Average rap fan

>average rap fan

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making fun of disabled children. Classy

didn't Yea Forums make turn family into a meme?

yeah sorry I shouldn't make fun of rap fans you're right

It's not a child, it's a potato. Anencephaly. No brain at all. Lights are on, nobody's home.

>typical “compassionate” and “tolerant” libtards

What compassion should you have for a meat puppet? I don't think you understand the situation. Anencephaly literally means the brain failed to develop. It is not a conscious being. It is a potato.



What is the condition of the kid?

Is the baby alright?

there is no kid, it's basically an organ bag, no neural function above the brainstem

for reference, the potato will be turning 13 this year, and is still ~10lbs


jesus christ, the way she parades them for likes on instagram is disturbing.


That's crazy.

Is there more info on her Instagram? I'm curious how she lives and copes with a daughter with a brain condition.

her daughter probably posts here

Just Google the name "Hartley hooligans". There were two potatos, but one fell to blight.

that’s just the average normie in action

>fell to blight

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How the fuck do you get 2 potatoes? A parent's genetics can't be that bad, holy shit.

Fuck that's disturbing. Its it even ethical to keep them "alive"? I mean, they are totaly fucking unconcious and just occasionally make weird noises

i mean i guess its still illegal to kill them
but if i were her theyd definitely have disappeared by now

I'm generally somewhat anti-abortion, but I cases like this I can't think of any reason to have kept the fuckers alive. They never grew either. They just keep looking like fucking deformed ogre babies their entire lives.


They have a normie son too.

it doesn't even have a brain. it's about as much of a person as an avocado

wtf how does it breath if it doesn't have a brain?

It wouldn't be illegal to withdraw life sustaining support, in fact doctors recommended that to her on multiple occasions

It has a brainstem but nothing above that is functional, even the thalmus is fucked (hence being 13 years old and 3 feet long)


kek when did the seriousposting newfags make this site so soft? just fuck off man youre not welcome here

Who the fuck cares, it's fucking Yea Forums retard

Still gotta brain stem. Their undeveloped brains can control the very basic necessities to survive, but that's about it. They usually die anyways. At least you can hold your child alive before they die I guess.

It's not acephaly, but microcephaly. They still have a brain, only reduced in size. With true acephaly, they wouldn't even be conscious. Acephalic newborns would only "live" from a few minutes to days

Jesus how horrific

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it's nothing but demonic