
New Rammstein MV is finally out
>nearly 500k views in less than an hour
This should be a cool and normal thread thread

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song is basically full-er version of rammvier they had earlier, clip is absolutely K I N O but song could have been better

This clip is like a visual poem about the history of Germany, pretty fucking amazing.

thread already up dumbass


>I can't give you my love, Germany
Everything said.
Inb4 shills translating it wrong, ich sprech deutsch mein Freund.

FFM reportiert ein.
Immer schön wenn deutsche Musikvideos international die Runde machen, sonst noch wer hier? Rammstein das nächste mal live wird witzig.

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Yeah and now there's another one. Eat scheisse.

live in Gelsenkirchen?


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dude this was fuckin great

they're back, holy fuck

Video is kino, song is kinda meh. It's not bad but this is not the lyrics I waited a decade for.

That literally ruins the double meaning set up by
>Deutschland, meine Liebe
>kann ich dir nicht geben
Just because it doesn't work in english doesn't mean you should destroy the flow.
>Germany, my love
>I can't give (it) to you
Is far better.
Oder bist du komplett verblödet?

nur deutsche sind cool alle anderen dürfen sich jetzt aus diesem thread verpissööööööön :)


Go back to your "let's share our top 10 death grips and radiohead albums" thread.

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Music video is straight fire, the song is okay. I'm not really sure what they were trying to communicate here. Maybe someone can enlighten me

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I didn't mind the video, but it was just boring. Not even a Rammstein fan anyway but I don't imagine this song being as good without the mv

The song is grating to listen to, whoever thought that synth beat was a good idea is a retard.


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time to listen liebe ist fur alle da again

I got the opposite message. It seems more like they're disappointed with how Germany has allowed itself to cripple under it's dark history.
The band is no doubt open to individualism, but they still take pride in where they're from. They've said it in many interviews. But you can't blame then for romanticizing freedom when they grew up in East Berlin.

you fucking dick nigger they are basically saying everything is fucked. Also they are just provoking, german media will be in flames the next days

tfw u wanna be patriotic and ur nationality is part of your identity, but for all the cool shit ur country has done, it's also done some bad shit. wat do

The video and song in a nutshell.

What did they mean by this?

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>ich sprech deutsch mein Fruend
You suck at it then because "sprech" should have an 'e' at the end when talking about yourself. Ich spreche

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hey guys, just stopping in to say that I hate nazis.
thanks and have a good one.

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what about the dogs though?

either a reference to mixed children or millenials having pets instead of kids.

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This synth beat is straight Xurious.

any germanon can confirm if this is triggering people there?

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synth beat is Xurious Generation Of Revenge. And some alt-right statues.

as far as i can tell everyone was triggered by the teaser vid yesterday but today they are all like "wow much intellect, many social commentary"

The song is boring but I am so confused by this video.

Gotta admit this is some next level pottery

lets hear your interpretation then

That other thread hadn't even linked the MV, or if it did it had linked like three hours before it even got released

at 4:25 when they're all dressed up like cross dressing fags and having a shootout with cops while they have a gun to the black girls head. Is this supposed to represent the LGBT community holding Germany hostage?

>lets hear your interpretation then

Sums up this thread nicely. It's like everyone is back in grade 9 trying to project their own meaning onto random poetry

Did you miss the parts where the band were Holocaust prisonners and then shot nazis' faces off?


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I keep thinking this is a love-hate tribute to Germany. They love how great the nation was, and despise how it is now. So they make it as ugly as possible.

Sorry but you had only one opportunity to make me read your shitpost. Don't give away your double digit IQ so fast next time.

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>at 4:25 when they're all dressed up like cross dressing fags and having a shootout with cops while they have a gun to the black girls head
>cross dressing fags

They're dressed in 80s fashion you underage retard. They have giant aviator glasses and mullets and long metalhead hair. it represents the 80s cocaine & crack epidemic.

fucking BASED

>They love how great the nation was, and despise how it is now

Except that they clearly showed bits of history where Germany was bad. it's not historical romanticism by any means.

>entire decades only have one monolithic kind of fashion


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one of them is most definitely wearing lipstick and dressed in drag.

>random poetry
why are you even here?

No, but they certainly have iconic fashion that people remember more than anything else from that era or decade.


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there is literally nothing wrong with sweaty, steamy gay sex. It is actually very black metal and kvlt because it upsets christfags and neopagan LARPers alike

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Hot take m9-1

Yes, Tiel Lindermann is dressed up like this

Some dude did that twitter.com/SonOfSolidus/status/1111332368114204672?s=20

Kinda good imo

So in short everyone freaked out since it just showed a bunch of concentration camp prisoners about to be hanged, but then the actual video comes out and people are okay because it's about as edgy as your regular hollywood flick

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>Heh, did you know that I told my highschool professor yesterday that I hated racism? She freaked out and now I'm grounded.

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I liked the piano version of Sonne at the end

>the past bad, very bad
>future good, yay multikulti

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Were you expecting some alt right wank?
Despite your biased view Nazi Germany was the bad guy during WW2

Love and hate relationship for your own homecountry.
Its supposed to provoke, which it undoubtedly will when a mentally ill tranny holds a gun to the head of a suicidevest-nigress and cops try to stop him.

very nice summary. Now my only question is, why is Germany being personified as a female? isn't it a fatherland?

