Should his music be banned from the radio?

Should his music be banned from the radio?

Attached: bad man.jpg (400x515, 38K)

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Post song

Yeah he definitely touched them
Fuck R Kelly

What's his best album? I'm leaning towards BLITZKRIEG.

So he made some anti-semetic comments, who cares?

I mean it's okay. It's not bad.

hitler was obviously an animal but i wish his transcendent public speaking abilities and manipulation techniques were studied and harnessed more amongst the far-left.

with that said, anyone know of any orators who were obviously influenced by hitler? i already know of louis farrakhan. i guess goebbels himself was similar.

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the Beer Hall Putsch EP is mad underrated

Donald Trump

I'm joking but he did apparently keep a book of Hitler speeches in his bedroom

Erika is a great song

Interesting, I don't speak German but Hitler always seemed very direct in his speeches whereas Trump usually kind of lingers on small point and goes on tangents.

love this one

this guy is an industry plant

Ya American politicians sound bland and its obvious their just reading off a script written for them. Hitler spoke in a way that seemed as if he was speaking directly to you.

there’s actually no evidence of that, yes i searched, no i’m not a trump supporter
hitler’s speeches should absolutely be analyzed more. substance-wise there’s nothing to them, it’s populist bullshit, but goddamn, the emotion he captured was way ahead of his time. old women would cry their eyes out after hearing him speak. obviously he was a manipulator who apparently rehearsed his speeches and certain gestures, and i’m pretty certain that goebbels wrote his speeches, but hitler was truly wagnerian in his craft.

it’s one of the greatest shames in human history that he didn’t use his talent for something positive, but again, it’s something the far-left could (and should) capitalize upon.

when i say far-left version of hitler i’m not talking about policy or racism (just want to clarify cuz hitler is a mad touchy topic that always attracts presumptuous types) i’m talking about a transcendent populist public speaker who could somehow awaken millions of working class people on class consciousness and economic exploitation and shit

>implying that a far-left version of hitler would be good for the world
>manipulation is only bad when someone I dislike does it
When London proposes to us systematic psychological controls over certain aspects of the personality, with the intention that these controls shall not be extended to others areas, he is assuming that the generation following his own will agree with his judgment as to how far the psychological controls should reach. This assumption is almost certainly false. The introduction of psychological controls in some areas (which London approves) will set the stage for the later introduction of controls in other areas (which London would not approve), because it will change the culture in such a way as to make people more receptive to the concept of psychological controls. As long as any behavior is permitted which is not in the best interests of the collective social organization, there will always be the temptation to eliminate the worst of this behavior through human engineering. People will introduce new controls to eliminate only the worst of this behavior, without intending that any further extension of the controls should take place afterward; but in fact they will be indirectly causing further extensions of the controls because whenever new controls are introduced, the public, as it becomes used to the controls, will change its conception of what constitutes an appropriate degree of control. In other words, whatever the amount of control to which people have become accustomed, they will regard that amount as right and good and they will regard a little further extension of control as negligible price to pay for the elimination of some form of behavior that they find shocking.

>when i say far-left version of hitler i’m not talking about policy or racism
>There is no distinct line between “guidance” or “influence” and manipulation. When a technique of influence becomes so effective that it achieves its desired effect in nearly every case, then it is no longer influence but compulsion.

idk what you mean by london but that’s a great POV, appreciate the well written response.

god you are such a fucking loser Sal

i can’t believe you’ve done this

no. separate the art from the artist.
This view of propaganda was mostly inspired by Jacques Ellul.

Attached: Propaganda_Jacques_Ellul_1973.jpg (175x300, 7K)

thanks friend

We are all friends here, user. Don’t be a dick.

Stay on reddit.

fuck you

Make me, gatekeeper.

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Cry me a river.

>hitler was obviously an animal
Hitler was an evil genius with great taste that's what.

okay that’s just vile

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the only thing he was a genius at was public speaking, otherwise he was a retard and a complete failure

>he rehearsed his speeches
obviously you can be that naturally talented

>he was retard
Should have listened to his generals

nah like he’d literally speak in front of mirrors and shit, complete with all of his physical gestures and body language

agreed. too bad he fell off hard

Hitler was an absolute fucking idiot, and his frothing hysterical speeches might have riled up primitive 1930s German proletarian peons, but that kind of thing doesn't work on Americans in 2019. Coolness and distant, cold emotionlessness works on young Americans today, and right-wingers might be cold and emotionless, but they're not cool. They can't make themselves cool either. They've been trying for years and they never will succeed.


fuck, i remember when i used to get nausea from looking at this stuff.

i'm getting too old for this.

