ITT: Post pics of the best female artist to ever exist, Kate Bush

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You misspelled Fiona Apple

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>stupid tripfag
>shit opinion
Checks out

>best female artist ever
>best female artist
>female artist
>peaked at 19
it checks out

You missed spelled Debbie Harry.

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You say Wuthering Heights, I say Pretty Girl
You say Kate Bush, I say Clairo

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Is that even a real image wtf

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best picture of the queen

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You have been dropped on your head as a child haven’t you?

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Sorry sweaty......

This is now a Björk thread. Post pics of our Icelandic goddess from now on!

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she's ugly

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I loves me some björk, but fuck off and make your own thread

I got 2 questions.

How do I get into her music and why is she so talked about much here?

fuck now I don't now if you keep posting picture of Kate or if I should post Björk...

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Try Houndz of Luv
Because everyone on here wants to suck her toes

Start with Lionheart
She inspired a lot of other artists

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just start from her first album (the kick inside) and then go up to hounds of love
she started with baroque pop and ended with a crazy hodgepodge of orchestral music and synthpop

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wow!... ive never seen that one... glorious tits!

Am I the only one who started loving Kate because of The Dreaming ?

Great album though

theres lots to love before that.. but its such an amazing album, my fav.

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Everything she has ever done is like a 6/10 or lower. Not to mention her biggest hit is a rip off of another bedroom pop artist

Because she was hot, wrote a lot of her own music, was both quirky and serious, Wuthering Heights is one of the greatest debut singles ever, The Dreaming and especially Hounds of Love are two of the greatest albums of the 80's, she's a bit of an aloof introvert which is perfect for Yea Forumstists like us to relate to (she didn't tour for 35 years and rarely performed live), and ywn have a hot Kate Bush mommy wife

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Blessed thread!

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The gays love Kate too!

What's your favorite Kate song Yea Forums?

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best girl ever.

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Arthoe trash