>no one notices that the synth line is blatantly stolen from Anne Clark

I didn't say anything like that
I was merely stating why some people got their panties rustled by the teaser then calmed down afterwards
Anyone with half a brain knows Rammstein is leftist wank anyhow

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It's based on the RAF

Same reason they made her black, post modernist bullshit.



>Anyone with half a brain knows Rammstein is leftist wank anyhow
Liberal wank. Rammstein aren't exactly a fan of communists, thanks to communists forcing them to stage gigs illegally during their younger Eastern Germany years.

well no the black part makes sense if they're trying to make her into the german flag. They shoulda used a black guy is all im saying.

>t. gaahl

>Yesterday I could take it no longer in history class and I stood up for myself: "I actually think the Nazis were BAD", people around me were suddenly muted, you could sense the fear in the environment. My professor had a panic attack and started rambling about my unforgivable act of hate speech, with trembling hands she called the police and pressed charges and now I'm facing the death penalty. Stay strong against the establishment and fuck the system while I'm gone, comrades. Fuck Nazism, fuck racism! NO TRUMP, NO KKK NO FASCIST USA!

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>Music video so successfully provocative that a seething incel starts shitposting all threads about it.
Well done Rammstein, your director did a good job.

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Its up for your own interpretation bro, the way music videos should be. Dont try to come to a consensus on it with others, just watch and take meaning however you see fit. pretty sure everyone will get a different meaning out of it, because its ART, and art should walk on the fence like this

thats kind of head up my ass mentality. theres nothing wrong with comparing interpretations and having your own interpretation influenced or shared by others.

You are goddamn fucking right, faggot. What you gonna do about it?

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>either a reference to mixed children or millenials having pets instead of kids
I know Rammstein is usually on-the-nose, but the whole 'mutt' thing might be a line even they don't want to cross right now.

It's probably the millennials getting pets thing. With fewer children, a nation's population will decline. The whole astronaut bit could allude to the idea of humans eventually leaving the planet as well, leaving behind the dreams and boundaries of the past. Germany (and every country) as we know it will either fade or literally leave.

I didnt miss anything, synth beat is Xurious just saying.

Song isn't about multiculturalism. Black girl is part of the German flag outfit she has. It's about the angst Germans have with loving their country and being told to hate their past

Other than the literal WE WUZ which I can't understand was supposed to represent, I like the song and the visuals.
It still hasn't got shit on Mutter though, that album will remain peak Rammstein forever it seems. Speaking of which, that piano arrangement of Sonne in the end gave me goosebumps.

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I agree the millenials with no kids thing makes more sense BUT the mutt theory also does make sense if thats what they were trying to say. The only reason I even bring up mutts is because the dog looks awfully scruffy and ragged, they could have used a german shepherd or something else right? and even if the dog does represent mixed children, they might not be trying to convey a /pol/ msg here, but rather making a joke about how idiots refer to mixed children as mutts.

at the very beginning in the forest there's a silhouette of a wolf next to her, later she has a pack of german shepherds and the videos ends with puppies.
so, something scary and wild getting tamed and now being all kind and fluffy?

I think outlets were afraid of Rammstein simply playing dress-up for fun, the way they did in the past (astronauts, mountain climbers, women, dwarves, or fat people). No huge message, just putting on the costume because "wouldn't it be shocking?" The full video for Deutschland puts that little snippet in context, so there's no longer an issue. It's now a reenactment instead of a mere novelty.

She's Germania. What do you get when you combine black skin, red lights and yellow armor?

I was laughing my ass off the entire time at how cringeworthy the video was and the awful fucking MIDI synths and iron maiden guitars. Someone translate the lyrics so I can laugh some more.

now thats an interesting thought. I never noticed the wolf. Germany starts out as wolf (thats how romans perceived them) then becomes the pure bred german shepherd (nazism) and now its just a random puppy who's breed I was unable to tell.

>they might not be trying to convey a /pol/ msg here, but rather making a joke about how idiots refer to mixed children as mutts.
Now that, I wouldn't be surprised about. A play on controversial words without the message those words typically convey, that sounds pretty typical of Rammstein.
This is also a possibility. It could be a metaphor for the evolution of civilization, moving from ravenous animals (medieval times) to domesticated ones (modern times).

I'm glad details like this aren't straight-forward. Gives the video way more shelf life if we have to figure out at least part of it for ourselves.

Do they ever walk at a normal pace in any Rammstein video? They always walk in slow mo every video I've seen.

It's always slow walking as a group and showing racy or controversial imagery, and pyrotechnics or in this case lasers.

More like Niggermania.

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thats basically how they perform live as well.

No man you don’t get it’s supposed to be epic and awesome time and oh god mom why is my pee pee hard fuck mom i wasn’t loooking at porn mom i swear don’t take away my ipad no mom fuc

you sound like the kind of person who has over 30 different sub categories for metal.

i probably would if i gave enough of a shit about it.

That midi synth is fucking Xurious, and its awesome. waiting to libtards Realize that.

