bait and switch with the marketing, with the animation quality turning out be on par with Redline.

Pantyhose foot fetish. Footjobs and sex while the woman is wearing them is a huge turn on.
Ironically, I normally hate foot porn.

Sweet. Didn't realize it was a Sherlock book. Noir / Detective fiction is something I need to appreciate more of.

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If being basic is having good taste, then yeah

Lizard is the most "British" of all the KC albums. Whimsical, folksy, pastoral at times. Not that that makes it bad, it's one of my favourite KC albums, just that it's quite unique in their discography.

favourite what?

>Whimsical, folksy, pastoral at times.

Pretty much. As soon as Lizards started it felt like a song a Jester would be performing for a King. Great stuff so far.

Also Jon Anderson's vocals just elevate the record so much

I love how the template is always different from the one in the op.

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here I am

look at me

wow cool I love laibach too!!!

have you read a loot of his books?
I like Maskerade/The Fifth Elephant the most of the ones I've read.

hehe dicks are cool

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Like your taste. Very based.

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We'd get along

Why do you think your music taste is so avant garde, whereas you enjoy more mainstream things in every other non-movie category? Do you really think Metal Machine Music is good?

Nice taste. Are you ashamed of your secret porn?

What album is the girl with the tree?
NICE choices. It's sad that the majority of rock fans dislike the majority of rap fans, and vice versa. Also, Haruhi is THE quintessential anime.

Nice taste in games and alcohol

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Cool ass albums, need some vidya to top it off tho
Based RYM-core picks and cool interests.
+ Virgins & GotF
spooky lad, do you like scott walker's other later albums?

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>spooky lad, do you like scott walker's other later albums?
Yes, he is very cool.

>Why do you think your music taste is so avant garde, whereas you enjoy more mainstream things in every other non-movie category?
I've been into "avant-garde" music for a long time.
I am only getting into books now.
I played video games only as a teenager and on the ps2 & ps3 so I have not played almost anything that is not "mainstream".
I don't really watch anime either.
Most tv shows are dumb... now that I am thinking about it I should have put something like Louie or The Thick of It. And also I was looking for something with a darker poster.
>Do you really think Metal Machine Music is good?
yes it is good and I like the album. much like with lulu's reception lou reed fans are idiots who can't accept anything that is a little more difficult to listen to

Thanks. Do you like the new Rammstein song?

fuck yes cleaning your ears is like the best feeling

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>nice unicum

what is the book like?

>the prog albums are nice
>Ocean by Eloy
Egg by Egg

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Be careful with those cotten buds user
Doomer incarnate
Good TV and music selection
What's the film?
Best Van album, Best Springsteen album, Best VU album & BASES Phil Ochs. Good taste.
Shit man, that Sam Cooke live album is the great.

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Post rock is a better descriptor of a movement rather than as an actual genre. Despite talk talk and Godspeed sounding very different from spiderland, they’re all in the same movement because they’re focusing on A. Dynamics and B. Pushing rock music forward.

Spiderland is an album you should listen to while reading the lyrics. The connection between the lyrics and music is one of the best parts about the album. They’re always exactly representative of each other. But, the music is what really makes the album special. There was nothing like spiderland before spiderland. It carved out this difficult moody artistic rock that had never been done with the same amount of intensity and restraint before.

If you play an instrument, I highly recommend trying to play along to the album. You’ll start to notice how impressive the playing is.

pianos are good, I guess.

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definitely the realest drug in here

Laibach are the best.

god tier vidyas

Yeah, I need to listen to Lulu. From the little I've heard, it sounds a lot better than people have been saying.

Thanks for the explanation. I'll definitely give Spiderland another listen

does anyone have the really big chart

>Yeah, I need to listen to Lulu. From the little I've heard, it sounds a lot better than people have been saying.
You should also know that the album is based on two plays by german dramatist Frank Wedekind: Earth Spirit & Pandora's Box (also called Lulu). The album as well as the plays depict a society "riven by the demands of lust and greed". So Lou is singing about sexual desire from the point of view of a woman in the first part of the album and in the second from his own (as you can imagine he was old at the time). I guess you could say some songs are like a Marquis de Sade novel or something. I personally think that Metallica perfectly backs the emotions that Lou wants to convey in every song.

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Is that a F U C K I N G machine?
Does the books have spells in it or is it history?

Yeah, it's a fucking machine

It's more anecdotal history, but also some symbolism and it also gives some insight into chaos magic and right hand path.

>It's more anecdotal history, but also some symbolism and it also gives some insight into chaos magic and right hand path.
cool, I'll try to read it one day

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I agree, we could probably be friends desu. Nice Ramstein

what is the film & the anime?
tv and instrument are nice

not him but pretty sure the film is snowpiercer

Anime is The Tatami Galaxy

hmmm... eh film tho


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Do you want the sand niggers out, berserker?

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here used OP's template

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>what is the book like?
It opened my mind to a lot of stuff because my understanding of filimaking of was pretty low.
A lot of the material that's discussed in it is told pretty straight, which I really like because it feels a lot less like a checklist than other books. It's still relevant to modern filmmaking too because it's mostly barebones essentials. The biggest appeal is that Mackendrick has some real kinos under his belt, and isn't a hack who's never filmed anything like most teachers.