There is nothing more spectacularly boring than music magazines

There is nothing more spectacularly boring than music magazines.

Seriously, what the fuck is the point in reading about music?

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Isn't this "magazine" fake?

What do you mean? It’s probably one of the only decent music magazines around

I literally never see this magazine outside this board and I'm sure it was proven fake on here awhile ago.

R u retarded?

There is no point apart from being informed on local scenes or music. Literally meaningless in the modern age, but they're still fun to read on planes or whatever

u can get it at barnes and noble

>Seriously, what the fuck is the point in reading about music?
how apt that a dumb Yea Forumstard feels like he has no use for critique and conversation

reading about music is the only time i actually enjoy music

>tfw getting attacked for simply asking a question
Voltaire once wrote: “To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.

I get them shipped to me every month


Oh lord lol


>Richard Dawson
>Cooly G
>Autechre Remixes

Great issue desu

Are you American? It's very commonly seen in Europe, particularly at airports.

voltaire also wrote e=mc2 but whot the fuck does that have to do with this thread buddio

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>Seriously, what the fuck is the point in reading about music?

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Voltaire absolutely did not say that, a white supremist did. That’s because Voltaire was living under a monarchy and Kevin Alfred Storm wants an excuse to complain about the Jews. One that sidesteps how where also not allowed to criticize cancer patients or the dead

i fucking hate and love how its impossible to talk about wire in Yea Forums

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