>they might not be trying to convey a /pol/ msg here, but rather making a joke about how idiots refer to mixed children as mutts.
Now that, I wouldn't be surprised about. A play on controversial words without the message those words typically convey, that sounds pretty typical of Rammstein.
This is also a possibility. It could be a metaphor for the evolution of civilization, moving from ravenous animals (medieval times) to domesticated ones (modern times).
Shit, this makes the most sense. So it's a mutt joke and it also alludes to how Germans (and perhaps other countries) viewed Germany throughout the years, but without placing a moral qualifier on it.

We wuz kangz

Kino as fuck. I'm right-wing af but rammstein are the only left guys with actual talent. Pure kino video

I don't think you know what that term means.

Synth is from Xurious.

Xurious is a far-right artist or possibly a group of artists who produces techno/vapourwave (fashwave) music to promote a far-right political ideology. Xurious describes itself as a "musician interested in mysticism, metaphysics, politics and philosophy". Xurious produces from the United Kingdom, and has been uploading music to YouTube since November 18, 2015.

He's a visitor from pol and upset about a music video that was only supposed to upset the SJW leftists and not him as well.

>They shoulda used a black guy is all im saying.

That would have triggered /polmu/ times a million.

Not him, and as someone who does have dozens of metal subcategories, I take offense that you lump me in with that shitposter


Pretty interesting how you managed to interpret a “why the fuck my pee pee hard” shitpost as “he’s a nazi”.

Germania as personification has always been female.

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pretty tame for rammstein but the video is really fucking good

>i like the visuals
>i don't understand what the black wearing red and gold meant


Why would a nazi nobody with 5K followers and a deleted bandcamp page be producing for Rammstein?

VERY interesting how you interpreted "visitor from /pol/" as "nazi"

I'm trying to imagine them walking like they're in slow motion irl as a group on stage and everywhere they go and it's making me laugh.

huh? I know the song is in German but speak English man. I was just making an observation about how goofy their videos can be with those common elements.

she´s brown, it doesn´t add up

>He's a visitor from pol

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Not really, on boards like Yea Forums the two are synonymous.

Nice source breh, it's not like they have their own keyboardist. plus Xurious has been banned from YT

Stop shilling your deleted banscamp page, xurious


>VERY interesting how you interpreted "visitor from /pol/" as "nazi"

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Is posting reddit screencaps your way of convincing people you aren’t from reddit?

What's up with lasers and shiet? Are they just there to look cool?

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This is kinda endearing

None of that was said or posed at all.

for epic gamer time effects

Wasn't the "story" of the MV that space visistor from the future are scanning old German statues and shit with those lasers and they're revisiting its history that way?

>I was only pretending to be a redditor as a prank bro, I'm actually totally on board with chan culture! Remember to vote gay marriage and welcome refugees or else you are the actual redditor haha!

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That's what I thought, just wasn't sure. Because it looks like the lasers are there on their own, the visitors don't project them themselves or anything.

Hard to fathom a music video upsets someone this much.

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Yeah man I'm FUCKING ANGRY!!

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huh, I didn't know that.

>the Xurious poster suddenly went very quiet


>heh, if I call him a redditor, surely this will help me fit in

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are you fucking 12 years old? Judaism is an ethnicity.

Women are basically animals in human form.

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it's a Rammstein video, if it's not lasers, it's fireworks or flames.

Think of things that a 14-15 year old boy would think is cool looking, black clothes (maybe even trenchcoats), sunglasses, slow motion, explosions, fire, and lasers. That's every Rammstein video.

so many people upset in this thread, I guess Rammstein did a good job, again

better than anything gaydiohead has ever put out

High IQ post

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any time you put nazis and race mixing in a video it's going to generate controversy, especially with imagery of a black woman giving birth to an animal which will infuriate a lot of people for suggesting that blacks aren't humans.

Its not the woke SJWs who are upset in this thread. Reddit is full of those. This place has the other end of the horseshoe pretending not to be upset while shitposting all threads about it.

Literally the only people getting upset at it are /pol/ tourists and underage keksitanis who had absolutely no idea who Rammstein were until this morning and assumed were Le Based And Redpilled

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Here anyway.. I'd imagine a lot of people who can't understand German but just see the video will be upset at the imagery. It's the kind of shit I expect from Rammstein though they've always gone for shock value.

rent free

>just see the video will be upset at the imagery
they shoot nazis in the face, guess who's gonna be upset at that?

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Neo Nazis and /pol/ apparently.

based rammstein

What kind of media? Why would any self-respecting newspaper care about a mediocre band?

Well thats what happened. They got hanged or shot. Commie nigger side has the entire structure collapsing on them, which is what happened to commies.

become AMERICA

they also hang a bunch of kikes, so guess who kvetched about that

The band is being hung, genius.

Become double standard.

by nazis, while they're dressed like concentration camp prisoners.

