Play music for a normalfag

>play music for a normalfag
>song has ~5 seconds of something atonal or experimental
>"Yeah... this isn't really music."

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Other urls found in this thread:

>first 10 seconds
>"user, please turn this off"

>play song to friend
>first 5 seconds is not upbeat
>"Don't you have anything more fun? I don't like dark music"

>first 5 seconds of a house song has played
>"I don't like techno"

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Just tell them it’s an intro

>play The Seer on a roadtrip
>Force friends to listen to the entire song
Who /devilish/ here?

>Play something for a normie
>"This is annoying."

I've played music for my mom a few times on roadtrips. The worst thing I played was Flood by Boris and she made me turn it off.

kick this donkey betabitchfaggots ass

Yeah your supposed to turn it off after the first 15 minutes because the rest of it sucks

Flood I is the worst part so I believe I skipped it. She made me turn it off during Flood III which is actually good.

If I drive I choose the music. Usually I drive and it's The Dillinger Escape Plan for everyone

>drum solo lasts 2 minutes
>"I don't think I like this Red Emperor thing, user"

>play some kate bush
>"not really into disney music user"

inbuilt pleb filter

50% of the time I play something to my mum she calls it "itchy jazz" and asks me to change it

>play song for a friend
>they laugh

>play death grips in front on my buddy
> he starts yelling RAHRAHRAHRAH THIS ISNT MUSIC in his MC Ride voice
what the fuck bros

>put on Fishmans for a friend
>say "i know it might sound a little annoying at times but when you get used to it it's really good"
>"yeah it is really annoying"
i know i kind of asked for it but come on

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Trying to get my girlfriend to listen to more music outside of popular trap music has truly tested the limits of my monogamous relationship

>plays Pork and Beans by Weezer
>"user why don't you put on the Black Album?"

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>play a song for a friend
>have no friends

then who heard the song?

>play song for my girlf-

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>Girlfriend listens to trap
it's monogamous for you maybe

Your friends all have better taste than you.

this. normies got better taste just in the fact that they dont really give a shit about peoples thoughts on their music that much, they just listen to new trap bangers and i gotta give some respect to that.

this man is trapped in an ungodly paradox

My mom got mad because of the yelping on ゆらめき In The Air

>they dont really give a shit about peoples thoughts on their music that much
This isn't true at all. Normalfags consume media based on what other people know of. They watch every new Netflix special because they know they can talk about it with other people. They listen to popular music because they know everyone else knows the words. There's nothing respectable about that.

>play shit music
>upset when people with good taste dont like it
>act like a haughty asshole when people dont praise my garbage taste
>confused forever about lack of understanding from friends and family

>guy keeps pestering me to put on music
>i tell him no and keep refusing since my music's "weird"
>tells me he doesn't care
>put on age of naples and expect the worst
>10 seconds go by
>"Oh, this is that band Coil"
>I freak out and ask him how he knows about them
>"Uhh, cause they're famous? They're one of the biggest industrial/experimental groups of all time"
>o-oh haha yeah
>"They're pretty boring in my opinion but you do you man"
this dude was just some weeb at my uni gaming club. fucking hell.

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Why do you post on this board

I did this on a road trip to AZ with my mom and little brother

>"They're pretty boring in my opinion but you do you man"
that guy is definitely a secret chad

user you have just met the elusive Patrician Chad.
You're lucky you survived to tell the tale.

Lmao this is how I imagine the 18 year old Yea Forumsdrone on here interacting with a guy who actually likes and actively finds new music


Can't relate- my mom is a patrician who listens to Beatles, Elvis, and Simon/Garfunkle

So your mom was every teenage girl in the 60s and 70s?

"lmfao" if true

fucking MOGGED hard

He's reading this right now, you realize

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I forced my friends to listen to mourning glory by ween. Idk why they even like me

Hey that's pretty cool

wow i bet you got traumatized poor user suffering amongst the plebs

this is, quite dope

Not everyone wants to be subjected to garbage. People are entitled to opinions. Make a playlist of top 100 hits. It's not hard.

>plays American Spirits-Inner Wave, upbeat song
>gets to vocals
>turn this off user, i cant even understand what hes saying

>plays Paranoid Android
>"I like how anxious this makes me feel"

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Everyone's just living they're lives. Why do you care? He seems happy, are you against happiness? Are you so bitter that you get upset when people are happy? Why do you care dude? It doesn't affect your life. People are individuals and can do whatever they want. I am just happy that people are happy. Everyones doing their best. We're all basically the same person. No one is smarter or better than anyone else lol who are you to judge? Wow you're soooo smart for judging and criticizing someone. Why judge someone? Why not just let him live his life? Why do you care so much? Im happy for others when their happy. I dont judge

Ummm why are you so upset? You literally have a great life? Why don't you just relax? haha You can do whatever you want in modern society. Aren't you tired of being upset about things you can't change? Why don't you just relax and enjoy life? Why waste your time criticizing others, lol? Why not just relax and stop being upset? Who hurt you? Who hurt you so that you feel the need to judge others instead of just enjoying life and relaxing? Why are you so upset? I'm happy, other people are happy, why can't you be happy? Life is good and everyone's just trying their best to be happy and buy the things that make them happy... Maybe the problem is really with you?? Idk maybe you need to learn to relax and stop being so obsessed with what other people are doing? Why don't you just relax user, and enjoy life?

>play "Crash Into Me" for OP's mom
>"Can I suck your dick, user?"

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That's not what taste is you fucking mong.

>tfw when you'll never go on a roadtrip with people who have similar music tastes as you where you'll take turns playing songs and nobody will tell you to change the song because it's too long or atonal

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the first 10 seconds is unironically the best part

>"why do you only play classic rock?"
>i haven't played any classic rock
>"THIS song is classic rock dude..."
>it's a trip-hop song from the '90s
>"i mean that it's of that general genre"
>it really isn't, it's -
>classic rock is just a radio -
>i don't know what to tell you
>"i'm just curious why you don't branch out"


>with normalfag friend on the car
>he only listens to post malone and drake
>"user, put on some of your weird music haha"
>"haha sure dude, choose something in the phone"
>chooses Rosetta Stoned
>"dude wtf is that guy even singing?"
>listens to the whole think
>"whoa user, this was great, what was that?"
It was weird but also great. I love my frens.

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>why don't you just relax
>Why Don't You Just Relax