
yeap, im thinking he is based

Attached: yeap.png (212x171, 70K)

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oh great more /pol/tard whining

Genuine question, why is the trans suicide rate so fucking high?

because there's not a whole lot of trannies and a lot of them are depressed due to gender dysphoria

Because the grass is not only not greener, now they also have a mutilated donger.
Next stupid question?

Don't mind me just reminding yall that a trans woman influenced all of electronic music.

Attached: Wendy-Carlos-1240x710.jpg (1240x710, 244K)

Because that's what happens when you call people freaks all the time.

Was this his best song?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

All contributing factors

Why does it matter? I don't listen to artists because they're trans, black, female, etc. I listen to artists I think are good.

Attached: scooby.jpg (184x184, 11K)

wouldn't be trans in the first place if they weren't mentally ill losers

Some people become transgender because of depression and alienation leading to not feeling happy with their lives and body dysphoria may happen.

t. white supermacist

the world outside

yes very genuine question to ask that on the Yea Forums music board of all places instead of i dunno looking into any of the millions of studies done on that topic

You missed the point. I don't think about race much at all. If the music is good I will listen to the music.

this desu

I thought that was fantano for a second

pick one

realtalk: lgbtqia+ folx have been running music since the fuckin 80s and thats not subject to change anytime soon

Nice job convincing me why I should give a shit about identity politics, guess I'll go back to preserving the white race.

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Here's one reason.

I'll let you guys think on this one.

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women with vaginas are good for literally nothing.

Wendy, Vektroid, Sophie are the peak of "female" music. Vaginiggers should be killed after the artificial womb invention and rest of the males should draw lottery tickets who transition and who is not with 50/50 chance.

what the fuck happened?


Le 41%

Attached: 1DA31284-1A76-4D43-8C6F-A8F112EED0D5.jpg (680x680, 85K)

that's an FtM's arm after skin graft for phalloplasty, but fuck knows why they needed to take THAT much or why the fuck that person's taken their bandage/dressing off that early, that shit should be covered up until the epidermis is healed over, yuck

just like MtF vaginoplasty, it's worth mentioning plenty of people don't resort to such invasive surgery if they don't feel they *HAVE* to and hormone therapy's done enough already for them to feel comfortable in their body, but there's no loss of functionality with a skin graft like this, the skin will grow back more or less normal- perhaps numb for the first year or so- and most of the depth you see removed there is fat, not skin, person looks a bit chubby which makes it look more extreme

my dad's a welder and once burnt *fucking all* the skin off the back of his hand in an industrial furnace at a pet food factory, except for his fingertips, and it looked similar to that when he came back from the hospital, yet after like 6-9 months it looked more or less normal except more scarred in that case because it was due to burns, not a precise surgical excision

still, I don't think you're meant to have the bandage off yet when it looks like that still

I am FTM. I will never do that shit. I put a sock in my underwear and that’s that. Not like I go outside anyway

also wait til you see the behind-the-scenes pics for transgender facial feminisation surgery
the results it gets can be impressive, but if you don't want to see a human face temporarily peeled off like an orange rind then stuck back on again at the end... probably not for you

the most common complication of facial feminisation surgery is corneal abrasions to the eyes, which heal alright but hurt like hell- this usually happens when they're trying to fit you with opaque contact lenses under anaesthetic so the blood doesn't run into your eyes as they peel your face off and chisel the bone away

Gender dysphoria is a pretty Lovecraftian level of horror for a normal human to experience

Couple that with the prevailing bleeding-edge theory that gender dysphoria's proven, significant overlap with autism suggests they share some overlap in causes and so gender dysphoria is a neuro-developmental condition caused by differences in brain structure (which, incidentally, doesn't directly effect whether transition treatments are any more or less appropriate as a treatment for the psychological distress it causes), and that would predict higher psychiatric co-morbidity in the same way other neurological conditions tend to

also the "41%" study that's often quoted was referring to all suicide attempts, not successful suicides, and didn't control for transgender people who don't have surgery- because the false quote bandied around isn't actually what the study in question was investigating
it does not suggest in any form that transgender people getting surgery results in a higher suicide rate than those that don't, only that suicidal thoughts are higher than the general population across the overall transgender population

yeap, im thinking he is /ourgenderneutralperson/