The song isn't even leftist. It's designed to show angst loving their country. On top of pissing off the media of course. Leftist media isn't happy with them

and you think that is supposed to convey a pro-nazi message or what?

they're upsetting people from left and right, which is the best marketing you could ask for

>On top of pissing off the media of course. Leftist media isn't happy with them

Didn't happen. There was one article I saw that was like "oh no they had nazi imagery that's controversial in and of itself since they're from Germany, even if they shot the nazis in the face" and the rest of the media was like "oh hey this is a pretty cool song and a cool video"

The only ones upset with them are neo-Yea Forums retards.

nah im just saying they hung jews in the video and cheekily alluded to not being allowed to discuss the holocaust in Germany. this has certainly upset many foaming lefties

>and cheekily alluded to not being allowed to discuss the holocaust in Germany. this has certainly upset many foaming lefties
where was that in the video and where are these foaming lefties

just wanted to remind you that nationalism is one of the worst memes one could ever fall for
it's being proud of something that never and will exist

you won't find them here obviously. check reddit and twitter.

at 4:03 in the video you can see the gallows with the 4 men standing at it, there is a sign on the gallows that a german told me read "no photographs" or something like that.

nationalism is perfectly fine as long you don't involve skin colour.

>Didn't happen.
Happened. Profilic german jews got angry about the trailer, if not the music video itself: foxnews.com/entertainment/german-rock-band-rammstein-slammed-for-concentration-camp-video

Do I need to go on, faggot?

You tell me where they are since you're the one who brought them up

>there is a sign on the gallows that a german told me read "no photographs" or something like that.

I think you're the one who's alluding things with your tenuous understand of the german language

famous foaming lefty media organisation Fox News

it's just bunch of jews seething

where are the lefties? I see that one Jewish Holocaust lady being quoted accross all those articles

I don't speak German at all friend, thats what someone told me. If you can read German I'd be happy to hear you confirm what the sign says. And I already told you reddit and twitter have all the butthurt lefties

It's literally just two people, the german minister of Jewish affairs or whatever and then the holocaust lady who wasn't even in the holocaust

>t-they’re not real leftists!

>And I already told you reddit and twitter have all the butthurt lefties
Show me what you're looking at please. I'm on twitter and reddit and people are just enjoying the new rammstein video.

The only people are upset are two jews in german and then the entirety of Yea Forums apparently lol

>famous foaming lefty media organisation Fox News
Your reading comprehension is something else.

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>real leftists

They're not leftists at all. You sound rather disappointed that Rammstein wasn't le Epic Kek Based And Red Pilled

That’s one way of saying you weren’t here before the video actually dropped
Unparalleled levels of rent free and seethe

>heh all the libtards are triggered!
>where did you see that?
> A fox news article that talks about two jews.

I post here everyday. Show me the threads where the libtards were buttblasted please. It sounds like you may just be shitposting or something.

>not leftist.
Fuck off jew.

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>Fuck off jew.

Ben Shapiro DESTROYS leftists with LOGIC and REASON

Like I said, only alt retards are upset at this, and two government jews in germany.

We have an archive. Check yourself.

>implying the goodest goys aren't Republican Neocons

I shouldn't have to since I was here yesterday and saw no outrage, only speculation and anticipation.

That’s great that you admit that you’re an immigrant that came here yesterday.

is it vaporwave now?

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Leftist media is freaking out over the holocaust imagery. Leftist reddit thinks it's all about them, but it's not. It's just about angst loving their country. Till is a traditionalist, he has stated this before. The end is more a warning than anything that Germany may die and needs to be continued. They do lean left, but not in the modern sense. They grew up in the DDR and criticize it in the video. They were an underground band in the DDR and have no love for that sort of leftism.

the same singular quote by one person being reused in articles does not equal 'the left is seething', please use your brain

Literacy is not your strong suit. I said I was here yesterday not that I came here yesterday for the first time. You sound upset since you're not making any sense

Rammstein deliberately tries to provoke. Anyone over age 25 knows this.

leftist media is pointing out that some people took it the wrong way, they are not freaking out themselves

k i n o uez

>Leftist media is freaking out

Just google rammstein and there's tons of "oy vey holocaust to sell records!!!" kveching.

>They do lean left, but not in the modern sense
What is modern left to you?

>leftist media is pointing out that some people took it the wrong way
I've seen right wing and centrist media report on it but actual leftist media like mother Jones or vice news aren't concerned with it

How about you post all these leftists you keep referring to. I don't see many if even any at all.

They've certainly provoked kekistan lol

SJWs who seek to dissuade free speech because it "offends" people. Essentially authoritarianism under a guise. Rammstein is nothing like this. Till is a traditionalist outdoorsman who lives in the woods. Modern day SJWs are closer to the DDR, who Rammstein isn't a fan of for very obvious reasons. Rammstein is an older school of leftist that is more broadly just anti-authoritarian. Even their links video is just broadly against authoritarianism.

Nah, the message of the vid is more centrist than you think. And it shows future Germany literally dying, so take that as you may. Not exactly predicting a glorious diverse Germany in the future.

right, so why would anybody actually be upset?

well that's even worse than i thought, that basically means the right is just making up a narrative that the left gives a shit and then all these clowns in this thread are using that to fuel their 'lol the left is seething, get wrekd' drivel

Because people are stupid, especially the media.

>And it shows future Germany literally dying
She gives birth to puppies.

no actual SJW wants to get rid of free speech, their whole MO is simply to point out context and the implications of what people say, in order to promote the idea that one should simply be mindful of others. free speech means the government can't persecute you for what you say. it does not mean that the general public isn't allowed to criticize you

which could mean a lot of things.

and yet, having the gov't punish people for what they say is EXACTLY what sjw's want, otherwise they wouldn't be involving the gov't at all, and yet they are. Do I need to remind you that in Canada it is now illegal to misgender someone?