>t. pokemon go to the polls

>but that kind of thing doesn't work on Americans in 2019
you don’t know that
everything works for americans, most americans are drop-dead retarded
a modern hitler-esque orator sounds entertaining as hell

I seriously wonder why all American politicians who are famous for their oratory literally all have the exact same speaking style. It’s creepy, man.

Whether it’s Reagan, or Obama, or Bush Jr., you can’t fucking tell them apart.

Bernie's not like them and he's mainly famous for his fiery speeches against the billionaire class nowadays.

The more I learn about this Hitler guy the less I care for him desu

I like his early art rock stuff

>bernie sanders
>not a ruling class imperialist faggot

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Sal pls, you’re in no place to talk about faggots

i want liberals to leave

Name some cool US politicians

Why is your first response to any sort of negative feedback “liberal”?

anybody who supports sanders is a liberal
why are you surprised that i’m calling it like it is

But I don’t support Sanders, I’m just calling you a fag.

bernie sanders tee-hee :-)

Bernie is anti NK and Venezuela

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has proven herself to be ice fucking cold when confronting the cryptofascist righties in congressional hearings. So are the other freshman congresswomen in the progressive clique. It's a beautiful thing to see geriatric men and women whose public shaming has been long overdue finally receive their just desserts.


I like that muslim woman who called out zionists

I audibly laughed in public reading this post

I think we've got different ideas of what makes someone cool

Laughing all the way to president AOC, bitch.

Making rich old douchebags squirm is pretty cool tb h

Woah buddy don’t use the b-word, that’s misogynistic.

>imperialist whore who doesn’t stand in solidarity with the DPRK or venezuela

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democratic “””socialists””” are truly the scum of the earth. at least progressive liberals don’t pretend to be anti-capitalist

They don't claim to be anti-capitalist, just that they are not capitalists. And they aren't, so that's honesty.

demsocs are literally just progressive liberals who are too dumb and lazy to read marx

>democratic socialism
>not capitalism with a smiley face sticker on it
do you also support gun control you fake leftist?

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Bro I just want free school and gay weed orgies

You are confusing democratic socialism for social democracy, and AOC and Bernie are definitely not social democrats. You obviously are not familiar with their positions on unions and the workplace.

i’m not. they’re both imperialist systems for liberals who want to LARP as leftists
>hahaha see look they support trade unions see haha they’re SOCIALISTS!
put a bullet in your head

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capitalism cannot be reformed you stupid shit, when are you liberals going to realize that? read marx harder.

Except Marx was wrong and also is worm food.

Seize the means of production or it's not socialism

what exactly was marx wrong about

The state. American socialists are oriented more toward libertarian socialism, which has far more potential than silly Marxist "theory" because people can actually do it.

Is this bait?

Theodore Roosevelt.
There hasn't been one in the last 100 years.

No but Marxposting is, whether it is intentional or not.

I'm not a marxist though, I'm

show me all of the successful libertarian socialist countries throughout history please
like, did you miss the entire 20th century or something? people can’t “actually do” marxist-leninism? what the fuck?

Libertarian socialism is the future and will be brought about due to technological revolution wherein anyone can receive what they need freely and not be required, implicitly or explicitly, to work for currency in order to obtain what they want, and will instead be able to pursue their own interests, including work. To think it is impossible because a whole country hasn't done it yet is typical of a restricted, primitive mindset. You're basically stuck in the 20th century, with your primitive ideas about the state and revolution. Lenin got it so wrong that when he died, his dreamed-of worker's paradise became one of the worst places to live in the world until the schizophrenic lunatic who took his place died. Maybe if Trotsky was elected things would have been different, but I think the direction things ultimately went shows the problem with Lenin's statism: the possibility for a Stalin to be elected and hold supreme power in the first place.

>state of Yea Forums in CY+4

Are you American?

Fuck jews

>i wish his transcendent public speaking abilities and manipulation techniques were studied and harnessed more amongst the far-left.
I hope the far left will disappear in hellish regions together with hitler worshippers

>Maybe if Trotsky was elected things would have been different
The industrial development program of USSR was conceived by Trotsky in the first place. Stalin did only what Trotsky intended to do industrialization-wise, albeit awkwardly - accumulated heavy industrial capital to the detriment of quality of workers' life. Where does this weak notion of Trotsky being in some way different come from, I wonder?

Owen Benjamin is gay

shut the fuck up retard

Socialism was born precisely to liberate the working man from every tendency to subordinate the interest of the individual to a pretended superior interest. The socialist revolution degenerates when it loses sight of this purpose and attempts to force the individual worker to become a slave of an omnipotent leadership. The experience of the Soviet Union showed this very degeneration. We need a socialist system that gives every honest working citizen the means to fully liberate himself and fight for his own interests above any sort of institution or authority while also emphasizing the importance of civic duty and community responsibility.