
Attached: 145970-deutschland.jpg (960x903, 82K)

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Is there a mirror or an audio version? The official youtube video is age restricted, I don't have a google account and hooktube don't work on it.

spotify is your friend

>black female Nazi

Literally what did they mean by this?

blacks and women are the real nazis

and why does she give birth to a doggo?

Anyone can be ‘German’ now

because all the germans today are mutts

Portraying Germania as a black woman is just cringe as hell, SJW-type shit. Otherwise, the video and song are great.

not sure if I like the song, it's definitely powerful story/video. but not really rememorable/catchy lyrics to jam too

Is this your first day on the internet?

Played too much BFV

Eh, its Rosenrot-tier in my opinion. Loved the music video, incoherent jumble of movie genres and german history and result is amusing chaos. Like transvestite Rammstein members holding a nigger suicide bomber hostage from special forces trying to rescue her.

oh fuck off back to pol you baby

The video has a lot of symbolism.
The black woman represents Germania (personification).
She's overtaken by Greed (the business/banking scene),
Lust (making out with Till's head)
Gluttony (priests eating from her on the table)
and isn't even white.

Everything is falling apart,
their economy (banking scene)
their society (police scene)
their beliefs (Auschwitz book burning scene)
and in the end everything falls into chaos.

Germany is sterile and can't even give birth to a child (childbirth scene where they pull out a puppy, this represents white people having pets instead of children).
Germany is dead, they send her in a coffin to space.

It's a reference to the german flag. her skin is black, her eyes are red and her armor is gold

Making fun of people getting violently raped is already unacceptable, but it's certainly easier to tolerate when people aren't actually getting violently raped.


Seems like white people being cucks like usual. Just die off already.

A big message of "stop focusing only one one part of our (Germany's) history". It's a very centrist song from a mostly centrist band, very fitting.
Notice how people complained about the Holocaust portion because it was merely shown in a music video. Not mocked or shown disrespectfully, but just shown in something meant to be entertainment (That is not a movie specifically to show the horrors of that time). As if it's a crime to show that, and it was in Germany until recently, notice the "photography forbidden" sign on the gallows. You're not supposed to show that; because sympathizers don't want to own up to it and those who are so offended by the past consider referencing any bit of history as glorifying it unless you're explicitly condemning it. Both sides are insane and only want things their way- where they are good and anything else must be shunned.

All the critics say nothing about the parts showing East German officers & politicians yucking it up, because the world does not care about East Germany. It only affected Germans. It did not affect those outside of Germany in the way Nazism did and in the way Nazism is still focused on with a microscope to try to track any growth. "Growth" which is usually mistaken but those on the far-left call anything that goes against their ideas as such.
The song/video is meant to show Germany as a whole. Not praising or being ashamed of it, just showing it and how refusal to accept leads to more conflict and problems. To the point some are willing to throw it all away rather than be accused of being something bad.

The music video was definitely the focus here. The song itself is alright and makes for a decent opener to the next album, but the video was a real treat.

ich finde rammstein nicht so cool :) aber im burgerland scheinen die ja recht erfolgreich zu sein. es sei ihnen gegönnt ;)

Well fuck me, went off to a shop and the chorus became an earworm. How do they manage to make so many catchy tunes?

Funny thing is that choosing white, aryan girl to represent Deutschland would be ACTUALLY controversial

Attached: ieAHjSb.jpg (1080x1233, 264K)

that was the only way to name an album "deutschland" without coming off as a nazi band.
cant go more sjw than this.

I just wonder why there were so many fuckin Russians in chat


Just kidding, I love the song and the video

The black woman is a personification of Germany, so of course she has to appear as a nazi at some point.
I guess they made Germania black because they are Rammstein and they love being controversial.

I doubt SJWs are very happy about tranny Rammstein fighting cops and holding a nigger suicide bomber hostage.

Notice how the video literally depicts a bunch of nazis getting shot in the face on camera and leftists and jews still get upset on the internet. They also didn't even look at the lyrics or think about context. Nothing is ever good enough for these people.

this is pretty based actually

>SJW sees negress playing a KANG
>yeah! diversity! woo!
>cuts to negress in SS uniform with Reich Swastika earrings
>SJW face when

Attached: 1552231701345.gif (387x301, 715K)

Good. Pol is also seething about it so the director of the music video did a good job. Worst Rammstein videos are the non-provocative ones.

It would be controversial to a different kind of people.

I think this video has everyone confused user. You can make a political argument using this one way or the other.

Holy shit this is amazing

since they could have used any dog, but chose to use a scruffy looking dog, I interpreted that as them making a joke about mutt babies (mixed race children). your interpretation makes a lot of sense too though

not mine I just pasted from

I'm glad some bands are still doing high budget music videos instead of just cheap After Effects shit. People say that music videos are a thing in the past and not needed anymore but I disagree. Striking and provocative visual imagery still works perfectly with good music, gives you the goosebumps.

It's fucking synth rock. I don't give a shit about the meaning of the song since they've always been pretty fucking degenerate and their lyrics were focused on sex 90% of the time, and I don't give a shit about the video allegedly representing "Germania" as a black girl giving birth to mutt dogs and all the implications of this (we're not on /pol/ afterall).
But the music is so damn boring. The lyrics so lazy. The fuck, they had 10 years to come up with something good. I still have faith in the album, but this is not a good sign.
Meh, still better than Pussy I guess.
Brb, gonna listen to Sehnsucht and Herzeleid.

every band eventually reaches the point where they can't help but reference their past works. I heard 4-5 references to other rammstein songs in this song, didn't really bother me since my other favourite bands do that shit all the time.

So we have Amerika, Moskau, Te Quireo Puta (Mexico) and now Deutschland.

Does Fruhling in Paris count? Its vaguely related to Moskau in terms of lyrics.

I would tell you to grow up but I can tell that's already too late for you anyway.

Germany will be black in 20 years and the blacks will have to take on the legacy of the nazis despite not being involved at all

the meaning is that current germans feel the guilt for the holocaust but had abosolutely nothing to do with it ROFL. And there is alot more metaphors to be found. impressive artistic video!

maybe pick one that doesn't look like an overinflated sex doll

Hitler was a melanated man, history is a whitewash. Stay woke people.

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They have become the characters in Ich Will: they make music videos first and music second.

Pussy was good. You're a brainlet