Yeah and "it shows future Germany literally dying" is likely not one of them. It's likely just a symbol of rebirth which goes along with the so young so old lyrics.

Bullshit, it's to restrict speech because literally everything is offensive. Want to vet immigrants like any rational person? Congrats you're a nazi bigot racist!!!!!!!!

There's a German phrase about poor dogs, probably has something to do with that. Saying the future is poor dogs... it's not an optimistic phrasing. Maybe a kraut can expand on the idiom.

That and the black girl is portrayed literally as the angel of death

it could absolutely mean future Germany is dying, puppies aren't humans, they can't carry on civilization. Even bleeding heart liberals recognize that young people aren't having any real kids and thats an issue.

Not true.

>The bill is intended to protect individuals from discrimination within the sphere of federal jurisdiction and from being the targets of hate propaganda, as a consequence of their gender identity or their gender expression. The bill adds "gender identity or expression" to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination in the Canadian Human Rights Act and the list of characteristics of identifiable groups protected from hate propaganda in the Criminal Code. It also adds that evidence that an offence was motivated by bias, prejudice or hate based on a person's gender identity or expression constitutes an aggravating circumstance for a court to consider when imposing a criminal sentence.

In other words it's extra illegal to threaten or beat up or kill someone because of their gender.


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>extra illegal to threaten or beat up or kill someone because of their gender.
exactly, it was already illegal to discriminate, now you can get punished for merely triggering someone with a joke.

>This enactment amends the Canadian Human Rights Act to add gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination.

>2The purpose of this Act is to extend the laws in Canada to give effect, within the purview of matters coming within the legislative authority of Parliament, to the principle that all individuals should have an opportunity equal with other individuals to make for themselves the lives that they are able and wish to have and to have their needs accommodated, consistent with their duties and obligations as members of society, without being hindered in or prevented from doing so by discriminatory practices based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, disability or conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered.

adding nonbinary people to the list of what's considered a hate crime does not mean it's 'illegal to misgender people'. it means you can't like fire them or refuse them service for being trans.

>marital status, family status
oh dank, does that mean making fun of NEETS and virgins is wrong too?

vetting immigrants is one thing. putting them in cages and separating families simply because they're from a specific region is quite another

deutschland deutschland alles ist vorbei

Germany always had wolves in its culture and cultural identity
The black chick represents the black in the German flag you idiot. That's why she's dressed in red and yellow. She's not the angel of death lol

One nigger in the video and they paint Nazis in a bad light so you sperg out about it you stupid edgelord.

>now you can get punished for merely triggering someone with a joke.

at what point do you consider you've been lied to?

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yes? have people not lost their jobs because of this? was the Canadian national anthem not changed because some cripple got ass hurt about the word son?

Anyone who thinks Rammstein is some SJW band watch this:

Ill say this, I went to a Rammstein concert in 2017 and during the song Zerstoren (destroy), Till pulled his outfit off to reveal he was an in an islamic terrorist suicide vest. Then blew up the pyrotechnics in the vest. They are no fans of islamic bullshit.


Yep, that's till singing "destroy" then blowing himself up like a muzzie ISIS fighter. In other words, shit the SJWs REEEEEEE about. Censorship is what SJWs want, don't give me that bullshit. Even Jerry fucking Seinfeld thinks SJWs have gone way too far.

>get asked a question
>go insane


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you should ask yourself the same question.

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What does them being against ISIS have to do with SJWs and what do SJWs have to do with their new video you raving lunatic?

>Even Jerry fucking Seinfeld thinks SJWs have gone way too far.
that's a powerful and nuanced argument

Idiots are saying it's a leftist video. They aren't modern leftist at all.

>hop the border illegally
>get detained legally

It is, a straight edge clean comedy jew thinks SJWs are off their rocker. Get fucked, leftists always lose because they're nuts.

No. Even your daddy Jordan Peterson the triggerer of SJWs still teaches at the university of Toronto

>Idiots are saying it's a leftist video.
Literally who is saying this.

Why are you talking about SJWs

Do you people have brain damage

i remember being 12

I don't watch any of those people. I read news papers and thats about it.

You're not reading well enough if you think Canadians are being sent to jail because they didn't refer to someone as zi or xi

but you're the one getting butthurt right now about something as insignificant as 'all our sons' being changed to 'all of us.'

Shouldn't it be "wir was"?

yea im definitely the one who got so butthurt over a word that I petitioned the government to have it formally changed.

you can break the law and not be sent to jail, fines are a thing. But if since we're on the topic, there ARE Canadian men being held in prison for not paying alimony right now. irrelevant fact I know, but quite baffling none the less.

>It seems more like they're disappointed with how Germany has allowed itself to cripple under it's dark history
This is more or less what I took from it as well. The entire video shows Germany being beaten and beaten, often times by themselves.

Considering the fact that this was being posted before yesterday as well it’s pretty obvious that you’re either a bad liar or have a nonexistent long term memory.

you're the one who's so butthurt that you're literally seething about it a year later

How can a band with such a monotonous sounding vocalist be so catchy? Really like the song.

have you never wondered why so many people are so desperate to get the fuck out of mexico that they risk getting gunned down to try and come to the US?

