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They'll find a way out

fucking lol what a bizarre headline


White privilege at its finest

taxation is theft

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>avant-grade rock

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lmfao was not expecting to see this

yeah your right, black people never avoid taxes

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if living and participating in a community is too much for you, then perhaps the woods is more your speed.

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Mùm >>>>>>>>>> Sigur Ros

Shut up, FAGGOT.


ahahahahah fuck this band

you silo no filo

being forced to pay taxes that a government allocates as they see fit (which is almost always irresponsibly) is coercive. but keep bootlicking citizen

>dumb hippies can't do their taxes
well color me shocked

nigga what

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yeah maybe the US government lol
i’m curious as to what exactly you constitute as irresponsible tax allocation though


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aid to foreign countries/military/unemployed pieces of shit/US debt interest.

>aid to foreign countries
if you’re talking about israel and imperialist dictatorships in general then we’re in agreement
the US (where i’m from, incidentally) has never had good intentions with their foreign policy though
again, in the US? agreed.
>unemployed pieces of shit
elaborate. classism is so not cool, user.
>US debt interest

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They were already dead when the allegations hit

Bjork is next

don’t pretend like there aren’t millions of healthy, able to work people on welfare just because they can be. with a shitload of kids. this isn’t like some right wing conspiracy.

very based and extremely redpilled. all forms of taxation is theft

>I know like three or four Icelandic bands, the post

not even remotely similar to each other

Have you even heard them? Lol yes they are

They'll never take her alive.

is this going to affect me? i'm not gonna lose their records or anything cause of this, right?

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go home commie faggot

do you remember where you last put them

how the fuck did they make that much money? theyre popular but i didnt think even big indie bands (years after the height of their career) would make that much

for example many people were saying its believable that ariel pink is broke? hes about the same level of successful in terms of popularity, sales, etc as they are right? and people were saying it would be normal for a musician his level to not make much money and hardly get by. yet sigur ros are millionaires? whats the difference? it just doesnt add up to me

and millionaires in just incorrectly filed (who knows how much they correctly filed) in 3 years. how would a band that size have that much money?

can someone explain? im genuinely dumfounded

sigur ros are way, way bigger than fucking ariel pink. sure, their star has been in decline for a while now but they were super popular in the '00s

you haven't heard either of them if you think they aren't similar lol


then stop utilizing public infrastructure faggot

>sigur ros are way, way bigger than fucking ariel pink
hmm really? i guess i maybe just was too young at their height of popularity to know how popular they were. seemed like one of the biggest indie bands in the world for moments when they release new music, as does ariel pink. i hear ariel pink brought up in conversation and played way more the sigur ros. and hear ariel on alternative radio and stuff but not sigur and it doesnt seem like much of their stuff would have been played even at their peak either.

ok according to rym ariel has like 4 albums with 5000 ratings. sigur has like 4 albums with 10,000+ ratings. hes a little less than half their popularity.

how come people say its believable he woudl struggle to get by but its also believable a band double as popular would make well over a million dollars in 3 years, well past the height of their relevancy.

it still doesnt make sense to me.

They had a bunch of songs on movies. They appeared in fucking Game of Thrones. They're on a whole different level of popularity than Ariel Pink.

>They're on a whole different level of popularity than Ariel Pink.
ehh idk... at least within the demographics and cultures im engrossed in Ariel is far more known and relevant. they may be bigger but not so much bigger they would make over a million in 3 years and ariel pink would be broke...

well it’s already shitty, not surprising since only 2% of our taxes go to it.

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I would prefer to live in the woods if I had the skills to do so

sigur ros are a highly professional group (of swindlers, apparently) with a large and established fanbase around the world, with albums that have breached the UK and US top 10, with two stone-cold generational classics in agaetis byrjun and ( ), and when on tour they're playing in venues with capacities in the tens of thousands. ariel pink is nowhere near that level, and unless he's gotten his shit together since the haunted graffiti days he'll never reach it either

>extrapolating popularity via number of rym ratings
put down that pipe son

>living in the woods
actually kind of based.

Why don't they just move out of Iceland?

They definitely could have that kind of money. Being endorsed by Iceland as the country's first huge indie rock band and all. Also, Ariel really only had his first big splash in the more mainstream channels with Pom Pom, which is fairly recent.

citation needed
>with a shitload of kids
i would argue that a whole assortment of things can lead to having an unnecessarily large number of kids
poor people in general make poor decisions because both their sensibilities and education are usually pretty limited, if not downright compromised. it’s no secret that most people in prison are from worse off socioeconomic backgrounds.

but you don’t care about that, because community obviously isn’t any of your concern, you selfish, theoryless mole rat.

not an argument, read a book

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>antisocial Yea Forums drones believe living in the woods would be a good idea
well imagine my shock

Anyone that has the means to do so should evade their taxes. It's literally a victimless crime.

based catposter

wtf I love Sigur Ros now

if I had the skills yeah. modern society is a sham of a life to live.

Is it just a coincidence that this happened on the exact day they announced the big reissue?

read all the m*rxist theory in the world while rotting in your room, doing nothing but posturing your self righteousness anonymously on the internet.

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God i hope, i hate that pretentious cunt


How will estronauts ever recover?

simply not an argument
and you call me self-righteous lolllll

Oh fuck no

>tfw refugees, welfare queens, and natives will never get a cent of my tax money, cause i dont pay it

music for this feel?

*profit is theft

don't argue with western Marxists, they're really just edgy liberals with a minority fetish. I grew up poor as shit and have had to be around the sort of people this fag says don't exist that take advantage of the welfare system.

Yeah, fuck social services, paved streets, education, fire prevention, etc. . .

Yes they are. They both suck.

The government forcibly taking your money is somehow participating in your local community? Most of my tax ars go to Israel or Jamal’s welfarebux halfway across the country.

pick one and only one

>one of the successful acts to cloy their way up in a socialist country gets tight fisted with taxes
can't believe it

do you know what socialism is ?