I think your level of butthurt is obvious when you think that mra shit like dad's not paying alimony is "on topic" for a rammstein video lol

The music video came out this morning.

yea im absolutely SEETHING for pointing that someone got up one morning and put on a suit to go into parliament and request we change our anthem over a single word that bothered him. It is in fact me, who is upset over this despite the fact that the change was, as you stated, meaningless, and I sing the song the old way anyways without a care in the world since no one is ever going to actually punish me for doing otherwise. God you people are the definition of delusional.

is it because Mexico is a crime infested shit hole? oh wait, can't say that about a country!

It was being discussed before that, idiot.

But you're talking about it in a rammstein music video thread lol time to log off my man

nah that was an irrelevant little tid bit that I added in, as stated in that very post.

There is no 'bad guy' in times of war. There are only warring nations doing what they believe is necessary to come out ahead.
The real world is not professional wrestling.

People were speculating on a 35 second clip. Why are you so mad

so are you? I agree though, we have strayed far off topic. Lets mutually shove our heads back up our asses now and take nothing away from this conversation.

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I’m not mad, I’m pointing out your blatant newfaggotry.

well, there's no other way to change it, so he used the bare minimum of effort required. you, on the other hand, just wrote an angry paragraph to explain exactly why you're not angry

>blatant newfaggotry.
In regards to what? You're not making any sense

So not only do you not have any sort of long term memory, you have no short term memory as well. I’d tell you to get it checked out but you’ll probably forget that as well.

so you think it's right to condemn people who just want a better future, who think that america is better than their own home, simply because they had no money for a passport and had to find another way?

those people aren't even Mexican, they're mostly Hondurans from caravans

>well, there's no other way to change it
what about not changing it at all because it was never an issue to begin with? I'm done with this convo though we've strayed too far off topic, you can have the last post if you want.

I merely said that I was in yesterday's threads when the trailer was released and now you're clearly upset for no apparent reason.

but if it's not an issue, why do you care that it changed?

>so you think it's right to condemn people who break the law

I didn't come here to argue Ben Shapiro. I like rammstein

Reading through this thread it's become clear to me that the only reason they're trying so hard to "provoke" is to disguise this absolutely unremarkable piece of music.

Couldn't give less of a shit about the social commentary. Song is unimaginative, uninspired and unoriginal in the way it matters. Thanks, Yea Forums.

>who think that america is better than their own home
well see thats the problem, they don't actually say this. if they did say this I can guarantee they'd have a warmer welcome. but what actually happens is they come here, call America the shithole and then go on to call everyone in America racist. Then they hold rallies and wave the Mexican flag around, even going so far as to burn the American one.

I got nothing against people wanting to live in a better place, as long as they admit thats why they want to live there, or at the very very least, don't insult the place you so desperately want to live in.

I’m not upset, I’m pointing out your stupidity and newfaggotry. Maybe don’t go around bragging about your presence in the last 24 hours for a video that was announced 48 hours ago.

yet you're on a music board and probably pirate music and whatever else on a daily basis?

Speak for yourself.

the people who 'hold rallies and wave the mexican flag around' are usually second or third generation though. they're rightfully upset because even though they are born and raised in the US, they're still considered foreigners by a lot of people, and that's kinda bullshit. otherwise it's just people who have a mutual pride in their heritage. the flag burning is very specifically a gang thing, it's not every latin-american person who comes here and does that.

I'm just trying to understand your morality, it looks pretty broken from here

you can make this same excuse for any kind of rally, it all boils down to muh feelings got hurt. I am curious though, since you're making excuses for the flag burnings, I wonder what your stance is on the people who were at that tiki torch rally, only a few people actually had Nazi flags, so was everyone at that rally a white supremacist? if yes, then all mexicans are gang bangers and rapists. if no, then Trumps comments in regards to charlottesville were not wrong.

And I’m telling you to speak for yourself, faggot. You don’t know what I do, so don’t comment.

And sometimes what they do is bad, my dude. Kill yourself

There is a direct relationship between the people who didn't know that and the people who think this video was """"""postmodernist""""""

i did not defend flag burnings, i simply differentiated them from the rest of what you were talking about. in the case of charlottesville, anybody who was yelling 'jews will not replace us' was clearly being racist, even if some weren't white supremacists. if somebody (or even a group of people) who were part of 'unite the right' had actually been like 'hey guys, maybe we shouldn't be doing it like this', then i would say that they were at least not as shitty as everybody else. but that didn't happen, and ultimately everybody present was enabling racism, and that's more or less how nazism took off in the first place

So what if I missed a day why are you mad lol

aww, you're just mad that i made you realize your worldview is flawed

>lol u mad bro

Because you’re making blatantly untrue claims based off of limited information. So maybe stop commenting on things you clearly don’t know about.

got it, mexicans burning flag = reasonable.

i never said anything close to that, learn to read

What was untrue

>no outrage, only speculation and anticipation.

if everyone at charlottesville should have condemned the nazi flags, then everyone at those flag burning rallies should be condemning the flag burners no?

So where was the outrage

And we’re back to . History truly does repeat itself.

But you apparently know where the outrage was why are you keeping it a secret

It’s not a secret. It’s publicly available on the archive, but of course a newfag scoundrel like you doesn’t know what that is.

I checked the archives and didn't see any outrage. Where did you see it?

Not knowing how to use search engines is a sign of mental retardation.

>they don't actually say this
how would you know?

>only a few people actually had Nazi flags, so was everyone at that rally a white supremacist?
who made that claim? and your standard for white supremacist is incredibly stupid. i'm pretty sure you can be a nazi without carrying around a flag

>got it, mexicans burning flag = reasonable.
why do you keep bringing up flag burning? if that's your idea of a horrific crime then you're incredibly naive

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Well now I know you're trolling. What a shame.

Yeah but there are no 'bad guys' you raging unloved autist

Oh hey I haven’t seen that screencap in years. Guess this is what happens when you run out of armchair psychologist “intellectual” screencaps to “btfo” people with.

first off, my whole point in my first response (the one before you brought up charlottesville) was that there are a lot of rallies that do not have any flag burning whatsoever. it's also impossible to really answer your question because you're comparing an actual event to a hypothetical 'what if' scenario, so your statement of 'if x then surely y' makes no fucking sense.

You mean you weren’t trolling all along? You were being retarded unintentionally?

why not just give the other guy an example of the supposed outrage? is it because you don't have a real one?

No, because anyone who has used this site for anything more than a week knows how to find shit in the archives. The fact that he’s unable to proves my point.

right but if you just showed him an example you would have avoided the entire headache

Headache? If calling someone stupid several times in a roundabout manner gives you migraines I have bad news for you.

I was never trolling I wanted to see how far you could maintain your facade. Not too long it seems. Low effort and quite sad.

it's pretty easy to say it's on the archive when you don't have an actual argument though

i just meant you wouldn't have had to do any of that

So yeah, you were being retarded naturally then. Cool.
It’s pretty easy to claim it doesn’t exist to pretend there is no argument as well. What now?
But that would be no fun.

>over 300 replies of pointless bickering
never change

How do you find shit that isn't there because you made it up?

>But that would be no fun
You being mad on the internet is your idea of fun?

Keep denying it exists buddy, it’s definitely helping your case.

I’m mad? Shit, this whole time I was eating my lunch and laughing I was actually mad! I didn’t even realize! Thanks for informing me internet stranger.

so, pretending to be mad on imageboards is your idea of fun?

The same thing you'd get if they got an american indian to where black and gold armor?

The same thing you'd get if you got a chink to where red and black armor?

Proof of burden is on you. We're asking you where this outrage is and you refuse to show any examples.

>I saw a unicorn the other day
>where was that?
>I'm not telling you go find it yourself

I don't think so buddy. Show us that unicorn or delete your account

You’re an absolute master of reading emotions. You should be a psychologist or a therapist.

You've been eating your lunch for like 6 hours?

The outrage is clearly recorded on the archives. Your denial of its existence only makes my case and my erection harder.
>delete your account
Epic bait fellow redditor

I’ve been in this thread for 6 hours?

>It’s pretty easy to claim it doesn’t exist to pretend there is no argument as well. What now?
well no, my argument is that that the outrage likely doesn't doesn't exist. i never pretended there is no argument, just that you don't have one, or at least that you have nothing to support your claim

I have the archive to support my claim. The evidence is being handed to you and you are screaming “no, it doesn’t exist! you have no argument!” like the childish brat you are.

>calling people retarded
>using the phrase 'newfag scoundrel'
>who me? MAD?
yeah, you're really doing a good job of conveying how totally calm you are

>you said word, you angry

saying the archive exists doesn't support your claim. if you can't provide even one singular example, why should i believe anything you say? that, and your insistence that everybody calling you out is some kind of 'retard', suggest that you're merely projecting, that you saw one quote and thought 'oh man, outrage!'

It does, because the archive supports my claim.
>everybody calling you out is some kind of 'retard', suggest that you're merely projecting
Oh the pottery

>it does because it does
holy shit you're actually an imbecile

>saying this peer review study exists doesn’t support your claim
>yes it does, it has statistics that prove my claim

except you're telling me to go through the entire peer-review board's archive to find the one specific graph in the study that you're talking about, without any information regarding what i might be looking for

No, if I was telling you to go through the entire archive I’d just tell you that there was a thread about it on a website without saying what site it was. I’ve narrowed it down not just to the site but to the board as well, and the timeframe. Go find the statistic yourself you clown.

>here's a graph with ambiguous x and y, and here's a bunch of numbers. interpret them exactly as this graph did

Anyone with a brain should be able to do that given the context. Which we have.

fair enough, but surely you see that your opinion is basically your interpretation of a bunch of posts, that somebody else might pick up on totally different parts than you did, and that ultimately they might never see what you're talking about because people have different views on what is or isn't proper conduct and so on

Not really my problem if they suck at intepreting posts. Not much I can do about it either, so why even bring it up?

but it's not 'they suck at interpreting posts' it's that people are different, what you see as outrage might seem totally neutral to somebody else. i look at racism and i think 'how the fuck are people so small minded', but there are plenty of others that simply see it as a part of life. your opinion is not fact

The archive doesn't support your claim though. There was no outrage at the time. The only outrage later came from triggered wannabe Nazis

>“this isn’t outrageous at all, what are you talking about?”
You’re acting like outward expressions of anger are anything similar to political opinions on controversial topics.

Denying reality is fun.

Who are you quoting

You tell me about it you're the one saying that you're having fun right? Saying that there was foaming lefty outrage and whatnot while being absolutely unable to link to said outrage.

No one, just an admittedly exaggerated example to prove a point.

video made me want to get violated by a black chick

I’m having fun laughing at you denying reality. I’m not even the guy who said anything about foaming lefty outrage, I just joined in to make fun of you. You’re so cute.

damn, i want to be german now, that DEUTSCHLAND yell is going to give chills in their concerts

but nobody would be stupid enough to react to rammstein like that. maybe like one person, but one person overreacting isn't a shitstorm, it's just one idiot

How is you lying about there being outrage in the archive supposed to make fun of me? You're the one coming off as an absolutely autistic retard with no life.

There definitely were at least 2 people who reacted to it like that on the news. So your argument is already moot from the getgo. Either way who gives a shit, it proves the point about lefties (more than one) being angry.
Absolutely, pretending that evidence doesn’t exist when shown in his face to win arguments is the hallmark of a non-autistic non-retarded person.

>evidence doesn’t exist when shown in his face
You said to go look in the archive to go find posts that didn't exist since you your self could not link them, since they do not exist

>you only linked me this peer review study, not the specific statistic! your evidence doesn’t exist!
So much ego, it’s delicious.

2 people got offended by a shock rock band because they didn't understand it. a veritable outrage!

i'm not angry, i'm just dumbfounded by your inability to argue beyond telling people they're wrong

You don't have to be a lefty to think that a rock band using Nazi and holocaust imagery in their music is controversial. One of those people in the news, all two of them, sits in some Israeli council so she's not completely leftist. Try again.

You didn't link us to anything. Are you insane?

Well yeah, it’s more than one person (plural), both are leftists (lefties) and they’re angry. So it’s lefties outraging yeah?
>i'm just dumbfounded by your inability to argue beyond telling people they're wrong
Said the guy whose ability to argue starts and ends at denying reality.
>no true leftist
I did. The archive is waiting for you.

The archive shows no such thing. You're really bad at this you've trolled yourself right into the same corner like three times already. The only way you can prove that there was lefty outrage on Yea Forums is for you to show it. You can't though. Sucks to be you

>Said the guy whose ability to argue starts and ends at denying reality.
now you're just conflating me with somebody else

and no, an 'outrage' implies that a lot of people were upset by it. 2 people is not a scandal, you just got duped by some clickbait headline and now you're trying to pivot your statements to seem like they fit with what you were arguing before

How are they leftist?

You’re just gonna keep repeating this line about it not existing? Cool.
Outrage does not imply any number, it implies scale of emotion.
>the anger and resentment aroused by injury or insult
Use your brain boy.

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Well we've asked you nicely to link to those threads in the archives full of outrage and you're unable to because they don't exist. The only one repeating repeating themselves is you because you ended up trolling your self

You keep begging to be spoonfed over and over but all this time all you’ve done is expose how much of a useless child you are. It’s really pathetic but also highly entertaining, hence I continue to respond to you.

>it's also impossible to really answer your question because you're comparing an actual event to a hypothetical 'what if' scenario,
Mexicans burning the American flag at a protest is a "what if" scenario?

>highly entertaining
You arguing yourself into circles is highly entertaining? Are you paraplegic or something? You're not even pretending to argue in good faith anymore.

Any one can find Nazi imagery in pop culture to be controversial without being a lefty as you call them. Especially if they're Jewish.

Watching you try to deny reality over and over again screaming NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO THIS ISN’T REAL is beyond entertaining. It’s almost performance art.
Hmmmm, maybe, maybe not. Doesn’t make these people not leftists.

I never screamed or said any of that. You're the one repeating "but.... The archives!" because you accidentally trolled yourself into a hole you can't dig out of. Now you have to resort to snarky comments and hyperbole that really shows your true colors. The sad thing is that it's entertaining to you. This was just a distraction as I'm watching tv but you're fully committed to your insane trolling where the only thing you have left is "You're denying reality" and "check the archives" over and over to any one who called you out. I feel pity for you, somewhat.

absurdly hilarious

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well, you're not giving an example of an instance where that happened, you're talking about it as the general concept of flag burning. it's not the same as charlottesville, which is an actual singular event that took place, whose motives were quite clearly established. context is necessary for there to be any comparison between the two things. furthermore, toting a nazi flag isn't symbolic, it sends a clear message of hatred. flag burning is evocative and can offend some people, sure, but it is usually a pacifistic expression of frustration at the country's double-standards despite all its promises of freedom and equality for all.

at this point i think it's clear that no matter what we say, this guy's gonna think he 'won', so fuck it

My man having a schizophrenic meltdown on a Mongolian throat singing message board because of a German rock band. Yikes.

this comment made all my attempts at trying to reason with that guy feel worth it. thank you user

Imagine needing emotional support to cope over an internet argument, christ.
If you think me writing some exaggerated shitpost to mock you is a schizophrenic meltdown god help you in the real world my dear child.